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Multiple Personalities

Guest IM_Moore
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As someone else here stated, you are exasperating because you MUST always be right. Well, honey, you are WRONG! There is a difference.

It's just the same as someone who throws the first punch. I never said I was better than anyone here, just that I am NOT the one to start BULLSHIT like you and FFF have. Talking to you is like talking to a wall. Your veiled insults say more about you than anything.

So, take your load of crap and peddle it elsewhere.



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Oh, by the way Picky, I never said I was being forced to respond nor am I blaming anyone else for my actions. I said I never START IT. BIG



The other big difference is that I, unlike you, don't post under numerous names cloaked in anonymity. I use my real name, a picture and

my phone #'s are posted. A little pissant coward like yourself would not be so quick with the names and insults in a less anonymous



I've not attacked people when it "suited me", only when I was being

called names or insulted. So, if you don't like, don't start it. Trust

me on this, I will hunt you down like a rabid dog on these message boards anytime you throw the first punch, so to speak. And I will find

much "amusement" in doing so!



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Guest Jason Coxx

RE: Multiple Personalities - Jason Coxx/FFF


I have stayed out of this stupid argument long enough!


First - I would like to state that I am NOT Fin Fang Foom. I know who he is but he and I are not the same person. FFF has been a friend of mine for many years and I stay with him when I am in NYC. A lot of this confusion may have started because at times we sound alike. This is because FFF has assisted me when I needed help writing a response to a negative review that I have received. I am not the best writer and I needed some help.


Second - Hooboy you claim to be investigating if FFF and I are the same person. If you need help finding out who FFF is, why don't you just do a search in the top frame of your website for "Fin Fang Foom". You will see three reviews that FFF posted. Call each of these three escorts and ask them if I have ever hired them. The answer will be NO. They know exactly who FFF is. It is up to them if they want to tell you who FFF is, but they will for sure be able to tell you that FFF is 100% for sure not me.


Third - I would like to talk about Rick Monroe and FFF. This all started because I would not tell Rick Monroe who FFF was. This past summer I met Rick and his boyfriend Derek. At this meeting he asked me if I knew who FFF was and I told him yes but I could not tell him because I promised FFF that I would keep his identity a secret. At this time Rick told me that FFF was bugging him and asked me to tell him to stop. I relayed the info to FFF and I thought that was the end of it. Later that summer I met Rick and Derek on Fire Island and they again asked me if I could tell him who FFF is. I could not tell him and that was the last I heard from Rick. (Rick - This summer at FI if you had looked right behind you on the bench you would have seen FFF)


Fourth - I would like to address the rumors that JeffOH has been spreading about me for the past couple of weeks and what Hooboy has inappropriately hinted at. People have been hinting to the fact that I am a Drug Addict. I have used drugs, including crystal, in the past. Two years ago I went to rehab to clean up my life and have since been in NA and AA. Fin Fang Foom has been a big help in my sobriety. While I have not been perfect all the time, I am working one day at a time to clean up my life. I go each week to therapy and for drug screenings and attend a few meetings each week. I am very upset with Rick Monroe for telling Hooboy about our private conversation and NO I never asked Rick to buy drugs! I thought that when I spoke with him about my past life I was doing so in confidence, I guess I was wrong. (By the way Rick and Derek you are not such saints yourselves and to JeffOH you may have stopped drinking 13 years ago but you do not sound sober)

I am very upset that I had to be drawn into this but I was not going to break my promise to FFF and tell Rick or Hooboy who he is. You can all call me a liar and say that Fin Fang Foom and I are the same person but this is just not true.


Jason Coxx



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Guest pickwick

>Oh, by the way Picky, I never said I was being forced to

>respond nor am I blaming anyone else for my actions. I said

>I never START IT. BIG



It's still your choice to attack people, Jeff. Yours and no one else's. Yours. No one makes you do it. Your choice.


>The other big difference is that I, unlike you, don't post

>under numerous names cloaked in anonymity. I use my real

>name, a picture and

>my phone #'s are posted. A little pissant coward like

>yourself would not be so quick with the names and insults in

>a less anonymous



Not everyone wants the world to know that he is a whore or a whoremonger, Jeff. In fact, it's pretty clear that the vast majority of people who participate in this site would not do so without the anonymity it provides. But don't take my word for it. Ask them.


>I've not attacked people when it "suited me", only when I

>was being

>called names or insulted.


And who decides when you've been insulted? You, right? And when you decide you've been insulted, it suits you to sling some insults of your own. Well, I can see why you think you're better than the rest of us. Absolutely.



So, if you don't like, don't start

>it. Trust

>me on this, I will hunt you down like a rabid dog on these

>message boards anytime you throw the first punch, so to

>speak. And I will find

>much "amusement" in doing so!



Jeff, there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that you can do to prevent me from saying anything I please in this or any other forum. But there is something you can do for yourself. See your doctor and have him check your meds. I think whatever you are taking to control the "manic" phase is not working. I am worried about you.

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Guest Tampa Yankee

Nice to see you didn't forget your friends... but what puzzles me is why you felt compelled to make several emails (at least recipients addresses) rather than a single post here -- ...several birds with one stone if you will. Almost seems as though you were hiding your screen name transition to the members at large.

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>It's still your choice to attack people, Jeff. Yours and no

>one else's. Yours. No one makes you do it. Your choice.



Of course NitPick, you are SO right. You insult and I will choose to insult you back. Pretty simple. But, I won't be the one to start such bullshit.


>And who decides when you've been insulted? You, right? And

>when you decide you've been insulted, it suits you to sling

>some insults of your own. Well, I can see why you think

>you're better than the rest of us. Absolutely.



Once again Picky, get your head out of your ass. I never said I thought I was "better" than anyone who does start such crap.




>Jeff, there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that you can do

>to prevent me from saying anything I please in this or any

>other forum. But there is something you can do for

>yourself. See your doctor and have him check your meds. I

>think whatever you are taking to control the "manic" phase

>is not working. I am worried about you.


Never said I could prevent you from saying whatever assinine thing you want, now did I? I will be there though slinging the mud right back at you every chance I get.


Save your insincere concern, Sybil. I wouldn't want you to worry about me for one second. Looking forward to future lively exhanges with you and your "gang" of verbal terrorists.




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RE: Multiple Personalities - Jason Coxx/FFF


Sounds like FFF's long rambling explanation of a couple weeks ago.

I love hearing the excuses. But, then again I was always a big fiction fan.


I hope you are truly off the crystal. I know what addiction is about.

Whether you think I "sound sober" or not is irrelevant. I know I am and that's all that matters.



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RE: Multiple Personalities - Jason Coxx/FFF


"Second - Hooboy you claim to be investigating if FFF and I are the same person. If you need help finding out who FFF is, why don't you just do a search in the top frame of your website for "Fin Fang Foom". You will see three reviews that FFF posted. Call each of these three escorts and ask them if I have ever hired them. The answer will be NO. They know exactly who FFF is. It is up to them if they want to tell you who FFF is, but they will for sure be able to tell you that FFF is 100% for sure not me."


Well, I did a search which produced 3, count 'em 3 reviews, but FFF says on one review he's submitted 4 and on another 5 or more. What's up with that FANG. Besides, it would be quite easy to pick some escorts at random and submit reviews that are rather vague. I don't know who most of the guys are that have reviewed me. Like these escorts are going to remember anyway. Means nothing.



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"See your doctor and have him check your meds. I

>think whatever you are taking to control the "manic" phase

>is not working. I am worried about you."


10/31/2001 delhi This bumhole has been ragging on me for some reason even though I can't remember exchanging a single word with him. Could be the meds he takes for that bipolar thing.


Getting sloppy Picky, funny how one of your other personalities mentions the same thing, huh? I know, it must be hard juggling so many identities.


By the way, I have "mixed-state" manic-depression. I don't have classic symptoms of a manic high. So, save your diagnosing for yourself. Actually, you would probably require a team of psychiatrists

who enjoy a challenge.



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Guest pickwick

>Nice to see you didn't forget your friends... but what

>puzzles me is why you felt compelled to make several emails

>(at least recipients addresses) rather than a single post

>here -- ...several birds with one stone if you will. Almost

>seems as though you were hiding your screen name transition

>to the members at large.


What is the expression that is so popular now . . . DUH!, I believe, is the one. I emailed people because unlike yourself not everyone reads every thread and post on this site. I certainly don't. As to the members at large, I doubt there are many who care. I pay them the compliment of assuming that most of them have far more interesting and important things to think about during the course of the average day. It's a pity one can't say the same about you. Have you thought about taking up golf?

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Guest Tampa Yankee



As to the members at large, I

>doubt there are many who care.


I think you sell yourself short. I'm sure many long-time members would care... maybe not enough to lose sleep but enough to appreciate knowing what happened to an old hand on the boards.


I pay them the compliment of

>assuming that most of them have far more interesting and

>important things to think about during the course of the

>average day.


That's nice of you to do and I agree with your sentiment. But they obviously find time to visit here too, occasionally, out of interest I would assume.

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Again, you dont know me, and I live far enough away to not possibly be any of the posters you claim are one and the same person or whatever, unless they can exist in different time zones simultaneously).


I would like to make one small comment on a recurrent criticism you make when trying to "prove" multiple personalities here.


Among many in the gay community (including closeted gays) there is a sort of common current terminology which makes the rounds - just as in straight society.


People all of a sudden started saying "HELLOOO" in common talk (stolne from Seinfeld). Later other phrases came up. As an expatriate living overseas, I notice these because on my visits to the States, I am confronted by these new expressions. Just look how much terminology has entered our common "US vocabulary" in recent weeks following the WTC/DC attacks ("Bin Laden" "Taliban" etc...)


In recent months, all kinds of jokes and comments about "checking your meds" etc... have been very common. I hear them among work colleagues both in Europe and the States, I hear them in gyms, I hear them on planes, I hear them in both straight and gay bars. Is it not vaguely possible that two, three or twenty posters here use the same turn of phrase? Just an observation, and it is not meant as a personal criticism, personal attack, name calling or anything else.

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>In recent months, all kinds of jokes and comments about

>"checking your meds" etc... have been very common. I hear

>them among work colleagues both in Europe and the States, I

>hear them in gyms, I hear them on planes, I hear them in

>both straight and gay bars. Is it not vaguely possible that

>two, three or twenty posters here use the same turn of

>phrase? Just an observation, and it is not meant as a

>personal criticism, personal attack, name calling or

>anything else.


Adriano...no one else has stooped so low as to make reference to my manic-depression(other than FFF/JC). Why is it that they feel so free

to mock this disease? I don't find it funny at all. Try living with it

for most of your life and you'd know what I mean. And someone would have to be blind, deaf and dumb not to see a pattern amongst all the

aforementioned "posters". Just look at Pickwick, lambchop, creosote,

cassius, clemencee and a few others. Particularly their patterns in

rating and commenting on other posters. It is SO obvious. Some people aren't nearly as observant as others. I believe I was right about FFF

and I'm fairly certain I'm right in this situation. But, the more

THEY say, the more they incriminate themselves. I'll leave it to them to do the exposing.




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>Hoo, it was debated all over the boards


All over? I believe it was one thread.


>using another user name and was actually having

>conversations with himself.


In that thread I responded to comments by CTMUSH, HB, and FFF...no one else.


And I still stand by my comments to you that in a forum wherein everyone is hiding behind one or more screens names and/or Email accounts it strikes me as a bit hypocritical for anyone to challenge another.

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