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Chemistry Has Nothing To Do With It

Guest N
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>actually, except for the bit about

>sean, i totally agree with

>what you've said. chemistry isn't

>a factor. that being said,

>there ARE times when the

>two people involved will JUST

>NOT HAVE FUN, regardless of

>the escort's acting abilities. when

>that happens, i'd say "discount

>the fee & don't prolong

>a bad situation".


So you agree but you don't agree? :-)


There's a local escort who has a pretty good reputation here. I've been with him but likely won't be again. The sex was good (great actually), and he was nice enough. But there wasn't enough of a "spark" between us for me to hire him again. Would I fuck him again? Yeah, sure! He's a great lay! I just don't feel like spending time with him.


There's another local who is not so well known, but when we were together something "clicked" and I realized I enjoyed spending time with him. I've hired him several times.


(And there's one more, he knows who he is, who I think will fall into that repeat category if my screwball schedule ever lets us get together.)


Chemistry may not be the right word for it, but when two people are interacting there is definitely something that makes it work or not work. And it doesn't come solely from one or the other -- it's a tandem production. As the old saying goes, it takes two to tango.

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>Let's be realistic. To expect friendship,

>caring and love from an

>escort is to be unrealistic.

> These guys are being

>paid to give the impression

>of some or even all

>of the above. For

>us to expect that it

>is real is for us

>to be naive.



You may be correct in some (even most) cases, but I have to object to the above opinion as stated as an absolute truth. Escorts are human beings just like the rest of us. While they may be paid to create the illusion of friendship, I am sure that there are times when the "chemistry" between customer and escort is just right and true friendship, even true love given enough time, can develop between them. For a customer to expect it in every case is indeed naive but to feel it in those times when escort and customer really click and communicate honestly over time is a beautiful thing.

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Guest cp8036

I think you said it well Rod. Is about using chemisty as an excuse for a bad meeting. If the client was rude, drunk/high, dirty, smelly, or bad bed linens we can understand the bad outcome. Or, if the client has such mental issues (esteem, confidence)it would have been impossible for the best escort to turn out a good date.


I mentioned before I met an escort that was quite unsatisfactory. Via emails, he replied he was sorry that I wasn't pleased, but can only think was an issue of a lack of chemistry.


I replied back that chemistry really shouldn't be the big issue in a one hour sex date, considering we were friendly, had mutual respect, no attitude, and I was clean. If was a dinner, an overnighter, travel, or non-commercial date, then chemisty would indeed be important. Later he admitted his fault in taking an appointment when he should have rescheduled.


I am an average looking guy, groomed, not obese, but do realize that I may or may not be the type an escort genuinely likes. Genuine attraction should not be the issue any more than chemisty is. The exchange of money compensates for that. If an escort only met guys he really likes, finds mentally/physically/sexually attractive, his client pool would surely shrink.


Very true that money does not buy the right to be insulting, rude, or unreasonable.

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Guest WetDream

N., I join with others in thanking you for posting such an interesting thread -- one that has gained discussion without hostility. It seems that all of us agree on the basic minimum: cleanliness, professionalism and good communication on the part of the escort and client alike. I also think that what you described in your original post was a description of an "ideal" situation. When interaction between two (well, maybe three) people is involved, things usually aren't ideal.


To avoid dissapointment, it is a good idea to be a bit flexible -- to participate in the process rather than anticipating the results. A case in point: I hired my current escort recently for visit number four. He knows that I like to end a session by getting vigorously topped. About halfway through, he began to lose his erection, as surprising to him as it was to me. He remembered that he had taken pain medication that morning for a back problem. We both realized that I wasn't going to get the screwing that I had expected. Expectations shifted and we explored other areas (such as deep kissing that hadn't occurred in our prior session) and wound up having one of the best dates yet. One that was thoroughly enjoyed by both of us. When I see him later this week, I hope we can keep some of our new discoveries with each other -- and that he will give me the good fuck I usually receive from him.


Obviously, my feelings about him would have been different if this had been our first appointment. Also, I enjoy a pretty wide rage of acceptable activies. And I know that some people want certain things to happen in a given order. When I have had a less than satisfactory session with an escort, it us usually because of some preconceived mind set about how the drama would occur.


While I don't expect romance and friendship from an escort, I do wanta warm physical connection in the majority of my dates with escorts. Sometimes I just want to be bossed around -- and I know who to call when I'm in this kind of mood. Whatever the situation, I find that I usually have better sex when I don't have a rigid game plan but go with the flow within the parameters that have been discussed.

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I had hoped when I started this thread that there would be a discussion from which all of us could come away possibly a bit smarter or understanding then we were when we entered.


I want to thank everyone for taking this seriously and not using it as a platform for the bile that has too often killed other threads.


I, for one, am forced to realize that 'blanket' statements do not necessarily cover a topic. The additional comments that have been made have caused me to see a bit of the possible flexiblity that can ease a difficult situation.


I hold to my believe that a professional should be able to function well whether there is chemistry or not. Also that if they can not perform to their stated agreement, they should make some kind of reparation.


But, I also think we need to remember that there are always more sides to any issue than we have the ability or the time to explore. Rather, think of these threads as archetypical. The more slack we cut each other the more we can all learn.


Thanks again.



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Guest DCescortBOY

RE: I will own your sorry ass!


there's nothing sorry about it :)

OMG... we've progressed to speaking TO one another now!

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Guest DCescortBOY

let's face it:

there are situations where chemistry plays a role, and situations where it is nonexistent.


i've had appointments where talking & getting to know one another JUST were not necessary. the client just wanted something shoved up his hole. to this client, my witty banter is irrelevant.


if it is just an hour appointment, i think "chemistry" is an easy excuse for an escort to use. it may be true SOMETIMES, but not often. a decent escort should be able to maintain the illusion of "chemistry" for an hour, provided the client is somewhat receptive.


am i equivocating?

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Guest jeffOH

CHEMISTRY isn't just a physical thing. I've had "chemistry" with

clients to whom I wasn't attracted physically. I often just

enjoy the pleasure I'm giving and the intimacy we're sharing.


I've often had friends tell me that they couldn't have sex with

someone to whom they're not attracted. I tell them it's not

about me and what turns me on...it's about being in tune with the

client. I perform best with clients who want to make love...who

want more than just the physical act. Then, I can get into the

"Zone" where the client and I are totally in sync...where every-

thing happens naturally. It's like a dance where I take the lead.

I don't consciously think, "Ok, now I'll do this, or I'll do that," I just let go and ride the wave.



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>am i equivocating?


Quite nicely, and in a very gracious way, I think.


We actually agree again. (Would you STOP this already? ;-))


There are times when it doesn't matter at all and times when it matters a lot.


I'll never be the guy you know who just wants a dick in a hole. I'm the guy wanting to PUT a dick in a hole. That may account for some of our differences, but the core of the matter is ...


your mileage may vary. <shrug>

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RE: Chemistry Has EVERYTHING to Do with It


> The last 3 escorts I hired all

>failed to achieve an erection.

>I never discussed the impotence issue

>with the agency that represented

>them and paid them their full fee.


I ALWAYS let the agency know when this kind of thing happens. It is their obligation, IMHO, to send guys who are fresh enough to get hard.




>Everything else about the encounter was satisfactory

>BUT I did expect an erection.


That seems a fair expectation.


>From now on, I will make it clear

>ahead of time that "erections" are expected. I still

>don't know how to approach

>the issue without sounding demanding

>or arrogant. Any suggestions on how to do this "gracefully".


I'd tell them that you have had experiences with escorts who couldn't stay hard and don't want any more like it. Ask THEM what they think you should do if it happens again.



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Guest Stephan-Lacoste


More I read your posts, more I respect you

Again In this whole things, I'm Completely Stocked and can't say much because of a Lack of knowledge in english + Vocabulary.

I just wish everyone would see that chemistry the same way you see it.




Stephan Lacoste




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