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PLEASE Help! Scared to Death!

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58 minutes ago, SouthOfTheBorder said:


@SouthOfTheBorder - Again, it's sad that you felt the need to accuse me of lying (and now accuse me of apparently being a scammer?) simply because I came here asking for advice in a scary situation. Genuinely do not understand how someone sees someone scary and asking for advice, and immediately thinks scammer, but what do I know. Honestly, I've done absolutely wrong, and nothing at all that suggests I'm not being 100% authentic here. The distrust is all on you.

As I said, I have proof of everything I've claimed. I've chosen not to share it, because I'm afraid the professional who made these death threats/hacking threats would try and hurt me further if I shared it and his identity. I don't know what he's capable of, and I feel like most people in my shoes would also protect themselves first. If you cannot accept my story without said proof, I don't know what to tell you. There are many others on here who claim to have gone through similar things with professionals. I simply only asked for advice though, and if you didn't like that, it seems like you could have easily just scrolled by.

At the end of the day, this world would be a much better place if we all spread a little kindness and compassion for others. It's truly not hard to do. 99.99% of those who have responded have been extremely kind, and have given great advice. I'm grateful for that. For a reason I'll likely never understand, you saw a scared person asking for advice, and decided rather than being kind to them you'd suggest they were lying or here to scam someone. I guess I don't have to get it, but I just find it really sad. 

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On 2/10/2024 at 9:25 PM, dbar123 said:

Definitely get the burner app. Highly recommend. Then you are much harder to trace. $10/mo well spent.

@dbar123 If I ever consider using the site again, I definitely will do that. It honestly never would have dawned on me before this situation that taking this step would be needed. I certainly know better now.

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On 2/8/2024 at 1:30 AM, ANotAMouse said:

I don't know where else to turn. I could really use some help!

I signed up for RM for the first time recently. I was talking to someone on their website. (For my own safety, I am not going to say their username.) He asked me to message him on WhatsApp, which I did. We were talking about setting something up in a couple months, when I would be traveling to their town. I ended up having an emergency at home, and since I don't normally use WhatsApp for anything else, several days went by where I didn't answer them. It was a genuine accident, due to being busy with the emergency, and I wasn't trying to ghost him. It turns out, without me seeing it, he was endlessly harassing me on WhatsApp during that time. It was days of him violently threatening me. I only found out because he ended up texting my actual phone number, which he was able to find on WhatsApp. The text message to my phone included a violent death threat against me, and some threats to hack me electronically, though I'm not sure if he meant he's going to hack my computer or cell phone.

I truly have no idea what to do. I don't know if I should report any of this to RM, or if they honestly will even care that one of their professionals is sending someone death threats. Of course, my cell phone company told me to report it to the authorities, but I don't think I can do that because then I would be explaining to the police that I met this person on RM. (I'm assuming it'd get in trouble with the authorities for using RM in the first place.) I have not responded to this person again, and I've tried to block any numbers they've used on my phone. This person lives far away, so I don't know if I'm in physical danger, but they are threatening to hack me. My internet provider and cell phone company seemed to suggest there's probably not a way for him to actually hack me, but I don't know how true that is. I genuinely have no idea what to do, and I'm scared to death. I haven't slept in two days.

Also, in a strange twist, I tried signing on to RM from my account and my account has been 'deleted.' I'm not sure if that's because he had people report me, and thus RM actually removed me, or if he hacked the account somehow and actually deleted me. Very scary.

Anyone have any feedback at all?

I hope you're ignoring him and everything is over by now. You should also post his name on here for us to know if this is a once in a lifetime case or he freaks out when he feels he's ghosted. 

He certainly has a lot of issues.

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@ANotAMouse, definitely report the incident to RM. I found them most helpful when a fellow tried to scam me. Of course take the advice you've been given here. Guarantee you it's going to be ok. He wanted to scare you, make you worry, make you uncomfortable. In that he has succeeded. But that needs to be done now. You are going to be OK. And live and learn. Chalk it up as a tough lesson. This is a great hobby, but none of us can afford to be careless. Remember this is a business transaction. Treat it as carefully as you would any other event or experience where you are trading your hard earned money for goods and services. 

And go get some exercise. You'll feel much better.

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