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Escorts of Year!

Guest toddb
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Guest Tampa Yankee



(>So much so, that I

>took pains to review these

>issues (disclaimers) when releasing the

>poll results. That said, it

>is my view that that

>is the extent of escort

>input into this process --

>the poll is “OF THE


>FOR THE CLIENTS”!! If there

>is one group with the

>potential for an axe to

>grind (pro or con) on )


>>this issue it is escorts,

>>thus their views on the

>>ultimately validity of this process

>>must be excluded on a

>>potential conflict of interest basis,



>That is completely contrary to Hooboy's

>policy throughout this web sit

>of allowing the Escorts

>to have the last word.

> Right?


No, I don't think so. In my view, the idea of the last word (which I support) has to do with finalizing the review process where a client submits a review and the escort responds to the specifics of that review. The poll is not a specific review with facts that are in dispute nor (unlike some reviews) does the poll represent an agenda to do harm to an escort for which rebutall must be permitted. And no class or individual is guaranteed the final word in a message thread.


>Also, of course we deserve input

>as we are the ones

>most affected by it.



There is a difference between input on the process and attempting to kill the process. You offered input and much of it was reflected in the announcement of the results and IMHO it was good input . That part of your input that was not accepted amounted to a an OBJECTION to a 2000 Escort Poll under this process or ANY process that was realistically feasible given the present circumstances of this web site. So yes, input is allowed, and you are free to express your view on the validity of the process used or any process. BUt when you object in such a manner as to preclude any practical poll process -- well, have your say but we have to take notice of the potential conflict of interest in assessing your objections. I stand by my previous statement...


>the poll is “OF THE




>Once again, most people who utilize

>this website do NOT frequent

>the message center and therefore

>could not vote. Why

>is this so hard to



Why is it so hard to understand that only those citizens who choose to register to vote in elections and actually show up on election day are permitted to vote.

And not knowing that there is an election may be unfortunate and disappointing but it does not invalidate the results if there was a good faith effort to hold it above boards. This poll was not held under a blanket or in the dead of night , there were no poll taxes or literacy tests required. All that was required was to show up and punch out your chads. And I did not want HooBoy involved in the election process after the grief of last year. Had he helped spread the word on the entry page he would be pilloried for it, no doubt in this very thread by some. Again, a no win situation.

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Guest Tampa Yankee


>It's amazing to me how carried

>away this has gotten!


I didn't start this particular parade...


>You aren't aware of the 'bankability'

>of escort of the year!?


I don't care about the 'bankability' issue... what I don't understand is why you do????? It is not my business what an escort is allowed to make -- he is free to charge whatever rates he sets and I am free to accept or reject -- end of issue for me. I do not understand where you are coming from on this issue.


>Sir, you don't have the experience

>I thought you had!


Sir, I hope to remedy that with time :-)


>And, you're telling me with less

>than 175 votes total, the

>winners are named with 7

>votes each?


I remind you that Dubya will be sitting in the Whitehouse because of a few hundred votes.


>Excuse me, it's a joke!

Your opinion... some hold that view about Dubya, some held it about the entire presidential election... my opinion.


>And, I know the two


>It's not their fault,


You are correct sir, it is not their fault or any escort's fault or HooBoy's -- I deserve all the credit so send the slings and arrows my way please and leave the others out of it.


> and I

>don't know how last years

>'election' was handled,


that makes two of us... but I'd be really surprised if the number of legtimate votes differed all that much.


>but when

>so few account for so

>many, there is something wrong!


So what are we to do... proclaim Dubya as 'not the real president' so we won't recognize his authority for the next four years until a more legitmate election is held where the winning candidate receives something other than an embarassingly narrow win.


>I view this site nearly daily,

>but don't choose, many times,

>to visit the Message Center!


I recommend checking the Lobby and Deli message boards once a day. Occasionally you find some interesting threads and on rare occasions even a poll on the top escorts.


I give you notice that as things stand now, I intend to conduct a TOP ESCORT IN 2001 Poll next December/January pretty much along the lines of the poll this year -- everything done out in the open.



>No matter who's fault all of

>this is,


If there is fault it must be mine but I just don't feel faulty...


>it has seriously

>affected the credability of this



I don't feel that way and it is my assesment based on posts that most others do not either.


>I'm surprised Hooboy

>is missing! His silence

>thru all of this is




I'm not and I hope he stays out of it. He cannot please everyone and doesn't need the grief -- this is my grief alone.


Todd, would you feel better about this if the 2000 Trophy were listed asthe M4M Message Board 2000 Trophy sort of like a New York Time Reader's Poll ?

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LAST EDITED ON Jan-17-01 AT 11:11AM (EST)[p]>How about Let's Just Drop The

>Whole Thing? This is

>beginning to look/sound like a

>cat fight in the dressing

>room of a drag show.


Or at least stop comparing it to the national election; a weak analogy that that does not legitamize this particular faulty electoral process before us.




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Guest Nice Guy

Boy, Will hit the Nail on the head!!!!

Everyones list is simply ONE of personal taste. Matt is no better or worse that a dozen others. I know! I listed my own preferences because I liked the guys. They are a good time and great people.

This may mean major bucks to some and a big joke to others. THe point is.... it is all realitive to the individual. I have been with about half of the top ten. Great guys one and all, but they are all different. They will appeal to different individuals, period! Not becasue they are consistantly good at what they do... but because of the personality which accompanies the persona. Any and all of them can fake it for an hour or so. I sure have! My regulars and favoritas are just that! because they can stand the "stress" of time and there is more to them then their stats! Have a great year fellas.


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>There is a difference between input

>on the process and attempting

>to kill the process.


Look, I've indicated many times that a poll associated with Hoooboy and not this message center would be TOTALLY fair. He's too busy this year, so too bad, no poll. Or at least no mention of an informal poll outside of the messge center. Just because I disagree with you does not mean you should indicate I'm facist. I'm not a facist, I simply believe this poll was broken. Severly broken. Too severly broken. Is this how you respond to all dissenters to your opinion?


>>the poll is “OF THE




...who visited the message center and understood that the results would be posted outside the message center.


> And I did not

>want HooBoy involved in the

>election process after the grief


Then why afterward are we seeing awards and mentions around the website? Either it's a male4malescorts.com poll, or it's a INFORMAL survey fashioned by a motivated and well meaning client. Which is it?




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Guest LG320126

Tampa, in my opinion you did a fine job and it was interesting and enjoyable. For those who choose to discredit the results and/or whine about them, let them conduct their own poll next year and we can read the responses to their polls. Again, thanks for the entertainment.

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Yes, as usual, Will's voice is one of the few grown up ones to be heard around here. (Traveller's, too, though he might not appreciate being described as 'grown up.')


Nothing shows the supreme silliness of a poll for 'best escort' than reading through this thread (my post included). Never mind issues of fairness or completeness, just stay with the so-called 'bankability' issue. Do any of you seriously think that Aaron Lawrence or Steve Teron (to take two extreme examples) connected with any clients who didn't ALREADY figure in their natural 'constituency'--just because they were among last year's top ten? Seriously now...


Rod really ought to relax. I remember him throwing his coronet into the ring last January (when Hooboy announced the winners), declaring his firm resolve to take the top prize in 2001. I couldnt imagine why it was so important to him then (especially considering who 'won'), and I understand it even less now.


As for 'credibility,' this site never really had any beyond what each and every one of us can determine for himself on the basis of experience & common sense. There's lots of information here (if you know how to evaluate & use it), and a good deal of amusement, too. But how it could possibily maintain any overall 'credibility' is beyond me.

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Guest Bitchboy

First of all, Mr. Hagen, your disdain for those who use escorts was so frigging evident in your post of a number of months ago, the one to which Donnie referred. I was sickened by the post and by you. I am shocked that you have the following you do, but to each his own I suppose. I think it's time for you to take your hot boyfriend and your engineering degree and go back to an office somewhere. You are a very silly and petty man who has no business in the escort field. You are not alone, for sure, but you are vocal and therefore open to the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. As far as HooBoy's posting of trophies, etc., it is just more indication of his inability to handle this site alone. It was started with all good intentions but the man cannot handle the workload or the heat. It's time to cash in the chips and move on to other things.

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My, you boys certainly do know how to make a fella feel fine. I want to thank CZ for mentioning Rod Hagen's response to this whole thing, because I am a little sorry. As best I can determine, Rod Hagen is probably the most swellegant escort on the planet, and I've never even laid eyes on him. Hagen is a smart, humorous, sensitive, articulate, well-educated, and molto sophisticated man and it, well, sort of hurts my feelings that he might think that this silliness about Escort of the Year is somehow an insult. Everybody knows that I'm a huge admirer of Rick Munroe and all his charms (belonging, as I do, to the East Coast

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I got so tangled up in all those metaphors and alliterations that I forgot to ask my main question of Nice Guy: Can you please tell me how you distinguish between your "Regulars" and your "Favoritas"? I'm sort of dying to know.

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Guest Tampa Yankee

LAST EDITED ON Jan-17-01 AT 10:23PM (EST)[p]>

>Look, I've indicated many times that

>a poll associated with Hoooboy

>and not this message center

>would be TOTALLY fair.


Respectifully, this is news to me... since the start of this years poll my interpretation of your messages has been that there is no way to conduct a fair poll short of everyone who visits Hoo's site personally be mailed a ballot... an unpractical process at this time.


>He's too busy this year,

>so too bad, no poll.


This is not my understanding at all... it was the bitching and moaning from last year that dissuaded him for polling this year -- I repeat this is MY UNDERSTANDING.


>Or at least no mention

>of an informal poll outside

>of the messge center.


Rod, if Hoo had advertised the poll outside the message center are you saying that you would not have openly or privately objected to HooBoy lending his wieght to the polling activity? Please clear this up for us once and for all.



>Just because I disagree with

>you does not mean you

>should indicate I'm facist.

>I'm not a facist, I

>simply believe this poll was



Rod, I don't recall referring to you as a fascist... please point out where I may have done this so I can offically retract that statement. It was not my intent and unfortunate if I did so -- but I just do not recall it. Nor can I see it in my posts.


>Too severly broken. Is

>this how you respond to

>all dissenters to your opinion?


Rod, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to defend a position that I don't think I took. I thought I treated you fairly even when I mentioned that you were a member of the only group I saw that had a potential conflict of interest with the poll. If I was in error in that postion please elucidate for me that a) you are not a member of the group known as 'escorts' or b) that all members of this escort group are definitely free of a conflict of interest or appearance of a conflict of interest.


As far as dissenting escorts, I thought I was pretty clear in my view that you had a right to input and to offer your views but that your view on whether the poll should be taken were tainted by the potential conflict of interest. Answers to a) or b) above will no doubt clear up this issue.


>>>the poll is “OF THE





Rod, please tell me how is it that your ox (or anyone else's for that matter) has been so grievously gored by this process??


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Holy shit. all of you relax.

What is the big fucking deal, (I can say this cuz I'm on top: ) nah nah ne nah nah: )

ok enough childishness, this is utterly ridiculous.

Bankability of the award(honour?) is the point I'd personally like to comment on. I'm Fucking BUSY, have been for several months, this honour isn't going to make me any busier,in fact I expect it will do the opposite, nor is it going to increase my earning potential. I've already stated that my fee's will remain the same as they have been for the last 8 or 9 months. PROMISE. I can't as one individual accept any more appointments than I have been taking. So how can this be bankable?

I do see the point, and some may raise their rates based on response to this award.

But c'mon boys, this was a lighthearted bit of fluff, maybe the trophies...(ooooh a graphic on my page) weren't necessary, but they sure is purty.

Matt(spit shining my trophie, and my willy(I'm all alone tonite: )




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I wasn't going to get involved (I wanted to take the high road but it turns out the high road was really a pedestrian walkway so I moved down to the low road and hailed a cab) but since Matt just spoke so eloquently (while jacking off; he's multi-tasking & you gotta love that), I want to, too.


Gentlemen of the Academy, this award means more to me than all of the dicks on earth (including the Dominican one that visited me earlier this evening...yum) and for very good reason. You see, it makes up for my losing the 7th grade class president election, which I lost because it was fixed (my mom said) and NOT because on all of my campaign posters, where it said "Ricky is the one for you," someone crossed out "one" and put "fag" (my mom said) (well, she didn't say I was a fag) (OK, yes she did, but that was way before we put her into therapy) (she never came out) (I did).


I'm honored to be recognized along with those other hot guys, especially Matt, the bad boy of Hooboy's site. Tying with Matt is just like, as my friend Stephen from Maximum Escorts tells me, when Barbra tied with Kate Hepburn at the 1968 Oscars. To me, it's more like when Lucy and Ethel ran for president of the Wednesday Afternoon Fine Arts League, and the votes were split, and new member Ruth Knickerbocker was the deciding vote, and neither Ricky nor Fred wanted his wife to win, so they each tried to wine & dine Ruth to sway her vote...but in the end, Lucy & Ethel both won. I guess what I'm trying to say is that maybe Tampa and Hooboy should take Rod to dinner. Actually, that isn't right. Rod should take Matt and me to dinner and eat humble pie. Or the souffle. I always get the souffle. (OK, when I start getting cute, it's time to end the post.)


Thanks to the fellow escorts who sent me congratulatory emails.

It confirmed that there really is a sense of brotherhood in our business. Brotherhood, and horniness. (I want a couple of those guys who wrote me...)

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Guest Tampa Yankee

LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-01 AT 08:36AM (EST)[p]>Or at least stop comparing it

>to the national election; a

>weak analogy that that does

>not legitamize this particular faulty

>electoral process before us.


You are right it is an inapproriate analogy... comparing an election determining the leadership of the free word, decided by a few houndred votes, maybe really faulty votes, to a bit of fluff ranking the year 2000 escort experiences by those clients who take the time to come to this site for reviews AND discussion of the subject matter and who took the time to submit their candidates if they were moved to do so. (And I don't think any of them voted for the wrong candidate by mistake :-) ) My point which I think was (remains) made, if not explicitly, was that this is a TEMPEST IN A TEAPOT, no more. So much dust over so very little. I really would like to understand the goring of your ox...

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Guest Nice Guy


The difference for me between regulars and favs is pretty straight forward.

My regulars in the past like Brett Silvers, Matt/Vancouver, Michael #2/LA and Matt/Palm Springs-retired, I saw on a regular basis like every week or so for a day or more at a time. I saw them because I really enjoyed them as people and some because good friends. There was always a physical reason, but IT was by far not the main one.

My Favoriates like Mike Grey/LA, Dan aka Ryan/LA-NY, I saw once a month or so. They offered me something very special in usually a physical way. My relationship, for example, with Mike Grey was so intense that I could only handle him once a month. He was incredible to be with and the experience lasted that long. Dan and I just had fun "experimenting". Remember I only see gentlemen for overnights or longer. I really have to add Rod Hagen in the later. I only was able to see him once, but my evening with him was, again, intense and VERY enjoyable and if our schedules had allowed, He would have been on my Favs list.

Hope that answers your question, Take care.

OH and I hope to add Rick M and Derek to my list of FAVS, I could just spit bullits with my excitement in meeting them this spring.....Film at 11 :)

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Guest Stephan-Lacoste

"Thanks to the fellow escorts who sent me congratulatory emails.

It confirmed that there really is a sense of brotherhood in our business. Brotherhood, and horniness. (I want a couple of those guys who wrote me...)"



Hi Rick, I never had the chance to talk to you, and Never had the chance to send you an email. SO i would like to catch up today :)

CONGRATULATION :) for both of you


PS : Brotherhood and Horniness , i really like that :)



Stephan Lacoste




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Ok I want to be Kate Hepburn, and I'm definatly Ethel, the oft overlooked comic genious of that duo.

Rick you are sexy and smart and funny, what more could a guy want, (mutual admiration society reopens for the day)

I want to be stuck in a vat of grapes with you, though I also want both of us to be nekid: )

Matt(trophy all polished, I don't order the souffle, prefer Ny sausage)



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Guest Bitchboy

LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-01 AT 01:53PM (EST)[p]And I with you, for sure! In no way did my comments in any way imply that I agree with Tampa Yankee at all. His constant babbling is most upsetting and always self-serving.


And may I remind you all that this arguing is about dicks and assholes; hardly what I would call matters of universal signficance.

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Stephan, you sweet thing...thanks (congratulations to you, too)!

I didn't get a chance to wish you well on this next leg of your life's journey. We've never met but I'm happy for you. Your decision to retire at the height of your popularity was very Celine Dion (maybe you'll have a baby now?) :-)


As far as horniness: is it 24/7 for you, too?



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Guest Joey Ciccone

>>And may I remind you all

>that this arguing is about

>dicks and assholes; hardly what

>I would call matters of

>universal signficance.


I was wondering where a real correlation to the US elections was, and you just deftly pointed it out: Gore's a dick and Bush is an asshole. Bravo. Your post testifies universal significance in other ways as well, since dicks and assholes equate to sex and sex makes the world go 'round, OR, dicks and assholes equate to money and money makes the world go 'round. Depends where you live.




p.s. although it would defy your screenname, you should apologize to Tampa Yankee. He put alot of work into this silly poll. I wasn't even in the running, but I think it was supposed to be fun for everyone.

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