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Victorvenicio in London


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So, here it goes guys...

Early evening on Monday I made an appointment with Victor for Tuesday 5:30pm. I confirmed with him on Tuesday lunch time but he didn't turn up and didn't message until 9pm. I was frustrated but decided to give him another chance and made an appointment for today, Wednesday at 5:30pm.

I am so glad I did. He's awesome. I don't know what it is about him but at different times during our 3 hours together he looked like 3 different guys - all stunningly beautiful but it's like his face can shift into something even more handsome than usual.

His body is devine, properly luxurious. And his butt, wow. Big cock too but I'm total selfish dominant top and not really interested in cock.

As for the effort he put in, 11/10! Constantly performing. He even tried a couple of kinky things that he had never tried before (we stayed fairly vanilla but I get off on a guy giving it a go, not being super into loads of kink).

I booked for 2 hours and after he hung around for a bite to eat and to chat for another hour so he's not a clockwatcher. I only feed and water the guys I like, the rest I kick out when I'm done with them.

There's one catch. He's only been in the UK for 2 weeks and doesn't speak English yet. I don't speak Portuguese so virtually everything was translated via Google translate. Still, we had a great time in the bedroom (not everything has to be spoken to be understood) and I actually enjoyed "chatting" with him after.

I would recommend him but only if you are willing to translate everything on his phone and can show him some patience (or, you speak Portuguese). He's starting English lessons this week.

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