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411 on Lewisuc in Chicago


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So I've been debating whether to comment or not.  First and foremost, I am sorry that you felt that you had to defend yourself against positive comments.  The only slightly negative things I mentioned was that I think I was shorted a few minutes.  Let me also say that I do not check the time until I get in my car to leave.  I note the time when I get out of my car and the time when I return.  I don't expect that the massage experience itself take a full hour. I do expect that I will be in the room for the bulk of the time. Five or ten minutes is never an issue.  So, I might have mentioned it if it was 15 minutes or more.  In this case, it is possible that I made a mistake in looking at my clock. If so, I truly apologize.

Now, in terms of the comment about my mouth going somewhere it shouldn't.  I always try to read the vibes of the massage.  If  MT or more is not allowed, then I would expect that the masseur would say, no, or pull away - or as some have done in the past, say we can go there but it will be an extra charge.  Any of those, I am fine with.  However, am not sure what I am supposed to do when the masseurs member is literally rubbing against my face. However, I will accept that feedback and keep that in mind for future massages. Maybe I have misread the vibe of the room.

I feel like my comment was that I would recommend the massage and that I had a great experience.  However, I do think it's important to remember that everyone has their own perception filter.  That's why a group of people can witness a crime and each person will tell a completely different story.  Whenever someone e-mails me asking for a full review of my experiences, I always reface my comments with our standard saying around here "YMMV."  This was my experience.  Yours might be amazing or it might be terrible.  Nothing I said was malicious. It was my perception of my experience.  That's the purpose of this site, so people can feel free to give their honest feedback in a safe space.  Suddenly it doesn't feel so safe.  

Again, let me clarify that my comments were positive and that I would recommend.

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I did not feel the need to defend myself against your comment. I was merely stating that saying a therapist "shorted you on time" was inaccurate. Like I mentioned, I enjoyed our session and appreciated you as a client. Though slightly negative, reviews and statements, when taken out of context, can indeed harm a provider. Why would anyone want to visit a provider when they are "shorted on time"? haha I know I wouldn't! Words are impactful.

Respectfully, you didn't say you think I did; you said "even though he shorted me a few minutes on time." Again, slightly misconstrued that I was politely correcting.

Thank you for opening up a larger conversation in regards to “reading the vibes”. When a massage is erotic, it should be erotic throughout, not therapeutic. The body should be used throughout to give an experience. If a provider's parts are rubbing against your face while you are having a nude erotic massage, that is what you have asked for. The massage is nude, there is mutual touch.

In general, however, it is never implied, unless asked or a conversation happens, that more is to happen. Consent first and foremost always.

It’s very uncomfortable for the provider to be working erotically to pull away after an occurrence has happened. I myself have pulled away in the past and said “hey, we never spoke about that” and continued to have the conversation of “well, since that has actually happened, the rate is…” The client has said “oh, I won’t do it again, I’m sorry, let's just continue” like we are both supposed to forget it happened. Or “I don’t have more than… on me” or “Well, I didn’t know, I’m definitely not being charged extra.”

As a provider, you learn to navigate many, many different scenarios. Many who presume everything is fair game usually end with uncomfortable interactions.

Again, I was very comfortable with our interaction. I mentioned our fun time it as a moment only to say, we did a lot more and you still complained about a few minutes left at the end hehehe. Not to make you feel any type of way. And I do understand nothing you mentioned was malicious.

I agree the purpose of a forum is to give HONEST feedback in a safe space. But providers too should feel safe to respond and be ready for open communication. As should clients.

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I feared that this discussion had trailed off and am glad it has not.  Thank you Lewisuc for not letting a bump in the road derail you.  

I can say this discussion allowed me to have a private discussion with Lewisuc where I felt respected by him and I believe he did of me.  I am impressed by the amount of time and care Lewisuc has put into his participation here.  It surely has provided me a more personal connection and sense of who he is for time spent in the future. 

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Many masseurs offer a combination of erotic and therapeutic.  I am certain there was mutual nudity, which would say that this was classified as an erotic massage.  I mentioned my torn rotator cuff in the beginning so you would be aware that I had limited mobility and stated  that you could work on it if you wanted or ignore it.  Some masseurs work around it and some have spent extra time on it.  Like I said, good to know.  I will make sure to have a full verbal conversation before reaching out in the future. 

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@questbear As a trained provider in the industry for over 12years. I think we both have a different definition of what the word "Therapeutic" means. Therapeutic to me is very detailed work, very specific work. Understanding kinesiology and the muscles involved to correct an issue or injury. When working erotically, i do not usually work therapeutic. Many "Masseurs" do not know the difference of styles. Thank you so much for this dialogue. 

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I have no doubt that you are far more qualified than I am to know the definitions of therapeutic, sensual, and erotic.  Different masseurs apply those definitions in different ways.  So, you just a friendly suggestion.  It might be good to educate your clients on your definitions of the modalities so that the expectations are very clear.   I typically request a combination of sensual/therapeutic.  That has been my experience thus far.  

Thanks your for the conversation, too.  

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