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Montreal 3rd report: Campus


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Sunday night 21:00 show hasn't started yet, so I came back at 23:00. Circa 45 people, 25% women. Most things very similar to Stock, but the space is wide and less deep, so more patrons get a closer view of the stage. Given the attendance, I don't understand why Stock isn't open too.

One of the patrons told me that the previous night the place was packed, so it would seem - contrary to what I've read here - that Campus isn't underperforming relative to Stock. 

The dancers' build was more stocky, which I don't like. Only 2 were to my taste. I ended up going to a LD with A, the slimmest one and the only one who came up to chat with me. 

Unlike the curtained Stock cubicles, here they r open. Only one was occupied. I asked him to count the songs for me, and A was very professional and polite about it. First time I'm sure I got the full time. 

During the 1st song he started unbuckling me. I reciprocated, but he slowed me down until the 2nd song. When I brushed my face on his btm, he warned me not to rim him. Everything was said and done very politely friendly. 

When I told him I'd like to suck, he said he charges $250 for that. M proud of myself that I succeeded to refrain from laughing out loud. Since his cock wasn't big, I didn't bother to negotiate. On the whole, another pleasant experience.


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  • 3 months later...

Both clubs are doing very well, lots of deliciously looking strippers are now working at both clubs. Sunday nights at Stockbar seemd to be getting better by the week. Last Sunday was an amazing night at Stockbar, the customers really pushed the dancers to their limits. The customers were up for anything, lots of stage tipping and  long lap dancing sessions. It was a wild beautiful ethnic night at Stockbar. For some reason, all  the boys wanted Gatuso and a little bit of  BBuck, Gatuso literally cleaned out the house last Sunday. I'm not surprised by how much the boys wanted Gatuso, he looked amazing with that new haircut.That was a beautiful interracial Sunday night at Stockbar.It reminded so much of that Spike Lee movie "Jungle Fever".  It was simply an extraordinaire  night last Sunday at Stockbar.

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