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I can tolerate a tasteful tattoo of limited size, but once they start covering their entire bodies in wallpaper designs I draw the line.  Thankfully, he seems to have run out of wallpaper, but I fear more is coming as soon as he can afford it.  I can't imagine hiring someone who did this to his otherwise great-looking body.

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@Capitano Did anyone ask about your thoughts on his Tattoos?  Like me I sure he does not care about what you think so stop criticizing or post your photos and everyone can give their thoughts.  I dont understand the need to tell other what you dont like about someone's appearance. I don't have the time or interest in being negative 

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30 minutes ago, KevinChgo said:

@Capitano Did anyone ask about your thoughts on his Tattoos?  Like me I sure he does not care about what you think so stop criticizing or post your photos and everyone can give their thoughts.  I dont understand the need to tell other what you dont like about someone's appearance. I don't have the time or interest in being negative 

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings, I welcome them even though I didn't ask for them, I guess that's the nature of having an open FORUM 🙂 🙂 🙂

Tattoos are a choice and not an immutable characteristic. Besides being about the aesthetics, my comment can also be seen as a PSA, just ask any dermatologist. When a dangerous and harmful practice spreads, it is actually important for the society to fight back on different fronts. Some will get that and others should just learn to skip, ignore, or take on in meaningful ways comments they don't like. What makes this forum both fun and useful from my point of view is that I get to read all kinds of thoughts and comments about different masseurs, yes, including taste and various personal preferences. If we ever get to a "topic police" that will enforce strict boundaries on what can and cannot be said, I am out of here. Best!

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