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When a client's in love

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Hi Guys,

I just read a very long review from June 20. The client was an aging (64) man, who had lost his partner several years ago. He hired a San Francisco escort for about a week, and obviously has fallen desperately in love - you can tell that, in his mind, the escort has replaced his late lover. This seems like a very sad case - but what would you do if you were in the escort's situation? Would you consent to being hired for another session? Or would you try to let this guy down as gently as possible (probably not easy, given the intensity of his feelings). I'm sure this situation has happened many times, and probably others have asked the same question ... but this is the most extreme case I've seen posted in the reviews. Thanks for responding!


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I read the review and thought much the same as you while reading it. I know the escort. He was my first. Don't know what I would do if I were the escort but I do worry for the john. He seems to have it pretty bad.


the Cajun

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The client will hopefully look upon this bliss as a break from his grieving and use it to assist himself in returning to life. It would be sad if he simply obsesses over the escort whom he enjoyed so much. I wish him the best of luck.

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Guest master12361

I saw the same escort for 8 months straight surpprted him and took care and then he lied and cheated. We were getting closer where we were calling each other babe, and we meet some of the family menbers as bf. i hate him and will make him pay no matter what it takes i will get him for hurting me. he knows and he changed his emalil and took off some adds but he cant hide. i know whenre he at and where he hangs and place he dancers at. I know and i am trying to forget him and move on with my life but when you fall for someone and then get fucked like that its hard. any one have any suggestion how to move on without getting even would you do the same if you were in my shoes?:-( }( ;(

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Paging Woodlawn


>I saw the same escort for 8 months straight surpprted him and

>took care and then he lied and cheated. We were getting closer

>where we were calling each other babe, and we meet some of the

>family menbers as bf. i hate him and will make him pay no

>matter what it takes i will get him for hurting me. he knows

>and he changed his emalil and took off some adds but he cant

>hide. i know whenre he at and where he hangs and place he

>dancers at. I know and i am trying to forget him and move on

>with my life but when you fall for someone and then get fucked

>like that its hard. any one have any suggestion how to move on

>without getting even would you do the same if you were in my





This message makes me want to paypal some money to the escort. It's a good reminder of the hazardous duty they undertake.


In the meantime, Woodlawn, can you counsel this guy?

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>any one have any suggestion how to move on

>without getting even would you do the same if you were in my

>shoes?:-( }( ;(


You probably aren’t going to like the answer, but just suck it up and move on. You are the one who did something silly and allowed yourself to fall for an escort and get hurt. You were paying him for eight months and you are surprised that he cheated?


It may be a bitter pill to swallow, but you have to realize that you created the situation. To talk about “getting him” and “making him pay” is just compounding your previous foolishness.

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any one have any suggestion how to move on

>without getting even would you do the same if you were in my

>shoes?:-( }( ;(





whoa dude.............i think the "first" thing you should do is get rid of all sharp objects you have. following that,if you own a gun ...melt it down or throw it in a river,lake,or ocean.then schedule some serious time with a competent shrink; you my friend are scary.........taylorhidingunderthecouch@23:18-06/22/03:o

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Misplaced blame


Whatever you do, don't take 18 years to do something about it like I did. Get help right away. Go out, make new friends, post here often and unburden yourself to anyone who will let you get it talked out, but get professional help and don't close down emotionally and sexually as a way to deal with it. It's ok to get burned. No, it's not fun, and your mistake was in who you lavished your affections on. But opening up and sharing life with someone else is healthy. And it's normal to feel hurt when that attention is not returned in kind. But DO NOT MISPLACE THE BLAME. This guy you fell for is in business and caveat emptor.

Put aside all thoughts of revenge, or making him pay. The only one who will pay is YOU and you will PAY and PAY and PAY long after any measure of getting even has been accomplished.


Been there, done that.


Wow, I feel alot better, thanks.






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I can't say I've ever dealt with a client in love with me. I did have the best overnight with a recent widower who had pretty much kept his feelings for guys in check till after his wife passed away.


I just learned through our conversations how truly tough society was on homosexuals in the 1930's and 40s...really goes to show you how easy we have it today. So many guys got married, raised a family and kept their mouths shut because it was the normal, safe thing to do. I never stopped to think about the social hell men have gone through to hide their feelings toward other men.


His stories were so right on the money & they really gave me something to think about. During playtime, he kept telling me that he loved me but apologized afterwards saying he was just into the moment. I thought it was no problem since those honest guys are my favorite clients. The ones who truly want discretion & just need some quiet time to relate to another man. Love it!






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John, does this mean that since I love that big cock of yours I'm, well you get my drift, HEHEHE! I too did so called "fell in love" with one of the first escorts I saw. After it was apparent he wasn't on the same page as myself another escort reiminded me that I should treat this as a client/escort arrangement, and his advice has been very helpful. Remember guys these are business relationships and should be treated as such!!! Looking forward to Decadance guys, all the hot guys will be here in town, Rob, John, Marco, just to name a few!}( P.S. Have heard that the authorities are going to crack down on actual sex acts in public, so guys be careful!:+

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>You are the one who did something silly and

>allowed yourself to fall for an escort and get hurt. You were

>paying him for eight months and you are surprised that he



>It may be a bitter pill to swallow, but you have to realize

>that you created the situation. To talk about “getting him”

>and “making him pay” is just compounding your previous



Well, perhaps the escort in question, was one of those "hustlers" who post on message boards, preying on men who are lonely, isolated, desperate, or whatever, as the escort's name isn't mentioned. Have you read some of these posting sites - if not go visit gayuniverse site sometime. How does that make this poster the villain in creating the situation rather than a victim of the situation?


People who prey on those types of guys should be exposed and the guys who fall victim to the scam, deserve sympathy and compassion and not revilement and castigations.


This poster's anger and hurt and desire for revenge, if this is the situation is more than understandable and would certainly be a natural reaction. I think he should reveal this "hustler's"/"escort's" name on at least this board, and then just get on with his life, and as most people do after the anger has subsided, he will probably do just that. In the meantime, I see nothing wrong with him venting that anger here, of all places. That is certainly better than the other courses of action he is considering.

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>I know and i am trying to forget him and move on

>with my life but when you fall for someone and then get fucked

>like that its hard. any one have any suggestion how to move on

>without getting even would you do the same if you were in my

>shoes?:-( }( ;(


Living well is the best revenge.


Time to move on. Forget getting even, except by landing a better man than he in every way. There are tons of eligible, single men out there. While I know this can't be easy for you (believe me, been there...) the time has come to pick yourself up and move on.


Hang in there.



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Revenge is poison, and it poisons everyone associated with it, including the person seeking revenge.


In the past, when I first came out and was hiring escorts to get myself used to being with men and gay sex, I saw how easy it could be to fall in love. I was fortunate to find almost all the guys I hired were kind, gentle souls with awesome bods and sexual techniques which left me glowing for days afterwards. Eventually that wore off. And to keep myself centered, I never saw the same escort more than twice except for one masseur, whom I could only consider more a friend than a lover anyway. But I could definitely see myself falling for a couple of them, if I didn't watch it carefully.


Later, with my mind in the right frame, I narrowed down my hiring to a couple of favorites, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that I wasn't dreaming about them, or obsessing about them afterwards. It felt much healthier.


I think the paradox in being a "regular" client, or escort of a client is the dangers lurking in these relationships. While the regular schedule of meetings can be a benefit to both, at some point a relationship does develop, with all the expectations that come along with it. When expectations are not met, trouble ensues. After all, we're not talking about tax accounting here. Sex is very deep, regardless of how often it occurs, or shallow it may sometimes seem. It can certainly be managed, but it takes both parties to watch it carefully. When an escort ends a message with xoxoxoxo, or "love,", it can mean something to the client more than intended.


Risky business for everyone indeed.

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My advice is to thank your lucky stars that you came to your senses after only eight months and didn't spend even more time and money on him. Put aside any melodramatic fantasies of revenge and leave the guy to his own sleazy little life; in all likelihood he doesn't have much of a future no matter what you do. You made a big mistake by believing in someone who makes a living from falsity and deceit and by confusing sex with love. Try not to make the same mistake again.

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> How does that make

>this poster the villain in creating the situation rather than

>a victim of the situation?


Being foolish hardly makes you a villain. Refusing to take responsibility for your folly and seeking revenge…does.


I guess I’m just a heartless SOB. It takes a LOT for me to become vulnerable enough to get hurt, and it’s hard for me to fathom a rent-boy ever getting past my bullshit detector. I like them for what they are. Not something I wish they would be.

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Guest pyell

Been there, done that. Fell in love with a great guy who was an escort. His problem was that he was bi but wished he was straight. He actually enjoyed being with me (he told others that he did, not just me) but wasn't ready to face being in a gay relationship with someone, so he walked out on me and went back to his girlfriend in an attempt to "go straight".


I was devastated, but looking back on it 5 years later I wonder to myself how I got into that situation. I'm older, wiser and, I hope, stronger as a result. I hope he's OK, but I've moved on and I hardly ever think of him.


I see an escort from time to time, and we have great sex together. He likes having sex with me, and we talk about how he's getting on and so on. But we don't have much in common, and we both know this is just a friendship. He sees other guys, we go for weeks without having a session together, we're just friends who happen to enjoy sex ( and I don't mind paying for it since he's pretty cute). Friendship - but definitely not love. Which is the way it should be.

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>I saw the same escort for 8 months straight surpprted him and

>took care and then he lied and cheated. We were getting closer

>where we were calling each other babe


Did he then go on to marry & divorce Gregg Allman, win an Oscar, make some infomercials and have a huge comeback, leaving you to become Mayor of Palm Springs and ski into a tree? :+

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Guest master12361

RE: Deleted message


Then move on! Personal information and threats are not tolerated here!!


>No message

Well thank for all the advice I am moving opn

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