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Kyle in San Diego


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  • 1 year later...

I collaborate with others on erotic stuff, HE, extras, escorting, etc. I reached out to Kyle recently to see if he would be interested in working together on 4-hand massage clients. It would be for therapeutic only, no HE or anything like that. I’m trying to accommodate a wide range of needs by working with different guys.

When I hired Kyle several years ago, I figured he was therapeutic only. In person, he was interested in much more than massage with me. And yes he asked for photos before meeting, which I sent. I was into him and how the session was escalating, but we did not continue further. I thanked him anyway for a good therapeutic session, paid him, and we parted ways.

When I reached out this time about working together, we eventually discussed the fact that I also do escort work. He clutched his pearls when I shared this and then did not want to collaborate because it would associate him with my other work. He said he doesn’t even do a HE. I respect that and was clear that I was interested in partnering for therapeutic only massage and that some of my clients would be the right fit.

Anyway, it just puzzles me that he privately does more than massage (according to my personal experience with him), and apparently cares a great deal about what his clients look like based on his ad content over the years, asking for photos, stats, etc, and yet he is uncomfortable working with me because I advertise as an escort.

All respect to him for keeping it therapeutic only, and that’s fine, but I find it unfortunate that he does the same work but only on his own personal preference terms. At least I’m upfront about what I do, and I serve everyone. Definitely dodged a bullet there.


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