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Mark Thomas in Ft Lauderdale


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He definitely has issues with scheduling.  I had read about other forum members' experiences but decided I would try anyways.  He cancelled on me twice.  First time was after he texted me 4 hours before our appointment and wanted to reconfirm (we had communicated the evening before when I confirmed).  When I didn't respond an hour later, he was wondering if I had ghosted him.   When I responded an hour later, he said he canceled because he hadn't heard from me.   I was annoyed, but not a big deal, so we scheduled for two days later.  Reconfirmed that morning as he suggested, and adjusted the time which he also suggested.  30 minutes before our appointment, he texted that he had gotten drunk the night before and was hoping he would feel better by the time of the appointment but he wasn't.  Oh and these were for incalls, so he didn't have to go anywhere.

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  • 3 months later...

I wanted to throw in my 2cents as well.  Saw Mark Thomas when he first started in S Florida, he was $150 then, and like others in the forum, he was fully dressed and I was draped for the massage.

Positives: he is one good-looking guy, and the massage was deep tissue and very good quality, fully therapeutic. 

My only issue back then is exactly the same one I have now, that some of these guys just don't know their lane.  You can get an excellent (actual) spa massage down here for $80 - $100, less if you purchase a multiple-massage pack.  So at $150 for spa quality he was WAY over priced then and he's even more over priced now, as his starting price is $175 (as of today's review).

Would absolutely not repeat or recommend...not at those prices.  If he was $120 I would be recommending him all day long. 


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  • 1 month later...

OH for Fucks Sake..... I am so pissed. I wanted to erase this man from my mind and I succeeded until he is entered my thoughts again today. I despise this disgusting man woman child whatever the hell this is. I was looking at the guys in Denver because I'm going to be there next week. And I saw his ad I almost screamed. I told him 3 years ago to get off the damn site. Not that he should listen to me. Lol.First of all I don't know what any of you think you is cute but of course that's in the eyes of the beholder. What is he 5 ft 5? His hair was more red than it was brown when I saw him. And like I said to each their own and some people may find him appealing but what I could not tolerate is that I showed up to his home and he told me to wait in the car for like 20 minutes while he took his previous client out back through an alley for discretion so we would not run into each other. When I eventually was given permission to enter from the front porch I was told to take my shoes off. Fine. He told me that Midway through our session we would have to stop for a few minutes because his dog will become very excited. But I should not be disturbed. And at this point I'm thinking who is this psychotic man pretending to have a license from Kentucky? That itself should have been enlightening ! Him for me that midway through our session which he had to cut short because of his previous client. His roommate, a woman, would arrive home at 4:00 p.m. and the dog would be excited to see her for about 5 minutes. Personally I hope her boyfriend's the last longer than that. Why I stayed at this point is beyond me but I figured I'd driven 40 minutes why not. I went into the bathroom to disrobe them when I came back out he was in his shorts. That was it. The dog was in the room. I have allergies. He told me the dog won't bother me. So now i'm curious about the man he ran down the alley and the dog that's not going to upset my allergies although I know they were because I didn't have any Benadryl with me and how dear this guy think he knows what my health concerns are and then on top of this the dog is going to how at the moon when this bitch walks in. Sure enough she came home at 4:00 and of course she slammed the damn door and the dog went to town. Mark Thomas stopped massaging. His hands are not capable of stroking amongst noise. There was no mutual touch there was no happy ending and this was a worse experience I ever had with somebody pretending to be a provider. He was late to begin the session and shorted our time and then he wanted the exact amount we had agreed upon and I said there is no way in hell I'm paying you well that. Gentlemen I don't remember what the amount was supposed to be at this point but so long ago. But I did not give him the full amount. He literally threw me to the ground. His roommate asked if he was okay and he said call the police if I don't get out of his damn home. I wish I could tell you how much are we give anything to get him off the damn site. When I read the other posts here about this man I would hope you will not doubt anything that I have said because I recognize it sounds exaggerated but by God as my witness, oh I sound  like Scarlett O'Hara, God she was amazing but that  is what went down. 

I'll be in Denver myself from the 7th to 10th i'm not a damn provider but by God if you want a massage I' ll  give it to you for free,  it may be crap but I can't stand the thought of anybody giving this damn fool $0.05. Hell I'll pay you to come to me instead of go to him.

Gentlemen do I sound a bitter? Trust me sound is not the key word here! lol

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  • 3 months later...

Contacted the provider and he responded promptly. He had some trouble accommodating my original timing request and kindly offered some additional dates and times that worked for his schedule. We agreed on a later date and time, and when I went to confirm the appointment and location the night before, I asked about the scope of services and methods of payment, stating I was looking for something sensual.  He stated he only did “professional.”  I ended up canceling the appointment because our respective expectations for the services provided and cost did not match. 

I’m a bit annoyed because he tried giving me a hard time about my request, saying that I should have said something sooner and that I’d be depriving him of money. I told him I wouldn’t be bullied into spending money on something that wasn’t what I wanted, and he shared equal blame for not setting expectations sooner. I also told him that it was way better to have the discussion well in advance than an awkward interaction in person. 

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I'm glad I just saw this topic.  He is visiting my area now and I was close to making an appointment.

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Today I had a nice session with him. Very professional.  Good conversationalist.  Easy to communicate with. Knows his craft. Draped during session. You can tell he has had excellent training. Incorporates stretching with deep breathing at the end. Nice, friendly guy in my book. I would repeat when he comes back to town. No complaints here. 😎 

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On 2/2/2024 at 8:04 PM, Johnrom said:

Today I had a nice session with him. Very professional.  Good conversationalist.  Easy to communicate with. Knows his craft. Draped during session. You can tell he has had excellent training. Incorporates stretching with deep breathing at the end. Nice, friendly guy in my book. I would repeat when he comes back to town. No complaints here. 😎 

Would you mind sharing what you paid? 

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