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Posts posted by ScottMichaels

  1. 15 hours ago, lonely_john said:

    Same here. This is his 3rd or 4th profile reset on RM after he got low traction and some negative reviews some months ago. It was not my cup of tea either, but it seems like he has fine tuned his service delivery and is collecting only 5-star reviews now, good for him. As I've said before, there is always someone for everyone, and it seems like in NY even more, bigger population, greater client diversity.

    Sorry, but that’s incorrect. 

    This is only my second profile reboot (MTLBeardedStud and XLMTL were on the same account); and,

    I only had one negative review, but it was my first and it was a complete fabrication after a disgruntled client failed to get a written report of the encounter he hired me to have with his husband (and with whom I had a lot of fun) the very same evening the meeting took place. Clients regularly asked me to explain it and the Webmaster refused to remove it — even after I had gotten several only 4-5 star reviews after the first that then called it’s credibility into question. 

    I have to say, I find the authority with which forum users speak to any given  subject to be pretty amusing! 😂

  2. 14 hours ago, DMICS said:

    He's from Montreal but visits Toronto regularly. Super hot but has a very douchebag attitude. Met once for a session and have bumped into him a few times at popular cruising locations. Seeing his comments online made me regret the hire even more. Also a PNP guy if you're fine with that. 

    Hey! Average Joe/Dad-bod (I wish! 😂 I love dad bods 😍) Scott Michaels here!

    Thanks to all for your feedback! :)

    DMICS: I regret that my actions or behaviour brought about an unfavourable impression of me. I recognize that I tend to be more direct in terms of how I interact with people and I absolutely appreciate how this can rub some people the wrong way.

    I respect your opinion but feel compelled to point out that, while indeed valid, it stands in stark contrast to the reviews on my RM profile. To be frank, it is definitely not my intention to come across as a douchebag, and all things being equal, I never go out of my way to cause anyone harm. But I also firmly believe that one’s impact is more important than one’s intentions, and so I sincerely apologize that my demeanour upset or offended you. Please feel free to get in touch with me if you feel like offering me the opportunity to try and make it up to you. 

    As for being a ‘PNP guy’:

    Given the choice, I tend to favour encounters that are relaxed, intimate and sober. However, given the right circumstances, I can and occasionally do go above and beyond the regular call of duty to provide a superior quality of service for my clients — within reason. It’s worth considering that some people have an easier time letting go of their inhibitions than others. Who am I to make value judgments about how my clients like to get off?

    I see my role as being a facilitator, not an adjudicator; and as with all things in life: everything in moderation. ;) 

    It’s possible that some might interpret your comment to mean that such situations are standard operating procedure, and so with all due respect, I feel I am obliged to clarify that these cases are exceptions rather than the norm.

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