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whipped guy

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Everything posted by whipped guy

  1. Not that I have ever broken the law...... but I would do so on a regular basis if this were to be the end result... as in, "Officer arrest me I've been bad... Not to mention that I need it bad! Really bad!" http://40.media.tumblr.com/13e784e39142b4b5df5a1d857947621f/tumblr_mj2cix3zDl1rf2ryho1_500.jpg
  2. Well the proverbial "fly on the wall" told me that at least a couple of guys here were "good" last night... So here goes... Veni. Vidi. Victus sum! I came. I saw. I was conquered. http://41.media.tumblr.com/e065068eae51d278d5f870fe86ee492d/tumblr_naov1jEVw21so34pto4_1280.jpg I just love the smile on the guy's face in this next pic... It says it all! Defeated and beaten with a smile on his face! http://41.media.tumblr.com/a012afa544e575086612663a454d0873/tumblr_nfnot30T8H1r4en3mo3_1280.jpg Or as some would here would want me to say because they think that it would sound better... Il giovanotto è stato vinto e battuto con una faccia sorridente. Damn! From my point of view this guys is gonna be in heaven... You just know that the tip of that riding crop is gonna be directed to his already sore nips... adding insult to injury... Then the other accoutrements shown are gonna be used... All I know is that his nips, pecs, abs, and a few other body parts will be singing a song of delight when this is all over... Kind of reminds me of a "predicament" that I found myself in a couple of weeks ago... Yeah! The lucky boi's nips will thankfully be singing the Dom's praises for days to come...
  3. The astute BVB is as usual on to something! I think that I was conquered would definitely be more appropriate! As in... Veni. Vedi. Victus sum! If you guys are good I will post a pic or two of "Victus sum"!
  4. The famous quote from Julius Caesar: I came. I saw. I conquered. http://i.ytimg.com/vi/pKLrCQHeplM/hqdefault.jpg I guarantee that the boi is going to come... And cum in buckets!
  5. This boy has been there before... and craves and needs to have his nips tortured.... http://40.media.tumblr.com/2855b84e5cff6ae9bd9674598aeaf2b3/tumblr_naov1jEVw21so34pto1_1280.jpg You our can just hear him begging with the words... "Torture me Sir.. .Yes I deserve it Sir... I can take what ever you can dish out Sir... I'll make you proud of me Sir... http://40.media.tumblr.com/1460b91742aed9c7939a4d0a7565c6f5/tumblr_nfnot30T8H1r4en3mo1_1280.jpg Thank you Sir!! However... This is only the beginning of his ordeal... The best is yet to come....... (Insert evil grin here!)
  6. I did not want to post this in the Deli... as I know that not everyone here is into leather... but I believe that this might be the guy that Tristan Baldwin wants to bring to our next hook up... As as I said in that thread the more the merrier!
  7. A slice of heaven... ...and where I hope to be taken... and soon! Hopefully today! http://40.media.tumblr.com/855e959879cdb8720fa65eb112713a45/tumblr_njag78ZdXi1u6yywwo1_1280.jpg Love The "smile" on the guy's face!
  8. I can tangibly feel and hear the ecstasy here... http://40.media.tumblr.com/53f36c805101c1d85b04ef96629ee93e/tumblr_nh6gzrtB6v1saujx6o3_1280.jp Though... while my mind is not quite as perverted as some here... in my ideal fantasy there's a guy on his knees willing to help finish the job... PS: Depending on the size of your screen be sure to scroll down to get the "entire picture"! . Just sayin...
  9. Two more Big Guys goin' at it! Okay... You made me do it... Two more hotties having some fun... and do take note of those nice red cheeks... Always the sign of a good and obedient bottom boy! DAMN! http://38.media.tumblr.com/308f05884c6186279362dba8e613129c/tumblr_nhdx4tE6HC1t8ivmgo1_400.gif Now in my scenario there is a third guy approaching... What will he be doing... Eating? Fucking? Spanking? Something else??? You name it... Either way another DAMN as I said! What say you? Perverted minds would like to know!!!!
  10. Two good lookin' big boys goin' at it! Damn! The top is smokin' HOT... bi's, tri's, and best of all the pec's. Who wouldn't want to get a taste of those nips? YUM! Did I say DAMN!!!!???? http://38.media.tumblr.com/420217365b8883900e95863a112a4111/tumblr_nb2p86LFMj1rk54eco3_500.gif Ya can't see much of the other guy, but I'll bet he ain't chopped liver!
  11. Gorgeously alluring Simply a beautiful picture... Of a drop-dead gorgeous guy... Damn is he the perfect specimen... and with bulges in all the right places! I am imagining that this is the view from the lucky person that is approaching on his knees and is about to remove that tighty-whitie and discover the prize contained within! http://40.media.tumblr.com/6ac2358602d1879575073719e0fdd11c/tumblr_njgysgvTYm1s28ad8o7_500.jpg Of course I'm a sucker for a nice set of thighs and this guy certainly fits the bill... I'm thinking headlock!
  12. Big LOL! Good eye as usual BVB! You really have an eye for detail. I never even noticed the sports theme... as in the balls and the bat. I saw no "balls" and the only "bat" that I noticed belonged to the bottom! I guess I was so excited to see that they were using clover clamps that I tuned all the other stuff out! I can only imagine the other details that I missed! Bottom line BVB: Tu sei il bravo giovanotto! That means that you are really top of the line! Okay... You deserve one more! Again thank those bound gods! http://36.media.tumblr.com/4e8e3a26740cc4c0b49939f1be3e964c/tumblr_mqas7c5gND1r481huo1_1280.jpg
  13. Guys! I just found one more to complete the set... May the gods bless "Bound Gods"! http://40.media.tumblr.com/117d2c1bd983bf37e3fdcfb8f1cdfa31/tumblr_n7y1avLMoG1svzzu3o6_1280.jpg
  14. Today something a bit more adventurous... It's no secret that Clover Clamps are my favorite tit toy... Here are some examples of their use and abuse: http://41.media.tumblr.com/4cbf4f192bfe4c54bd80570d368507b5/tumblr_n7y1avLMoG1svzzu3o8_500.jpg http://40.media.tumblr.com/f62ab02495916609e65d209fe3f9f9f3/tumblr_n7y1avLMoG1svzzu3o2_1280.jpg http://41.media.tumblr.com/d8b9ca3d9b59355d8793623fe4733a74/tumblr_n7y1avLMoG1svzzu3o5_1280.jpg
  15. Up close and personal mouth and tongue action... Something tells me that the nip tastes like expensive toffee! Then the kiss!!! Vanilla action does not get much better than this! http://38.media.tumblr.com/77487b2188108140cd763123b5237b63/tumblr_njar54lPBD1u7jk07o2_250.gif Of course the guy has some hot abs that need some attention as well! Not to mention the other nip!
  16. Hey BVB! Great job! I can use some help down here! Therefore, I have only two words for you. Words that I usually reserve only for very "special guys"! You're hired!
  17. It could very well be. Good eye BVB! Yeah! "Nice pics" and "nice nips" as well! http://images.rentboy.com/EZRENT5/3LVDT9RW8MJEQ?pre=detail&wm=www.rentboy.com Plus, he's a "Rentboy"! Either way he exemplifies the phrase we learned down here a while back: "Un bravo giovanotto!" Loose translation: "Yummy"!
  18. Working out at the gym... Yep! It's always an advantage... and at times an adventure... to have that perfect training partner! http://38.media.tumblr.com/5c4a5dc51f3ed645e88c2a94f54a2755/tumblr_mru023khMu1rab4ejo2_500.gif Yeah! Work those pecs... and work 'em hard! http://33.media.tumblr.com/12613c30e1bd6645d6f96258c7e9ebc9/tumblr_mru023khMu1rab4ejo1_500.gif I wish I could find more of this scene. It looks as though one guy is about to loose his gym shorts... Plus there's that incline bench in the background that might be put to good use!
  19. Given the situation, I would guess that any dentist worth his salt would invite you for a bit of after-hours fun... heck, the multi positional chair... All those "tools of the trade"...Think of the possibilities! Heck! From What I gather a dentist's job ain't always like pulling teeth... It can have its benefits!
  20. 20,000 hits and counting!!!! Posted on the occasion of 20,000 views! This what happens when two guys, two perverted minds, and two pairs of clover nipple clamps are all in the same room at the same time! Talk about creativity! http://40.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m693vr1YGD1rz582oo1_500.jpg
  21. Okay... to get a bit serious BVB... First thanks for the thoughts and good wishes. Now regarding the wires... I can't say for sure, but it certainly looks as though the wires might be electrical. If so, such play is currently not recommended as being absolutely safe. Of course before I realized that I did go there. Somewhere I have a pic taken with both my nips and another appendage all hot-wired together at the same time. I even submitted a review where an escort and I had both our nips wired to an electrical unit in tandem as we both tried to make the other guy "cry uncle" as the juice was turned up. We did that on stage at the NYBC... All that was most likely beyond foolish in retrospect as theoretically any electricity applied above the waist can adversely affect the heart. Still, according to some the jury is still out on the safety of such play, but it is always best to err on the side of caution in such matters. Most units used for nip play are TENS units and one of the contraindications is use above the waist with cardiac conditions. I have since developed a cardiac arrythmia. I have always wondered if it was induced by electrical play with my TENS unit. I discreetly asked my cardiologist about that, and he said that it was unlikely... my condition is atrial fibrillation which is somewhat common... my father (who had a variety of other cardiac arrhythmias) had it as well... So who knows from where I developed the condition? At any rate, I personally and sensibly ain't going there anymore. So been there... done that... In any event, it's good to have a serious discussion about such matters in the midst of all the madness of this thread. It is paramount for issues of safety to always be in the forefront. We all want to enjoy... but let's do so safely and sensibly!
  22. Here's a tough guy enjoying the pleasures of some "right on the edge of the nips" tit action... The expression of delight on his face says it all! I would guess that this guy and his nips have been around the block! I would also guess that he would have no trouble enduring the Magnetic Balls from Hell! http://40.media.tumblr.com/01013516358574b204fdce543d0f0feb/tumblr_ng6kgz4xsd1r2kkl5o1_1280.jpg
  23. OK BVB... I was just playing with you. You are such a good natured type of guy that you invite such a thing... So yes, my tongue was planted firmly in my cheek when I said that I was fibbing... The problems that I mentioned were based on my actual experiences with them and while a bit comical did prove to be enough of a hinderance as to make me regret purchasing them. A friend also purchased a pair and because he has very flat nipples it was almost impossible for him to wear them with out them popping off... So another caveat. He regrets his purchase as well. This is what the 665 website that I linked to says: (emphasis added) In the mood to abuse your nipples? These Magnetic Balls from Hell are your ticket to do just that. So simple in design, yet so evil in their application. These fuckers pack a punch! Guide the four spears so that they attract themselves to your nipples, then release. They'll stay put for as long as you can stand them. Suck it up and go out to a bar as they hold your nipples hostage. While you suffer in pain, people will think your nipples are pierced. The constant aching-pleasure will stay on your mind all day. 2 Pairs are included (4 balls total) These are for experienced players So they ain't gentle!!!! SORRY! Seriously, they really embody a nifty concept, but fall short in their practical application. Unless, that is, you wear them in a vacuum as I jokingly noted in my posting above. ----- Now one more thing... I'm no way a handful. In actuality I am really quite low key... Now from what our mutual buddy has told me, it is you who is the real handful and quite the live wire... and this from someone who you must admit has not only been around the block, but has been around the block a multiplicity of times! In fact he built the block... and quite a big one at that... prior to going around it!!!!
  24. Regarding the magnetic balls... Yes, I have a pair and there is a reason that they are called the "Magnetic Balls from Hell". In actuality I would say that they are really from "Beyond Hell"!!! When you place them on your nips the magnets want to make contact and they simply don't give up... The result is that the effect gets quite intense after a period of time... Over the top intense! Painfully intense! With most nipple clamps the nip gets acclimated to the pressure which remains constant. Here the pressure only wants to increase as the balls try in vain to make contact. Incidentally there is a larger version to place a certain appendage to make that appear pierced as well! I wore them one night at the NYBC and they looked hot... just like nipple piercings. However! Caveat! Remember that they are magnets and as I was flogging a guy who was chained to some wooden crossbars I got a bit too close to the chains... The next thing that I knew one of my nips was literally attached to one of the chains. After I pried myself free I picked up a flogger that had some metal rivets on the handle. Well! Now the flogger handle was attached to my other nip... So now I get myself back together and then I get too close to a guy wearing a harness with metal snaps and... Well, I think you can figure out what happened! So based on that Keystone Cop scenario I decided that they were not practical. Plus, there is always the risk that someone might think that it is a real piercing and might accidentally swallow, choke on, or aspirate the little suckers if they started to suck your nips. So bottom line: They are not not recommended unless you will be wearing them in a metallic free environment or even better in a vacuum! Even then if something causes them to dislodge the bastards end up rolling only the gods know where. I notice that the regular asking price is a lot less than what I paid and they are on sale too boot! There's a reason why! Now for the BVB inquiring mind... Everything that I stated above is a total fib... They are really quite gentle and very comfortable... and are perfect for guys who just want to give the impression that they are tough, but in reality are total wimps. Not that you are a wimp by any stretch of the imagination... After all, only your nips are a bit tender... Actually from what I understand you are not only quite tough but game for most anything... at least that's what I was led to believe by a certain fellow Connecticut resident with whom we are both acquainted. Therefore, if you want to give 'em a "try before you buy" I will be only too happy to arrange it!
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