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whipped guy

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Everything posted by whipped guy

  1. Do those from the Chicago contingent get to vote early and often? For the record... a bit of both... Though I prefer pics that leave a little bit to the imagination.
  2. A few Pec-cadillos to start the week: http://33.media.tumblr.com/559ca5997d1deac475808a8cb418428f/tumblr_nksjjmzaz21uocdxao1_r3_400.gif Hmmmm... I wonder what's going on here... http://31.media.tumblr.com/bb67def6ae4b89a03c51391288c00bd1/tumblr_nk9hmid3d61uocdxao1_r3_400.gif In case you could not quite figure it out... http://33.media.tumblr.com/102e0b5f3d801384178367d65ce26a55/tumblr_nkjasfkRuD1uocdxao1_r2_250.gif Plus one more to enjoy... http://38.media.tumblr.com/a7cc4de9bd32a719aad84d23a3ec3a66/tumblr_nk9h5o29w31uocdxao1_r2_400.gif
  3. For BVB and others... To see the full effect of how the suspension scene was accomplished http://ruscapturedboys.com/tour/1710387f00acb67dee2b29fd3de5f5f0/DSC_0306.jpg
  4. I think that I know what happened... The pics were taken down temporarily from the parent site and then were reposted... In any event, I located two more... Notice the flogger in the second pic... Nice touch given that the video is of an interrogation scene! http://ruscapturedboys.com/tour/1710387f00acb67dee2b29fd3de5f5f0/DSC_0539.jpg http://ruscapturedboys.com/tour/1710387f00acb67dee2b29fd3de5f5f0/DSC_0761.jpg
  5. Hmmmmm... Sorry about that. I just noticed that the images have been removed from the original website so not sure if that is the reason for any problems. I posted all four images using my iPad this morning. I'm responding from my phone and all the images appear... and not only on my original posting, but in your quote as well. So not sure what's going on. Interested to know if any others are having problems. Otherwise I guess it should be filed under "cyber-snafu"!
  6. Hump Day Special... one more "over the top" suspension: I just could not resist posting this when I came across it... again not exactly something that you would try at home... and possibly not even under professional supervision. The pics are taken from an interrogation video that is about 13 minutes in duration... that info provided to give an idea as to how long such scenes can last... Though I doubt that the victim was suspended for the entire time. http://ruscapturedboys.com/tour/1710387f00acb67dee2b29fd3de5f5f0/thumbs/DSC_0386.jpg http://ruscapturedboys.com/tour/1710387f00acb67dee2b29fd3de5f5f0/thumbs/DSC_0415.jpg http://ruscapturedboys.com/tour/1710387f00acb67dee2b29fd3de5f5f0/thumbs/main_thumb.jpg http://ruscapturedboys.com/tour/1710387f00acb67dee2b29fd3de5f5f0/thumbs/DSC_0472.jpg This is a bit of a detour for this thread... I promise I'll look for some more vanilla type pics not only to maintain a balance, but to get things a bit back on track... Unless by popular demand I am told otherwise that is... Plus help is always appreciated!
  7. Bottom line... With such "over the top" scenes... don't try this at home... Also see a similar discussion in the the "Ask an Escort Forum" in the Fetishes Thread.
  8. The video from which the upside-down suspension pics shown above were taken was about eight minutes plus in duration... Of course the guy was not braced as is the case with the pic shown below. The pic below and commentary is reposted from the "Serious Nipple Play Thread". I could never do it myself, but a half hour in such an upside down position is not unheard of at the infamous NYC club that you reference. Of course the guy's head is braced on a stool so that makes things much less dicey... In professionally filmed scenes I would hope that precautions are taken regarding safety, and I would think that limiting the time would be part of those precautions. BVB... Regarding the suspension scene, most every time that I have seen it done there was some sort of stool with a soft padding placed under the subject's head so as to cushion things. That does not mean that something could not go wrong, but it would theoretically minimize any potential complications. If you look closely you can see the red stool under the guy's head. This is usually the standard at the NYBC. http://nybondageclub.com/images/04082012/DSC00781.jpg Once again note the smile on the guy's face!
  9. Something literally over the top and "Topsy-Turvey"! An upside-down suspension delight... and we ain't growing no tomatoes or other veggies either! I love the upside -down smile! http://ruscapturedboys.com/tour/f32c1066aa9a444c68f8a835b018252d/thumbs/DSC_0462.jpg http://ruscapturedboys.com/tour/f32c1066aa9a444c68f8a835b018252d/thumbs/DSC_0473.jpg http://ruscapturedboys.com/tour/f32c1066aa9a444c68f8a835b018252d/thumbs/DSC_0498.jpg http://ruscapturedboys.com/tour/f32c1066aa9a444c68f8a835b018252d/thumbs/main_thumb.jpg Waaay too over the top and way too HOT to post! http://www.asseenontvofficialsite.com/v/vspfiles/assets/images/topsy-turvy-upside-down-hot-pepper-planter-1.jpg Gottcha!
  10. There we go raising the bar on the guy again!!!! Now he's gonna have to schedule another trip to the other side of the world! However, don't be surprised if he does make it "down under" and you get to see him! His energy knows no bounds! Heck, on more than one occasion he traveled quite a distance to get to me when we were both away from our home bases. I hope to try and make things easier for him in the future by making an effort to get to him... I really feel a need to make it up to him... and especially over the summer when he usually curtails his travel plans a bit.
  11. Yes, the guy can act... and that is part of being a "wrestler"... So I can easily see him performing a certain role... While we didn't do any overtly specific role playing he was certainly able to play the part of Mr. Not So Nice Guy... something that we all know is contrary to his natural persona. I just fear that this thread is going to raise the bar on the poor guy to such a high level so as to create a conundrum for him... Let's see... First he'll have to do the telephone book trick... and since it has already been established that they are difficult to locate the guy is going to have to start traveling with them. Then he'll have to follow a script that was given to him in advance for some sort of role play.. and it will take time to learn the script... not to mention all the other things that he is so meticulous about doing prior to seeing a client. Plus, he always needs to hit the gym so as to stay in shape... Then there are his other business endeavors... There might not be enough time in the day for the poor fellow... TB or not TB... Well we all know the answer to that question! All I can say is that in the final analysis no matter what just let TB be TB... and he'll give you the ride of your life!
  12. With fond memories of their grandpa... Something our superhero TB has no need of!
  13. On some guys tattoos work. On other guys they don't work and can be off-putting... and especially if overly done with complex configurations and gaudy colors. Wether they work or not depends on placement, design, and other unique factors. Often times less is more in my book. Tristan's most definitely "work" and prove to be an enhancement too boot. Plus the "Death Before Dishonor" tat really rocks in my book and captures the essence of the guy! Actually Tristan could have a random page from any telephone directory as a tattoo and it somehow would work... Just kidding... So don't get any crazy ideas Big Guy!
  14. Well, when I jokingly mentioned reading the phone book to Tristan I had no clue that he had this hidden talent! Now my mission is to locate a Manhattan telephone directory... purportedly the thickest in the country and see how impressive a feat it actually can be... Not that he needs to impress anyone any further!
  15. Your Hump Day Hunk Simply a hot guy who has a gorgeous set of pecs and nips with whom to create your own fantasy be it vanilla or totally off the charts... http://ruscapturedboys.com/tour/a8f09a3f0f749aadb9002dfec5fdd156/thumbs/IMG_8836.jpg I would most likely do a fat free vanilla session with this hot guy with lots of tongue action on this pecs and nips... With any luck what's below the waist would be just as enticing... Of course if he were willing to be more "adventurous" I would certainly be game for that!
  16. At the risk of turning this thread into a private conversation I have already made a hotel reservation for the Sunday of that weekend... However... don't be surprised if the tables get turned on you... The Chicago program consists of potential whippersnappers being on the receiving end of the equation prior to receiving their final diploma. There is a space reserved for you in the seldom used lower section at Paddles that will be opened especially for you that night... A space that is only reserved for very special occasions.... It is behind an iron gate... There your fate will be sealed... Your Chicago instructor and I will put you through the paces thus insuring that you graduate Summa Cum Laude! Then if your good we might even give you a bag of Cheetos!
  17. There's nothing like having you abs, chest, and yes your nips flogged... Here are a couple of prime examples: http://ruscapturedboys.com/tour/daaebab1e3aeb366edce5deaa780c7b4/thumbs/IMG_9380.jpg http://ruscapturedboys.com/tour/daaebab1e3aeb366edce5deaa780c7b4/thumbs/IMG_9380.jpg Now this is a perfect set of abs, and they look even more enticing when seen with a healthy red glow! I also like the fact that the nips were targeted as well! Nice! http://ruscapturedboys.com/tour/9ce3711d036589cbb6e5ea2ce8af725c/thumbs/main_thumb.jpg http://ruscapturedboys.com/tour/9ce3711d036589cbb6e5ea2ce8af725c/thumbs/main_thumb.jpg Again I love the redness on this guy's chest and nips... and especially since you can see where the tails of the flogger left their mark! The stocks are a nice touch as well!
  18. Not necessary WG2... I'll supply the battery... and you will be surprised how much juice can flow from a seemingly simple 9 volt. I know that you're a tough hombre WG2... but even you will be shocked at the jolt that it can produce. When do we set this up? Can't wait to hear you cry uncle... Big guy... However, your reference to a car battery reminds me of the time I was in Walmart and was indeed looking for a small specialty battery that seemed to be out of stock. I asked an employee if there were any that might be in the back... His response was, "No, but we do sell batteries in the automotive department. You can look there'". In fairness English was not the guy's first language... But still... Seriously now... as I've posted before... The jury is out regarding the safety of the use of electricity above the waist... but most experts are advising against using electro in such a manner. Been there, done that, not doing it again... and especially since I developed A-fib... a cardiac arrhythmia... Irregular heartbeat... That's a serious contraindication... and I often wonder if it was caused by electro play... Now not to seem like a party pooper... I highly recommend it for use below the waist... However, that's a different subject for a different thread... Now to get this thread back on track...
  19. http://tristanbaldwin.com/calendar/ Check out his travel schedule as noted on his website. Do so periodically as he will update things if his plans need to change. As mentioned getting the initial appointment can be dicey as he is in demand... and as mentioned not just for escorting. Case in point... I live in close proximity to his home base, but have mostly been able to catch up with him when both of us have been 1000 miles away from the area. Strange but true! Unfortunately I will be out of town most of the times that he will be at his home base in the upcoming weeks... So any of you guys who are in the NE area take that as your cue! He's all yours!
  20. No marketing guru here! Just telling it like it is!! Listen to what all have to say and then decide if he is a good fit...
  21. I actually did, but when he arrived I discovered that having canceled my ground line I had none available... Consequently the session moved to an entirely different direction!
  22. TB will do that which YOU want... within reason that is. No wrestling necessary... Plus, regarding the boy friend experience he had even me wanting his version of the BFE... That's how good he is at it!!!! He would be good even if you hired him to simply read the telephone book... and I can assure you that you would cum back for more!!!!!!!!
  23. A couple of quickies! For the record... That's an electrical spiked senso wheel device being used... as evidenced by the "simile" on the guy's face! http://ruscapturedboys.com/tour/daaebab1e3aeb366edce5deaa780c7b4/thumbs/IMG_9288.jpg http://ruscapturedboys.com/tour/daaebab1e3aeb366edce5deaa780c7b4/thumbs/IMG_9221.jpg
  24. Yeah! I would definitely wanna get a glimpse of the other guy's chest as well!!! Actually more than a mere glimpse!!!
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