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Everything posted by Herse

  1. I came very close to meeting him last year, when the rate was still 1500 USD... To try and give this a constructive spin, do any prividers come to mind with a similar build? Particularly the legs + bum 😋
  2. Herse


    Wait! Does Nixon escort???!
  3. Bump. Has anyone met with him recently?
  4. Thanks for the perspective and the nostalgia! OP, did you ever reach out? If so, how did he come across to you?
  5. What a stud! I have only ever hired providers from rentmen, is mintboys trustworthy?
  6. Herse

    BishopTO in NYC

    Bump! Now in Austin :)
  7. I personally, much prefer this one 😛
  8. A provider is in town for a few days and I want to be able to catch him while he's here, my options are the last appointment of his last night or the first on the morning he leaves. I understand if they are professionals, it should not make a difference, however we are human. So my question is, in your experience, has it made a difference before? Which one would you recommend gong for? I don't want fatigue or a time crunch to have a negative impact.
  9. I tried but haven´t gotten a response yet.
  10. What about: Papiantonio - Pornstar Performer, Rentboy, Gay Massage in Austin, TX | RentMen RENTMEN.EU Pornstar Performer & Rentboy in Austin, TX - Papiantonio: Antonio I couldn't find a thread on him, but has some solid reviews on the site.
  11. Thanks for everybody's perspectives, I think it comes down to being direct, respectful and brief until the provider communicates availability
  12. Haha this provider ticks all my boxes as well!I hope you have a great experience, keep us posted
  13. Hello everyone! First of all, thank you for this community and for keeping it alive. It feels great to have this space and be able to ask questions. I have hired a few times before (4, I believe) but have always struggled with what the first message should be and the flow of the conversation, English is not my mother tongue so there´s an additional layer of wondering if I´m being too formal or clear enough. Usually, it goes something like this: Hey man, I hope it´s going well! I am looking for a BFE and looking to top. Kissing is important to me. Are you available on ______ ? Depending on the response, I will follow up with more concrete questions. What are your thoughts? When do you discuss rates? How do you ask for a face pic if the provider isn't posting one on their public profile? How do you mention your health stats and ask for theirs (if you do)? Lastly, do you mind sharing your first approaches? As always, thanks!
  14. I have encountered this explanation before, has anyone ever had a good experience moving past this?
  15. Hey everyone, I'm taking a trip to Dallas and was wondering if people recommend this stud based on previous experiences. https://rentmen.eu/Stud_NextDoor Many thanks!
  16. Completely different provider
  17. Would love to hear about Pettriuss! Keep us posted if you take the plunge
  18. Bump. Has anybody met him?
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