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Everything posted by Tygerscent

  1. Neglect of infrastructure problems and too much investment into cooperate interests for fast profit might be a reason~ Seattle is an even bigger example of building for profit at the expense of the quality and safety of the local citizens and city as a livable habitat~ Emerald cities built on foundations of decay~ There’s a number of cities that I work in where clients will not meet after sunset because of safety concerns~ Seattle is one of them~ Seattle cleaned up a part of town recently because there was a big sports event happening but, the rest of the city is crazy with capital Cray~ Emperor City’s New Clothing~ Building over the problems doesn’t mean they go away… It reminds me of times back in the late 80’s and early 90s where entire neighborhoods were built on top of garbage dumps that had pockets of methane forming beneath the ground due to the garbage left underneath the foundations of the homes… Entire homes would burst into flames and explode when people turned on their stoves, lit cigarettes, used their fire places~ Seattle neighborhood outraged after homeless install swimming pool, puff fentanyl in broad daylight WWW.GOOGLE.COM The expanding homeless encampment in the Highland Park neighborhood of Seattle has continued to anger neighbors after... Recent Seattle fire in pics below… 40 years and 1500 feet apart: Two Madison home explosions, but no likely connection FOX47.COM MADISON, Wis. -- Tuesday night's headline is one that the city of Madison has seen before: a... I was at the University of Wisconsin Madison taking courses towards my medical degree and one of the women I was in a class with suddenly stopped coming to classes. It’s because she was in one of the homes that was built on top of a garbage dump and exploded after her husband lit a cigarette~ Tragic~ Pure negligence on the part of the developers. As if nobody had never before heard of garbage producing methane~ She and her husband were severely burned and she withdrew from medical school~ In the number of cities within the states, mental illness, drug use, and homelessness are left to fester and grow within the city, as programs are defunded and dismantled~ It’s in so many cities across the nation~ They are not new concerns… they’ve just perhaps been left unattended for a long time~ I’ve been running a homeless provision program between Seattle and Portland since 1990. Situations there were actually better tended to prior to 2016… Mayor Vera Katz of Portland developed several successful programs for the homeless but, after she left, the care and provisions dropped and the situation took a turn for the worse~ I still provide food, clothing and other services for the homeless and their pets in Portland at various times of the year~ I still feel safe in Portland day or night but, I’ve pretty much stopped my provisions in seattle due to safety concerns~ I think that has also become part of the difficulty in serving the community: safety~ at least, from the perspective of my own experience safety has become a provision issue~
  2. For a moment I considered the names to be some cruel joke: Simon Legeee and Dr. Jekyll~ I was like: Why Couldn’t they pick something a bit less sinister like yogi and boo boo or Cybersix & Data-7, (since they pal in Canadian Waters).
  3. Makes it easy with the Elizabeth… that’s always on time and there’s tons of busses in case it’s raining~ I was there in the area a few weeks ago~ lovely, Colorful neighborhood~
  4. I’m guessing this person lost only their left side in the accident because, it seems they are all right now~
  5. It is for the most part structured and being administered like the old rentboy who also was financially overly opportunistic over providers and self serving as a company~ The original RM was a wonderful service and the owners treated providers fairly~ Then new owners modified the format: the search engine is broken, the travel section is difficult and misleading as an advertising tool, they charge everybody for everything, their customer service is a non-issue simply because there is none~ Contact numbers and info are hidden well away from convenient public or user view~ Efforts to resolve issues are neglected and easily dismissed by the moderators~ Platinum statues is expensive and pointless in larger cities that is utilize that… there are some places where there’s 56 or seven pages of platinum ads… At some point there are so many it destroys the purpose of having a platinum ad, (which is to put you up at the top), because suddenly everybody is up at the top above you except now more Providers are paying more for the same marketing tool~ there also seems to be some perception that people in the platinum section cost more. So, Clients end up bypassing the platinum and search in the gold~
  6. Thank you for this… one thing that immediately caught my attention was the comment about how much pressure there is to separate sexes into two distinct categories, despite the reality being different~ i’m curious to research now how people dealt with this before there were surgeries… Was it simply not discussed or was it more acceptable? It’s disturbing how people in different societies validated their fears or lack of understanding thru medicine and religion and placed a blame on the children who were mutilated and emotionally/psychologically manipulated to think that what was being done to them was acceptable~ I’m hoping that part of this documentary includes parents and doctors who might offer some perspective on what was going on in their hearts and minds~ I will watch this~ 👍😎🫶
  7. What time I was in a city in the winter time during a snowstorm… I followed the signs after reading them carefully. I did exactly what I was supposed to do. I left my car in one spot and according to the signs that wasn’t a problem except, there are rules, not written on the signs. I came back to my car a few days later and found a small novel of tickets, love letters from the city each one with a beginning value of about $35 and increasing if not paid within a certain amount of time. I went to the city site to do a little research and then I called. The woman literally told me I was liable for the tickets and that if I lived there, I would already know the rules. I pointed out to her that I don’t live there and then I’m traveling for work. I asked her how anybody would know about these rules that were not written on the signs on the street and she said people were expected to call or go on the website to read what the rules are. I gently asked her if the city honestly had the expectation that everybody in the city was a local resident… She did not know how to answer. She said I could contest the tickets. In the end the first issued ticket was dismissed but, they screwed me on the rest of them saying that after I gotten the first ticket, I should’ve known something was wrong. Unfortunately, I was away from my car for days and didn’t know that the tickets for accumulating, and there was nothing that would indicate that I was even getting tickets.
  8. There’s been a couple of places where finding the right room was challenging even with the room number. You would think it would be the simplest thing in the world but, I’ve known hotels that had tower is 1, 2 and three each having the same room numbers in each tower. The essential information is knowing what tower your particular room is in… Also east and west towers, North and south towers that sort of thing~ Sometimes apartment buildings have the same apartment numbers and you have to know which particular building you’re looking for: ABCDE etc. there could be an entire alphabet worth of buildings there. There are a number of different neighborhoods in various cities that have one name shared between specific neighborhoods all located next to each other, (or not),: 31st St. Place, 31st St Court, 31st st Loop, 31st St East and 31st St. West~ That sort of things~ One time I was looking for a location on 137th St. but, what GPS didn’t know about 137th St. is that it starts in one area and then it stops and then there’s a completely different neighborhood with its own streets. On the other side of that neighborhood, 137th St. continues again but, It’s about a half a mile away. So, you’re driving around looking for a particular address and there is no house with that address if you’re on the wrong, 137th St. it’s on the other one that’s a half a mile away. It’s good to leave some extra time and your travel to account for not only traffic but, bizarre traffic infrastructure. GPS can be exceptionally deceiving if there’s a new development or new construction going on or an established area within the city that changes its traffic patterns but not the street names~ Mischief can occur If I get near military bases, airports, areas that have a lot of heavy metals in the ground due to bunkers or thick cement buildings/overpasses or whatever~ Sometimes GPS just spins around in a circles possessed… I pull the car over and I watch GPS locate me in the middle of a cornfield even though I’m on an established road or highway. Suddenly it puts me in the middle of a lake. When G5 came out, this was happening frequently~ Annoying and still happens… I recently spent a month in London working and GPS consistently would point me in one direction and show a clear path as designated by a blue line. I would commence walking suddenly the entire process would change and point me in the opposite direction. That was consistent throughout the entire trip~ After a short time I came to expect the error and would intentionally walk in the opposite direction initially instructed to pursue~ Seemingly GPS works only a percentage of the time much like spell correction: I encounter constant error~ For this very reason, I’ve weaned myself off of GPS as much as possible because being brutally honest, my sense of direction was much better before GPS came along~ I’m getting back to basics and find doing so augments my inner natural GPS: I remember more accurately where I’ve been in the world. I began to lose that sense when I started using GPS~ There’s a lot that’s been added to smart phones but, quite frankly, there’s so much of it I really don’t care about and never use. Regardless, it takes up memory, space and time on my phone all of which I pay for one way or another. It’s like a bad physics theory: the theory of non-relativity~ My phone storage and capabilities ate not directly related to an update but rather whether my phone is older than one year in market time quarter by Apple Pi times the Samsung nebulas~ Photos is a great example: suddenly there are new categories for things like “memories” where the phone somehow pulls out photographs it thinks are significant to me, putting them together in little video program with music. Somehow my phone thinks I care about something I did a year ago or five years ago and quite frankly, I don’t give a damn. Maybe of my phone memories burned down with Terra during the computer wars of the 90’s and early 2000’s~ “I don’t know nuthin about texting on a blackberry”~ (rolling eyes). That’s back in the days when my phone covers were hand made out of fancy curtains~ Most of the time when I’m on my phone, I’m actually trying to do something like work, research things or find some information on my phone relative to work~ I’m not on it to reminisce about something I did a year or five ago~ Again, it’s an annoyance and it takes up time~ If it was the only thing taking up my time on my phone, it might be less of an annoyance but, there’s constant updates or I have to look at every ad on YouTube whether I want to or not to see some thing, or I’m trapped in security issues like double and triple verification and I’m constantly having to change passwords or make new ones to comply~ The percentage of time that my phone is not working because of bugs, updates, rebooting, waiting for ads, correcting things like grammar and words that my phone thinks I want to use when I don’t, it all adds up~ When I add all the time up it leaves the impression that my phone is actually becoming a detriment. Between cell service and the actual cost of the phone, it’s a couple thousand bucks a year and I feel like it should work all the time not just 30% of the time~ Television was originally an advertising tool, and to get people to watch the advertisements, they added entertainment~ Our media devices have become the same thing… Their marketing tools and they’ve created an extra need by incorporating them into our work life, healthcare system, and education which are ultimately more opportunities to market something~ So when I come across these blimps like GPS problems and trying to accomplish simple tasks like finding an address, a hotel, room number, the first thing I think of is: “what do they want me to buy now” and “there must be some other way I can get my work done without these constant interruptions”~ I’ve never owned a television, I stopped using computers in 2014. I do everything on my phone and I try to avoid the cloud as much as possible because I don’t like the idea my life being stored remotely on a “cloud” away from my phone~ The idea of losing it all, (due to weather or some random bomb from some pissed off country or bizarre glitch like the airlines had when they didn’t update their computer programs), discourages me… I haven’t had Internet since 2014. I have an unlimited data program and I tap into Wi-Fi in random places~ That works~ I’ve also never owned a microwave or a stereo system. It doesn’t mean I don’t get cooked food or don’t listen to music. I just have less the expenses of those things and that works for me but, I know that technology has appeal to many and an important place there for them and their lives. I’m just a cheap bastard… When I add up the hundreds of thousands of dollars, these things cost over the course of a lifetime, I become disenchanted with them~ that money could go into my retirement, purchase property or rent some hot guy every other day after I retire~
  9. Interesting question… I can’t help but wonder what defines a porn star anymore: some one that films for studios or ate we also including those paid on Twitter, Tik tok, FFO, OF etc~? is there an attitude or stigma distinction between the three~? So many are on FFO etc. But not working directly with old school studios~ Are media stars also porn stars~?
  10. This position is highly illogical captain… I suggest we turn the ship around~
  11. I opted out of TP in 2014 and never looked back… (literally and figuratively)~ I have douching spray nozzles on flex tubes connected to all my home toilets~ They work great~ The novels have adjustable pressure and are hand held so can accommodate any angle~ After the big job I do an external rinse and also a shallow internal rinse~ Super fresh butthole every time~ I travel with a douching hose that attaches to the shower. The only time I’m jonesing for a clean butt is when I’m in the states at a restaurant or public restroom~ if I have to use a restroom like that, and there is no way for me to wash my ass, it is not beneath me to lock the door if I can make a little birdbath out of the sink. That may sound disgusting, but, walking around with a dirty ass just doesn’t work on my end… (pun intended). and worst case scenario is, I’ll go rough and tough with some paper towels that I dampen in the sink, and then head to a stall to do a quick butt bath~ Even when I’m camping, I’m situated around water in the hygiene issue is pretty easy to sort out. If I’m traveling for an extended period of time with the clients, I usually have my hose hooked up somewhere and I do a quick shower after each poo. It really reduces the likelihood of my butt hole getting chafed or yeasty from residence evil Poo. It also makes it easier for impromptu butt-lite play~ It’s amazing how many Clients will hollow suit when the options are available~ My Client are predominantly bottom bunk and the convenient butt removes a lot of unnecessary butt anxiety~ A hotel I stayed at in Vietnam, had the most impressive, toilet provision I have ever experienced: hemispheric Soundsystem, with all kinds of music choices, temperature control in the seat with numerous massage and vibrating options in the bun cushions, the rents was almost like a miniature, more compassionate version of the prancing fountains at the Bellagio in Las Vegas… The water literally dances around on your butt and in your butt hole. after we checked in, I spent a good half an hour, just sitting on the toilet and enjoying all the various features. My Client and I took turns~ there were also flatscreen TVs strategically located around the bathroom, so you could see whatever programming you fancied from the viewpoints of the toilet, or the tub and shower~ The toilet space had colored ambient lighting~ It had hole drying settings~ It didn’t give me a blow job or kiss my pink star but, was happy ending-like regardless and sent me to the moon~ Just wonderful~
  12. Is there any profession where there exists no individuals who regret having taken a position there~?
  13. There are both male and female courtesans with dynamic professional career backgrounds that include medicine, law, education, religion, corporate positions, newscasting, professional sports and more…
  14. Additionally, if one is going to tread with any sexual partner male or female, personal responsibility remains… HIV is not exclusive to providers or even the gay community~
  15. If there were no providers at all: HIV, PreP and consistency/compliance issues, STI’s, knowledge/certainty, (or lack of either with regard to status), would still exist~ Considerations of safety and disclosure are a human issue and not specifically a provider issue~ It’s not even a gay issue… While there is responsibility for providing potential safety for one’s brothers and sisters, part of that involves personal responsibility of taking care of one’s self~ Who on this planet can say they have taken care of themselves 100% of the time and not taken risks that potentially effect others with drugs, alcohol, money, food, etc.~? Judgment is both easy and dangerous when only the simple picture is considered~ Pointing blame on one group doesn’t dismiss one’s own personal responsibility~ Directing this against providers seems naive dangerously oversimplified~ Global HIV & AIDS statistics — Fact sheet | UNAIDS WWW.UNAIDS.ORG Latest AIDS data, HIV data. Preliminary UNAIDS 2021 epidemiological estimates: 37.6...
  16. I will agree: Escorting is definitely is suited for some better than others~ it’s a rigorous profession. You really have to be OK with having a very flexible schedule, potentially traveling, extensively, and dealing with all kinds of people on not only daily life terms but, the most intimate points of being. Most occupations have built-in boundaries when it comes to intimacy. Intimacy is so multifaceted and isn’t simply a physical consideration. So, it’s the stress of any demanding job, but in addition has the intimacy boundaries removed. Even more challenging in some ways because it’s an income earning position. you have to be very skilled at balancing intimacy in a way that’s healthy for Clients and oneself as a provider~ Becoming an Escort has been fulfilling for me~ I give all kinds of things back in meaningful ways to my clients and I’m continually challenged, learning, fascinated by the experiences shared~ I worked for a period of time with a corporation… That was traumatizing~ I will never subject myself to that type of abuse or self abasement again~ I also worked in the medical field, and that was not traumatizing~ i’ve been able to take all of my skills, education, knowledge, curiosities and put them into a single career, whereas prior to Escorting, I was utilizing only a small percentage of my skills~ I love my profession and career…. No regrets~
  17. I actually never realized: she was one of the Golden girls wasn’t she~?
  18. I’m so curious… I see the Lilliputian but, the statue guys head is where then~?
  19. And to Supplement: (fun and funny)
  20. Yes… also with Hooboys and early Daddys the review aspect was organizes differently and had much more weight… what you could add, write about with legal comfort was quite different then: ie. Rates and basic language~ That changed profoundly in the states due to more legal regulation of that sort of content. Twitter, FFO etc., have more freedom~ They worked around the regulations where as other sites like Men4rentnow etc., felt pressure to modify their content or risk being held liable for it~ The level of censorship on those sites increased. So, even in terms of time: if a provider is earning instant income, on other platforms, set up for income, where will they dedicate their time~? People will tend to do what is practical and convenient for them.
  21. Well… anyone on FFO, OF, Twitter, Instagram has their own platform and chat space… those venues bring them income just by being there~ They don’t actually need a forum to be social. They already have that and they get paid thru those venues~ I have a long history with this forum~ Came in right at the tail end of Hooboy~ Then stayed on thru the Daddy years~ (both on and off site since we lived relatively close together in the Pacific Northwest). So, I’m dedicated~ I chat with my circle mainly off site though~
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