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Everything posted by orville

  1. Hola Papi! Tu eres Dominicano, o del Caribe? I regret so much not being in NYC ?
  2. width=202pxhttps://media4.giphy.com/media/piz2KLnypv8pW/giphy.webp?cid=ecf05e47wgye8cffus206ujle3t8yc6gfyuwulthms4jrd9v&rid=giphy.webp[/img]width=212pxhttps://media1.giphy.com/media/OLLVpUVwL8xzi/giphy.webp?cid=ecf05e473lg40hl8w7ag52vzisarftg3fj1t8baek36p3n2l&rid=giphy.webp[/img] A provider told me he's sure he's been hired by L.E. and other men in the public service. He says, they just never disclose their jobs out of discretion. Have you ever been, or suspect having been in this situation? Firefighter, Pilot, Captain, Navy Seal, or another branch of the military? How was your experience with these men? Any hot stories? Just the idea makes me feel so horny and envious of providers!
  3. This little guy looks really hot. I love cute men with dark features.
  4. Right?! This is what makes some providers so grumpy!
  5. For $180-$200 I expect a fully nude erotic massage with MT, Foreplay, and HE. I'm not asking for sex, but if I'm not getting the above, not really worth the money.
  6. Thanks for the updates @Cooper. I've heard that unconscious patients who were treated with very high doses of Vit D experienced faster recoveries. Not trying to hijack this thread but if they're not trying this on Daddy, can someone suggest it to the medical staff? It's supposed to be a highly efficient and cheap way of treatment.
  7. I don't know your taste in men, but I prefer my men younger than me. There is a difference between stocky/muscular and fat/older. width=230pxhttps://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F28%2F13%2Fb9%2F2813b9ec8039019e6b2983e24032a711.jpg&f=1&nofb=1[/img]width=177pxhttps://i.pinimg.com/originals/21/bb/fe/21bbfe8516862245b7fd838324c23e44.jpg[/img]
  8. All gone due to Corona. Don't think they'll ever come back. The above might cause the proliferation of private sex parties.
  9. That's why I only like average to muscular men. Stocky muscular even better. No twinkies for me. Not only their appearance gives me anxiety, It makes me think they are already using or abusing. Nothing better than grabbing on a man's thick meats.
  10. Well informed men turn me on. Did you know that @MikeBiDude ?
  11. I don't have to read the OP or this entire thread (I'll do it though) to say: THEN!
  12. Yes, it's kind of terrifying despite how much one likes doing it. I didn't have a chance to get the vaccine because of my age.
  13. orville


    You were gonna suck his face? Was his face so monstruous?
  14. I guess a more interesting question would be: Can oral sex cause mouth/throat cancer?
  15. Once you read he lists PNP, everything he says makes absolute and complete sense.
  16. While it sounds like a smart workaround it could open the doors for clients to start calling you bigot/discriminatory, or start trashing you in front of others.
  17. It can work for cam shows but not more than that.
  18. I believe it's more than that and it's rounding $2,000
  19. I also always admired Cher's youthful appearance. Cosmetic procedures complemented the good foundation of her Cherokee genes through the years. But recently I've seen her losing her natural glow to facial fillers. Below 1966 (age 20) vs 2020 width=199pxhttps://i.imgur.com/AAm7rRP.jpg[/img]width=425pxhttps://static.billboard.com/files/2020/10/cher-2018-a-billboard-1548-1602176705-1024x677.jpg[/img]
  20. You actually made me curious about her. Below 1968 (age 20) vs 2020. width=202pxhttps://i.pinimg.com/originals/42/e3/5e/42e35eef051b9d6cb65c1ff575978ba8.jpg[/img]width=269pxhttps://imaging.broadway.com/images/square-11/w800/111089-24.jpg[/img]
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