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Everything posted by orville

  1. orville

    Safe vs. bare

    Female sex liberation and empowerment have been devastating for some young men. Most women are money-driven, looking for the wealthiest/most attractive/taller men. Then young guys without a good job, a car, or a house are quickly discarded. Especially those in their teens or 20s can barely get some pussy frequently. For some of them, a good bj is very rare, almost like a myth they've only heard of. Before Covid, I could hook up with 2 different straight guys aged 18-25, per week. They are so sexually frustrated that they wouldn't mind a gay guy helping them get their rocks off. Some of them have even sent me messages to meet up again but I'm on Covid hiatus. Just patiently waiting for my vaccine and then see how things go from there.
  2. Whenever I hire I feel, in many ways, that I'm having some sort of (stress?) therapy. Sex is a basic physiological need and erotic massage can have serious benefits thanks to the release of endorphins. So it wouldn't be completely inappropriate to call these workers providers, especially if we look at sex work in a progressive way. Who knows if 50 to 100 years from now it becomes a legal and recognized profession in developed countries.
  3. He probably sensed how much you are into him since the first time you met. Being too transparent while doing business, could lead your counterpart to try to manipulate the situation. When he made the first booty-call to you, he was just testing the waters. When he made the second one and you confirmed and went to see him, he knew he got you and could keep calling you indefinitely. You obviously realized that it's good sex at a massage rate but still you feel like he's using you to satisfy his urges and make money. As usual, I would suggest having open communication letting him know that you like when you both meet, but since the last-minute-factor is bothering you, you can tell him you wanna keep seeing him but with better planning. It will hopefully translate into a win-win situation. If he's smart he will understand and try to make it more comfortable for you. If he reacts negatively it could be a confirmation that not only he's using you but he also doesn't care about you.
  4. width=237pxhttps://media.tenor.com/images/f9a9681921aff895cf7609d87be9e616/tenor.gif[/img] Hello huns (escorts and masseurs): I haven't hired in a long time, but today I got a message from one of my regular guys asking if I already got the vaccine so we can meet up because I will be protected against Covid-19 and most of its variants. I was like ? but according to his words, clients are getting vaccinated and calling providers more now. Basically almost telling me like "everyone is doing it!" I know that he genuinely wants to see me because we clicked and we always have great times together, that's why he wants to see me. I wouldn't think he's trying to fool me. However, since I have a market sensor on this forum, I decided to double-check here. I would love to hear others' experiences, either to confirm what he's saying or to tell me if he's bullshitting me. Even if it's not true I wouldn't stop hiring him because I know that Covid is making everyone's lives so difficult now but I would definitely have a talk with him as I truly appreciate his skills! ? But I would like to know the truth anyway. Thank you so much for your help, guys!
  5. He has a few reviews from long-standing RM clients describing intoxication, being very rude, asking for money upfront, or trying to scam them. All of the reviews seem to describe the same behavior. So weird. He lists PNP.
  6. It says nothing. Your reaction says it all.
  7. I wouldn't be surprised that some providers self-teach English using Google Translate.
  8. If an escort's first language is not English, it's probable that they hear/read this word from others, or are spelling the word as they "hear" it.
  9. I tend to comment on threads of escorts that spark some interest in me. If there is a provider I don't find interesting, I simply ignore that thread. There is a difference between discussing and making comments, and rushing to attack providers, for what? basically for being of a certain age, hairy, not muscled, and existing? or for using a nickname that you didn't approve of them?
  10. Different strokes ... It's good that there's plenty of fish in the sea, So many flavors for us, clients, to choose from. It's also good that an escort's income doesn't depend on the views and preferences of 1-single-client.
  11. I really don't understand the criticism. It's already difficult to find a top, even more, a good top, as he shows in his videos. Some people act as if they will never get older.
  12. I can totally relate to the suffering of your mother. I would NEVER EVER consider living in Manitoba. I wouldn't like to spend my last years in Toronto either. Thinking of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico; Boquete, Panama; or Cuenca, Ecuador. Surrounded by lots of hot Latin boys
  13. The worst part is that in a harsh winter this is completely accurate. Moreover on the Atlantic Coast of Canada. Luckily I'm in the most southern city of our nation, the glorious Toronto, And this year we had one of the warmest winters on Record. ☀?
  14. It also helps to strengthen security and ban hackers when platforms implement 2-step verification via email or phone number.
  15. With those "Customer Experience" skills why is he even escorting?
  16. That's a good-looking Jesus but rates seem a bit high.
  17. Hahah, the Dominican Arab is back!
  18. That's a very good-looking cock. width=209pxhttps://media1.tenor.com/images/6b15578268b56ad1a74f202b2dbfdef8/tenor.gif?itemid=17801662[/img]
  19. In North America. In Latin America, Europe, and Australia is different.
  20. Thread Title: "CONVERSATION with Maykul" By the title of this thread and your description of the interaction, I take it that you never met him nor did you hire him or tried his service, hence why you haven't submitted a review to RM, yet you're trashing him on this forum out of a phone chat? You're right, this is not helpful.
  21. Definitely. The new handle is older than the previous one. He didn't have another option after such terrible reviews. Proof that RM doesn't always remove negative reviews.
  22. width=879pxhttps://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fplu77g2cnlm51.jpg&f=1&nofb=1[/img]
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