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Everything posted by orville

  1. I doubt it. There are similar ranges of high-end and low-end rates right now in all developed countries whether it's legal or not. If you mean that decriminalization will bring more people in and a higher supply would drive prices down, not sure either. More availability would certainly make the market more competitive but since there are already established rates, I doubt that newcomers would adopt any extremes. In my experience, in any matured market prices tend to standardize.
  2. Again, anonymity is key in this business. Even here in Canada where it's decriminalized (not completely legal), there is stigma for providers and clients. Once it's online, is traceable. No Bueno.
  3. Excellent point! Legalization also implies more scrutiny. There are straight and bi providers (my favourite kind) who prefer anonymity. I would hate seeing them all flocking to ... where? Mintboys? Yuck!
  4. Good intention, but not sure about this one. It implies taxation on some guys who are already $truggling. What about just decriminalization?
  5. It seems we lost him to OF, hopefully not permanently https://onlyfans.com/platdr More intel on this link. Reverse Image Search of his RM Pic #8 will lead you to his Social Media. Perhaps you can take it from there?
  6. Or you could have said it was a hair treatment. After all, Pornstars do it.
  7. I could see this escalating quickly. Sounds like a comedy plot ?
  8. I'm thinking more of something like this. width=268pxhttps://i.postimg.cc/6Q4h3j7c/Screen-Shot-2021-02-11-at-8-45-45-PM.png[/img]
  9. I'd believe you can lose your Nexus, and the money you invested in it.
  10. I've met few providers who wear a watch during the session. ⌚?
  11. The answer is 7 to 9. Wait, we weren't talking dick size?
  12. Getting back to the thread subject. Now that I see he has posted more videos, if he still looks like the content in his profile, I can see clients in LA paying $400/$450 for 1h with him.
  13. They both need to become a man and grow BIG muscles to be able to charge $500/hr. A friend of mine would say "they need to be born again", but I didn't want to be rude.
  14. Wow. Agree with @marylander1940 This is a "competitive" industry. Was it a Client or a provider?
  15. As a client, I'm concerned because I might have pics and text messages with providers on my phone. In what kind of circumstances do they have the right to check your phone? How are you selected? DHS should have rights only when you're passing through the security checkpoints between gates and exits, correct? What kind of content did they use to determine he was doing sex work? Now I'll have to invest in an external drive and a burner phone only for my next trip to the US. Fuck*ng DHS!
  16. width=340pxhttps://media0.giphy.com/media/U27T1F1Ij2m5i/giphy.webp?cid=ecf05e47hc9oiw5zg8idc8lg1gpwoopel1bvbabr6rxuqzpl&rid=giphy.webp[/img] If you are a provider in this forum, you've done some commercial porn, and you wouldn't mind showing us your work on video, please share a FREE public VIDEO link (only links), so we can see your work. ?
  17. Oh Antonio, no. width=434pxhttps://s2.r29static.com/bin/entry/062/x,80/1790983/image.jpg[/img]width=339pxhttps://s.wsj.net/public/resources/images/B3-AI233_BANDER_FR_20180507164913.jpg[/img]
  18. My husband has lost the glow of his younger years but he still looks interesting. width=386pxhttps://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/photo-of-keanu-reeves-news-photo-1576621075.jpg?crop=0.590xw:0.845xh;0.245xw,0.0462xh&resize=640:*[/img]width=452pxhttps://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cheatsheet.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2020%2F05%2FKeanu-Reeves.jpg&f=1&nofb=1[/img]
  19. His political views are really ugly and a complete turn-off. But he wasn't too hard to look at during his younger years. Time's a bitch. width=393pxhttps://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse3.explicit.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.3UUsJh2D0PsYbWdHXeDpNQHaEk%26pid%3DApi&f=1[/img]width=388pxhttps://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.yUvoliEH_0qoLp9iANMKVgHaEo%26pid%3DApi&f=1[/img]
  20. Sorry, when I said "more" I meant "regular" or "full rate", and "discounted" rate for students or clients in their 20s as they have less purchasing power.
  21. That's true. What if his rate is lower than you think? I know providers who will tailor the price to the situation, charging more to older men, or for 90 min sessions, or for "full service". And less to younger clients or clients who ask upfront for a rate reduced by 10-to-20 bucks if they only want therapeutic or sensual, non-erotic. A proposal that some providers might take if they're not having a particularly busy week or season. If you have an interest in a provider, aren't you already bound to send a message to ask about details or if he's available? In summary, if he says "ASK", and you like his pictures and reviews, stop being a negative Nelly and ask.
  22. Not that I'm conservative but I don't like to kiss at first and prefer providers who have the same approach. I like to at least smell their breath during our conversation before jumping into exchanging saliva. I already caught something from kissing years ago, and I know it because all we did was kissing. Since then I'm very careful. That was a non-escort so I refrain from kissing escorts quickly since they see way more people than me on a regular basis. I just hate to think that the man I'm kissing could have been sucking c*ck or rimming someone before, on the same day we met. Once I trust that my partner is consistently hygienic, I'm more than willing to kiss during subsequent encounters.
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