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Posts posted by KevinHere

  1. Last night annoying AF. Provider (who I met one time before) was VERY eager and was a little too into me (not to sound vain). It was hot until he (bottom) climaxed all over me then we had to take a break for 20mins until he was ready again. Then I was finally "finished" and he hung out for an extra 20 mins and would not leave. I think he enjoyed it more than me he was just toooo much. What should I have done? He was VERY selfish.

  2. The escort community is small and niches discuss amongst one other which clients to entertain and which to avoid. Referrals and recommendations are very much a thing. There is no forum. If you pay and you exercise respect, you are a 5 and shouldn’t worry about such things. :)

    Ah - just curious if they had an organized platform like this one...

  3. I hesitate to tell even frequent companions who and how often I see providers; I don’t want them to think I’m a slut!


    What really the "shame" other option is GrindR or going to a Bar and getting likely Drunk and picking up a trick. It an option if you not dating anyone and the instant gratification is quick and window shopping it fun

  4. How could you let your grade school math teacher down like this? ;) Of course there is an average, it's just that none of us know what it is. :p:D


    What the OP probably probably really meant is to ask what is typical and that is where you hit the nail on the head:

    does anyone tell their friends that they hire?

  5. The entire process made me unconformable since this was not a traditional business transaction in a nontraditional setting it was uncharted for me. The five minute suggestion is good and thank you. Roll the dice as see what happens I guess but this platform is helpful. A few other times the massage was good and it turned into MUCH more than I expected for the same rate. they seemed to enjoy a great deal so I was like "who should pay who now".

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