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Posts posted by Clintbr

  1. It wouldn’t be any more run with scammers than it is now. I’ve heard of clients being robbed and walked out on, money in hand...right in front of their face. How hard is it to collect money upfront, and then say, “I’ll be right back, I’ve got to run down to my car”?


    If you see that a provider is a professional porn star, has a website, has good reviews, a number that is connected to his profiles across various sites and is known in the business...how can you compare that to a Nigerian Scammer who is using completely falsified information, and is generally more sending you a check for a cash value, versus just asking for a deposit via Venmo, PayPal or cash app, which will generally include the provider’s photo and/or working name. Even on PayPal...I have a picture of myself but I don’t use my working name there.


    Let’s just all stop for a minute, and come back to earth. It’s one thing to not want to pay upfront to a complete stranger, but it’s not necessarily the same when you have an escort with credentials and receipts.

    Great ... I will take a few deep breaths, get some sleep ... and get back in the game. Wiser but not poorer! I appreciate your input and thoughts. I think I’ll give some trusted local guys my business for now. Thank you, Mocha.

  2. Here's another contextual question. You mention his profile has been up for years and he's well known and reviewed. i know on RM they can no longer mention specific rates but some do mention requiring deposits. If he's been doing this a long time and requiring deposits in his ordinary course of business, i'd find it hard to believe that he hasn't been used to a significant number of people decline that option. Hence getting angry seems unwarranted and a red flag. To me though if you're still interested you could also privately canvas to get a general sense in private messages to RM reviewers (if they're many and you can get a sense of enough authentic ones) and politely ask if that was their experience as well?

    The mentioned guy has a personal website, to which he directs you to...(but I was well aware of this before and viewed many times)...plenty of info, including fees, but no mention of requested deposit. Maybe his general sense of our initial texts was TGTBT...too good to be true...there can’t really be a client so easy going and excited to meet me...must be fake or flake...”deposit required!” Yes, anger seems unnecessary...

  3. Let’s add the hypothetical...

    If a deposit is requested and payment sent, as common practice...how soon would this game be overrun with scammers? More than the Nigerian Prince with the locked stash of cash?

    Maybe we can adopt the hotel practice...I will give you my credit card ... use it for incidentals and unexpected expenses before we meet?

  4. It's just a mindset. BOTH escort and client often need attitude adjustments. The escort acts as IF he is doing you some kind of favor... NO he's NOT, you are PAYING for his time, so no need for cocky & arrogant. AND the client needs to understand the logistics of the escorts business. He is trying to maximize profits and minimize time so sometimes scheduling changes are necessary...


    BOTH parties need to be open , flexible and agreeable to negotiate (to a point) to find common ground (if that is possible) , IF not, the client needs to NOT obsess over the lost opportunity, just MOVE ON . Your life isn't over, HE wasn't gonna marry you, and there are other fish in the sea that want your dolla's….. YES @Clintbear, it should be FUN, not stressful.....stress causes "soft dick"...:p

    I appreciate your thoughts!

  5. Here’s the context.

    My guy is a well known actor and well reviewed RM. He travels almost constantly, a new city every week, mostly major markets. I have followed his ad and videos for years. He posted on his schedule that he was coming to my city. I pounced on the opportunity and requested a date in a very nice text, no questions, no negotiating. My guy agrees. I know from his profile that he asks for limited texts, so I send one more expressing my excitement for upcoming meeting. No response for days!! Then he texts asking if we can move the date 2 weeks earlier? OK, I am flexible and good with that...still excited, all good. We set a new date and time. Then comes the text requesting the deposit.... Ummmmm? In 10 years of frequent hiring I have not been asked for a deposit to be sent. My response just “Sorry, I don’t pay in advance, hope our plan can still work” ..... then the hostile and rude response from my guy... complete boner killer!!! (It was a 90 minute arranged session).... Hey guys, if you want to be businessmen, cover your own expenses...I will pay your fee and always and tip. Remember......These interactions are supposed to be FUN stuff!!!

  6. Well here’s the thing: whether it’s common or not is the only question being posed. People are turning it into a “you should or shouldn’t you”, but the OP asked a very simple question...with no negative or positive feedback attached to it. Some of you haven’t even gotten the context of the question, no additional information. What if the escort is being asked to travel a long distance, to a small town (where’s theres few or no prospects of other appointments) and/or get a hotel to see the client?

    And I responded giving my perspective: yes it is common for me, but maybe for others it isn’t. And maybe for others it shouldn’t if a provider isn’t in the position where they can assure the visit taking place.


    As @MrMattBig said, it ultimately depends on the circumstances. If you don’t have to go out of your way, the new client is hosting at a hotel and has already provided the info/time which proves he’s there, or if you’re hosting in a place that’s already paid for, and there’s nothing/nobody you’ll be cancelling to do the appointment for...by all means maybe a deposit isn’t necessary.


    However I don’t feel those questions really matter. I tell new clients straight up all the time, it’s so that I know you’re serious....and 99% of the time I show up on the date. The times I didn’t, I either refunded the deposit or will go out of my way to be there and reschedule...which have sometimes meant staying in a city a couple days longer than planned.


    With Cash App, Venmo and PayPal being pretty much accessible with a click of a button, there’s no reason why nowadays anyone should be shocked by a deposit. Even if its $10, just to show you’re real. Uber does it, Lyft does it, all those little food ordering apps do it too.


    The more male escorts try to sell themselves (and others) short by not asking for chivalry, the less clients are going to give it. Everybody works differently, and most serious clients won’t “look for someone else”, but rather they’ll try to prove in some other way that they will be there as well. I’ve heard too many horror stories of escorts going places on their last $5 of gas, to some bogus clients. Get enough horror stories yourself, you learn real quick. ASAP.


    Excuse me but last night’s democratic debate has my debate gears revved up lol.

  7. I'm pretty sure that person is using Steven Beck's pictures, at least the face pictures. Those aren't his nudes though. Steven is uncut & not that endowed.

    Thanks for that! It seems that you are spot on. Again proves the value of this forum ... I was close to giving a try...Thank You!!!

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