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Everything posted by PSAtty82

  1. I’ll second Arturo. Loved my time on his table when he was in Palm Springs...
  2. I’ll chime in with a third of the above. He’s a really nice guy, massage is great. I’ve seen him several times, and have the pleasure of seeing him at the gym several times a week!
  3. Thanks for the feedback. I’ve been tempted to go, as they offer a discount if you go before noon, making a 2 hour massage $100 plus tip. I’ll give it a go, especially if the massage is any good!
  4. Bumping this - anyone have any experiences?
  5. Type A personality here (and mostly a forum lurker!) that truly enjoys giving up control for 90-120 minutes to someone else who is going to pamper me with human touch. The chance to turn my brain off and let someone else take control of what’s happening in a safe, welcoming environment is pure bliss to me. It’s an escape from reality. Reality being that I’m not an Adonis, my body isn’t amazing, and I’m not coveted by the masses for what I have. Reality being that outside of the therapist’s room, I have 30 people all vying for me to pay attention to them, deadlines that require me to focus on a specific thing for too long, bills that need paid, floors that need vacuumed. On the table...none of that matters, because the brain switches off!
  6. First post, but Brad is awesome. I personally don’t think his pictures do him justice - he’s a handsome guy in person, very friendly, and the massage is great.
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