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Scott Dixon

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Posts posted by Scott Dixon

  1. That's unusual. I've been to him several times and he has never behaved that way. I happen to know that he has biological family in Dallas, so it's possible that a family situation occurred and he had to turn his attention to that. Just a guess.

  2. This was several years ago in El Paso, Texas, where there is a definite dearth of decent male masseurs. Craigslist was the only venue with any relevant ads. One day, a new one popped up and this guy even had a very impressive Web site with several positive reviews, although no photos of himself. I liked what I read, though, and was totally okay with all the "strictly therapeutic" and "professional" language. He said he was retired military, and with there being a lot of hot soldiers in El Paso, I thought okay, so I made an appointment for 90 minutes for only $75. His address was in a nice area near one of the country clubs. So far, so good.


    When he answered the door, my feathers fell. He looked like Nigel Lithgow and was nellier than your mama. (Now, not that there's anything wrong with effeminacy; it was just that my mental picture was quickly fading into reality.) He walked me back into his very nicely appointed massage studio, whose walls were covered with a mixture of diplomas and military citations. He left the room to allow me to undress and told me to lie face down. There was nothing with which to cover myself, so I thought all right, this is going to be an undraped therapeutic massage.


    He began softly rubbing my back and the backs of my legs and it was so light and boring that I fell asleep. I mean, there was hardly any pressure at all and I wasn't into this much, so I just decided to let it be a relaxing experience. I effect, a nap.


    In my dream state, I dreamed that I was feeling a little bit of a tug and some warmth down south, so I gradually came out of my trance to realize that Nigel was rimming me AND playing with my penis! As I woke completely up and squirmed a little to look over my shoulder for confirmation that this was indeed happening, Nigel ramped up his pace and I ejaculated voluminously.


    "Oh, my!" he exclaimed, as if totally surprised that what he had been doing might cause such a biological reaction. Then he ran for a towel and began to clean me and the massage table with fervor. I looked at the brass clock on the wall. I'd been there 25 minutes. I thought, "How the hell am I going to make it for another hour?!"


    I said, "I thought this was going to be a therapeutic massage, so I wasn't expecting anything like that."


    "Oh, I'm so sorry," Nigel said. "Let's flip you over and I'll do a better job, I promise."


    So I did. Once again, he was so light and boring that I drifted off again. Then I felt another tug, opened my eyes, and he had my completely limp cock in his mouth. I sat up, pulling myself away from him. He said, "I thought I could make it happen again..." I said, "No, I don't think so, and I have to go."


    "Are you sure? We still have about 40 more minutes..."


    "No, I really have to go," I said as I began to dress. Nigel left the room and shut the door.


    When I emerged with cash in hand, Nigel was standing behind the kitchen island, holding a bag of Doritos, munching away. I laid the money on the counter and headed for the door. "Nice to meet you!" he hollered. "And no hard feelings, okay?"


    None at all, Nigel.


    I know Adam. He also has a profile on RM with lots of pictures. If you want details, send me a PM.

  4. I point my penis downward. (A) It's more comfortable for me that way; and (B) it's more available to my masseur. ;) Plus, I tend to precum readily, and the downward point allows a clear observation of that for my masseur. On the occasions that I have been the masseur, I've taken it as a compliment of my handiwork when my recipient has released this little appetizer.

  5. Don't turn your client into your therapist.


    I've had more than a handful of masseurs, after I have been going to them for a while, start to overshare about their life problems: money, sex, health, love, family.


    I'm sorry. It isn't because I don't care, but I am on your table to receive therapy, not give it.

  6. One big turnoff for me, which has backfired every time, is the sudden, late-night text message practically begging me to purchase a package of X number of massages. Obviously, Mr. Masseur is having a cash-flow problem and has gotten himself into a financial bind of some sort, and my bleeding-heart liberal self is fool enough to fall for this and bails him out. What I get in return for my wad of cash is a series of increasingly lackluster massage sessions that eventually feel so boring that I don't even bother to redeem my last one or two.

  7. I haven't put a lot of stock in MF, except for basic contact information for initial communication and possible engagement, since the site stopped allowing us to post reviews, along with all the other depravities mentioned here. I'm noticing more and more cross-referencing with RM. I hope it doesn't succumb to ruination as well.

  8. Having lived in Dallas previously and now Houston, I had never even heard of King Spa. So yesterday, I went to the one here in Houston, had a 90-minute massage with a male therapist, and then enjoyed the steam room, sauna, and in-ground hot tub for a while. If you are interested in details, please ask.

  9. I hear you! And it isn't new. I lived there for the entirety of the 1990s and that's how it was then, too.


    Last fall, I traveled there twice on business and never succeeded in having a massage. No shows, cancellations, and flaking out during preliminary correspondence. WTH?

  10. I've lived in Houston for almost eight years now. My work as a freelance writer-editor takes me all over the city.


    If I were visiting here, I'd choose a hotel downtown. There are many nice choices, downtown Houston is quite vibrant, and the central location will appeal to your escorts. FYI, curbside parking is free downtown after 6:00 p.m. and is inexpensive other times of the day.

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