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Todd Jenkins

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Posts posted by Todd Jenkins

  1. no body make phone sex more grindr

    Nick, you post in here a lot but sometimes your posts are hard to understand.

    Where are you from originally? Is english a second language?

    I cant understand 'no body make phone sex more grindr' ????

  2. It's definitely a dilemma and because of high density areas there is really no way around it. I agree above that people are damn slobs sometimes. When I went to LA from Vegas on the bus last the beginning of March, this guy say next to me who kept coughing without any effort to cover up his mouth! I have seen subway ads across several cities to take off backpack to avoid hitting someone and report suspicious activity. I think to start instead of ads on various things on subways and buses, they just need to always advertise both physical and medical health and add to cover your mouth with your shirt or elbow if coughing, avoid touching handrails unless necessary. If you are sick stay home or if necessary to ride wear a mask, suggest riders carry sanitizer, etc.


    The people who do this kind of mess - cough without covering themselves, keep their backpack on, etc. etc. – are just human garbage and no amount of telling them to 'fix their behavior' will result in them changing. So, you have to watch out for yourself.

  3. Has anyone given thought to the fact that since the world has been shut down – mostly – that we will start to see a shortage, or run out completely, of food?


    That thought is very scary to me.

  4. My experience with him is that we had a brief but good communicaiton over the site and proceeded to text which was fine. Geographically we were thousands of miles apart and he said, hahaha (in retrospect now too funny) that he had no plans to EVER come to the city where i live. So i said ok no worries but if he ever changed his mind i would certainly keep tabs via RM as to his official whereabouts. A short time thereafter i saw he was in my city for an indefinite amount of time and reached out over text. He immediately demanded that i send him video communication (which i could not do easily at the time), but offered to call him or he could call me at his convenience. When it became clear to him that i wouldn't be bullied into sending him video's, he then veered off into a philosophical rant regarding a variety of subjects but focused primarily regarding my behavior and "people like me" that was dominated by belligerent threats yada yada in what i could only describe as a serious case of blended bi-polar // narcisstic personality disorder, if that's possible. (I'm certainly not a psychologist or doctor and don't claim any professional insight, but it'd be a good place to start an assessment). I haven't gone back to confirm if he sent one or two super long rants or if it were 7 or 8 disparate independent "mini-rants", but my phone received it as a barrage of many discrete separate hostile videos.


    He sent SOOOO MANY texts that were very odd.

  5. On his rentmen ad, he has 56 photos, 33 semi-private photos, and 89 videos.


    I initially chose to watch one video out of curiosity.


    That one video was totally weird and consisted of the escort rambling like a person with a lot of mental issues.


    I tried to watch a couple of other videos but they also showed a sad and confused person.


    I can now understand why he has so many people comment about his behavior when they meet or communicate.


    I saw those, too!

  6. The video link worked for me as of 9:00pm tonight. I haven't met him but have seen many of his video's available on RM and have gotten a sense of his personality plus had some back and forth with him last year. In my opinion the gentlemen in the link does seem to be consistent with some of his personality characteristics ( though i'd be wary if that was representative of a more "typical" encounter unless you've built up a lot of trust and prolly placed a good premium for his time).


    With that said however and at the same time, the person in that video looks heavier than recent video's posted on his RM account. Again i have not met him and don't know for sure but it seems like him potentially to me but possibly a "dated" and not recent maybe? Just my two cents.


    But regardess, i will expand on my commentary from several months ago, that i found him very alluring and incredibly charismatic (and at times still do), but his behavior and communications became so erratic and he had a hair trigger quick change to anger revealing a pretty dark side that in my experience i personally wouldn't risk meeting him if an when on the off chance, he happened to be having a bad episode.

    He went QUICKLY to being a TOTAL asshole to me tonight via text message.


    I wouldn't meet him If he were the LAST available man on earth.

  7. NEW YORK, March 27 (Reuters) - Doctors and nurses on the front lines of the U.S. coronavirus crisis pleaded on Friday for more protective gear and equipment to treat waves of patients expected to overwhelm hospitals as the number of known U.S. infections surpassed 100,000, with more than 1,500 dead.


    Hopefully the deniers here have had a change of their own.


    ‘Arrogant’ and ‘ashamed’: The coronavirus mea culpas from people who once thought it was no big deal




    I did not deny that it is a big problem. When you look at the numbers, this is trending to be on track with pneumonia. Sure hope that's the truth.

  8. That's surprising to me. Are you a Sadist Dom? I can do and enjoy sadism, but I'm always coming from the tough love side of the spectrum. BDSM is where I learned how critically important informed enthusiastic consent was for a great scene. As a Dominant, the way I learned and practice to this day, is informed consent to insure that no one is abused or assaulted. It's one thing with a sub that you know and who knows you, but with a brand new sub that you've never played with before, I would think a clear conversation about the themes and no-fly-zones along with how communication should go would be important to a great time for everyone. Pushing boundaries can be alot of fun, but part of the responsibility I've learned as a Dominant, is taking care of the emotional, mental, and physical well-being of my sub during a scene. For those subs who want to explore boundary pushing, non-con play, or other challenging scenes, I make sure there's clear agreement and I also plan for the necessary after care.


    Recently, a curious guy was referred by a buddy. I'd love to know how that conversation went. He wanted to be spanked hard repeatedly until he was bruised for days without bleeding or broken skin, to use his own words. We discussed communication, the scene, his health, meds, and the like to understand how it would all go. During the after care, he thanked me for knowing what he needed even when he thought he wanted more. A few days later, he again thanked me for everything and asked if he could suck me off next time. I haven't decided yet if he'll be good enough to see my cock, let alone touch or suck it.


    I am actually referring to ONE particular case. I talked to the hired escort several times to go over the kinds of things I wanted to do and how far his limits were. But I always got the feeling he was 'half paying attention' to our conversations and when I met him in another city – that I traveled to just to see him for a WEEKEND!!!!!!!! – it became clearly evident that he had paid small attention to what I had said in the phone conversations.


    He skipped out on the weekend, and only charged me a few hundred. He told me 'you never told me about all of this stuff' and I said 'yes, MOST CERTAINLY DID, you must not have been paying attention because this all is EXACTLY what I am into and I have ALWAYS been VERY upfront.'


    This is the only time I have really had a bad experience with such a detailed scene. I think it's easy for these tough muscle men to say 'whatever you wanna do, you are paying for it and I can take it' and then when it happens, they aren't as mentally or physically strong as they THOUGHT they were.

  9. This is quite irritating - and I find it happens quite often. Having said that, it's cool that guys I'm attracted to are interested/willing, but I'm usually on the hunt for someone with skills, safety, and trustworthiness. Also equipment (meaning bondage gear). :)

    VERY FRUSTRATING as a DOM TOP, too. BECAUSE, you get a bottom escort that says he is into it and so you call to tell them you are a DOM TOP and are they experienced as a sub, and they say yes. You get to the appt, start Dominating them slowly, and they freak out in the first few minutes...


    OR, after the session, they email or text you and say 'I am not comfortable with what you did the other night. I let it go on because I know you were paying for the hour with me but you really need to tell someone EVERYTHING you are going to do to them."


    As a DOM, I never tell a boy / sub fully what I am going to do them. VERY frustrating when you have PAID for the service!

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