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big dale

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Everything posted by big dale

  1. The link in my comment was a link to his twitter. But good job on being more precise. =)
  2. I can't believe we are still discussing this filthy, rundown, racist ass place.
  3. How is it unclear? You just provided a concrete reason that the ad is scammy FFS.
  4. I can do a great British accent all day long. It doesn't mean I was born at Downton Abbey.
  5. I wouldn't pay that dude $480 for anything. Total scammer. Met him in person at the gym. He is not even Australian!
  6. http://img4.imagetitan.com/img4/small/20/20_screenshot2019-11-04at9.16.07am.png There are literally dozens of threads on this site for Zack Matteo / Trophystud, dating all the way back to the year 2000 and indeed the man himself appears to have been on the board posting. That snip above is from a newsprint ad he had in the 90s. The man has been around a while.
  7. The photos are out there if one knows how and where to look. =) Can we please leave his professional website out of it?
  8. He recently updated the headline to "( @ ) ( @ ) SPERM IT!"
  9. Interesting. @ldcr are you saying hispics look age appropriate now?
  10. Any recent info on Patrick (who used to go by Sean?) https://rentmasseur.com/PatrickLA I find it interesting he has been around FOREVER but is still only 34 years old. There are a few threads here that mention him, but no recent entries or anything of substance. Also... his "headline" on rentmasseur is "( @ ) ( @ ) NUT IN MY BUTT" LOLOLOLOLMFG
  11. It's been a few decades since he looked like his main pic, which was airbrushed even then. He's not an ugly dude, but the fact he is clinging to those old pics is sad.
  12. And follow-up... can anyone see the private pics? Are they good?
  13. I mean it's almost as if you get back what you send out in terms of energy or something. Weird. LOL
  14. Hey everyone! [uSER=20026]@Toonice2bgay[/uSER] is back ... now as [uSER=20559]@ChiaPet[/uSER] let all your friends know! @Guy Fawkes FYI.
  15. Did you find the message you were looking for?
  16. I know him socially and did not know he was a masseur. Very interesting. LOL
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StlMdNcvCJo
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