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Posts posted by GG07v

  1. Not to drag this thread down to the lowest level but when I saw the subject, being the depraved person I am, it made me think of my one and only visit to Florence, about 15 years ago. I recall how shocked I was that so many of the statues of male figures were exceptionally well hung and some, if I am remembering correctly, seemed to have erections or at lest semi-s (I am not as confident about that memory). David was the exception to this. And I was totally not surprised that prudish American tourist books didn't mention this fact.


    The main reason why David is so small is because is he scared. Michelangelo intended to represent David right before or during his fight with Goliath. David was probably somewhere between 12 and 15 years old. Imagine how your body would have reacted at that age if you would have had to fight the strongest soldier of an enemy nation, 1 on 1 in a battle to the death. I highly doubt you would be erect or have a semi.

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