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Kris Parkes

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Posts posted by Kris Parkes

  1. So if a client asked for something specific request (Nothing gross I assure you) but more along the lines of dressing up in a particular costume (cosplay) or something like that, would most escorts be open to that?

    I can't speak for most, but for me, it's a non-issue to have special requests communicated. But I decide if I wish to partake or not. Role-play is easy and im good at it. Special clothing/costumes are cool too. BUT if its not something I normally wear on the street, then I will need to change into it at your place.

  2. If I takes messages from regulars or a repeat out of consideration, my breakdown is:


    30% are either bored, horny or both, but have no interest in actually meeting. "What will happen when we meet?"

    20% are also a total waste of time, asking to see more pics, when there are several on the site where they found me

    20% are far in advance planners. Its January, and they are asking about meeting in September when they are scheduled to visit NYC, or they are asking when I have plans to be in another city other than where I am.

    10% Want to just tell me my pic or dick is nice.

    20% Are real inquiries, of which maybe 40 -50% actually work out.


    Therefore, I'm happy to have my regulars!!

  3. If the client is new, they should call me when ready to meet. If it's a repeat, we can book a week or so in advance. I have learned the hard way, so I NEVER book a new client in advance. Because, more often than not, when I do, someone else will call for immediate, and I don't take it because of the advance booking, but then the advanced booking is a no-show.

  4. You should ask whenever you want to see them. That's what it seems most do. Its kinda like shopping, maybe? You see the new Nikes in the window (or web page), you go into the store to see them in person, (or click to see them up close). neither of the second step options will annoy a sales person nor guarantee a purchase.

  5. I have never requested an Uber before, but there are some situations where I might do so.


    Your offer to pick up and return is kind, but in actuality it could be good or bad. $70 each way is what a 30 -40 minute ride? If so, in Uber, the scort can look out the window, play with his phone or whatever. If its you, you will expect to be engaged in "getting to know you" conversation, that otherwise might not occur if he arrived via Uber.


    Also when the session is over, there is another block of time to be filled with some sort of engagement. If for whatever reason the session did not go well it could be really awkward or uncomfortable..


    It's a nice gesture, but I'd probably opt for the Uber or find a guy closer to your pad, or find a hotel closer to your scort's location.

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