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AJ Doyle

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Everything posted by AJ Doyle

  1. I don't know nothin about birthin no babies!!
  2. Asking people to read our ad!!!!? Not just look at our pictures.... Oh that's alot to ask! LOL jk Seriously though I agree! Being honest would make a client's job life alot easier and make our jobs as Escorts soooo much easier. Constantly having to deal with people that don't believe our ads cause of another escort that lied...it gets exhausticating sometimes. lol
  3. I agree! Just ask what he is into. Or heaven forbid read his ad. LOL!
  4. No I didn't mean that Top clients were not as important. I re-read my comment and I NEVER stated "it's more important to maintain bottom clients" as you accused me. Sorry you had your bad experience. :-( And sorry you translated my comment like that. :-( I design my ad the best I know how to express what I'm into. Now others that mentioned escorts that lie...on the flip side that makes the job of other escorts like myself...who are truthful...makes our job alot harder too. So the original question was what does Vers Top mean. I guess to everyone it is diffent. I was expressing what it means to me. And why I label myself the way I do. The phrase VersTop to me means I am Vers and yes I Top. But everyone is different. So just ask. It takes a couple of keystrokes to ask. Or read their ad. As some of us (like myself) clearly state what we are into. Yes some lie. I feel the majority do not lie though. So don't let a few bad apples sour you.
  5. I advertise as Vers Top cause I find if I put Vers then Bottom clients will assume I'm lying and really just a bttm. Which is false. Most clients that hire are bottoms. So it would be bad for business for me to let them assume that. In general there are just more gay bottoms and that translates into client world. So for me it means I'm a really good Top...so hire me bottoms...but if you are a Top...and want me to bttm...then yes...YES I do go that way as well!!! That being said markets are different. Like I've noticed Vegas has more Top Clients than Los Angeles or Orange County does. So when I go to Vegas I switch it to Vers...and leave a happy happy Guy! lol So yes I get your reaction but understand for us if we put Vers...then bottoms will never hire us and bottoms are most of our client base...well at least for me... So I'd be broke if I put that.
  6. I am fine going straight to the room or meeting in the lobby. Or meeting in the bar to have a drink beforehand is cool too (as long as the time start with the bar meeting). It's more personal to meet in lobby or hotel bar though and get to know each other a little before you get to the room. I have a regular that to this day still meets me in the lobby. And I really love it.
  7. Sorry that happened to you! :-( I've heard from other clients of similar situations, so it probably does go both ways... The client has an advantage tho in that they can see our reviews or leave bad ones if we flake. We as escorts don't have recourse for bad behavior other than to learn to see the signs and ignore those people. I sometimes wonder tho if I am assuming the worse in someone for showing certain signs when in fact those signs could be a coincidence...? "It's a hard knock life! For us..." LOL
  8. Yeah I've learned to read the signs of time wasters and just move on. And not take personally. Like people that call without a text first. I've never had anyone book me that started our correspondence that way. So when my phone rings out of the blue I already know it's a low chance of a booking, so I lower my expectations. If they text me and get to the point...ok this is for serious. And for the former Backpage clients they will eventually get us rentmen guys are professionals and will treat us accordingly...I feel. Or maybe I'm too hopeful and glass half full!?? But I follow your motto and don't let it upset me till it does. If it upsets me I take a few days off and just spend more time in the pool or gym till I recover.
  9. When the Craigslist thing first happened I ended up just taking a month off cause I could not take it anymore. Within one sentence I could tell they were former Craigslist clients. It seems like maybe it's getting better....like the former Craigslist people are learning certain sites like Rentmen...we don't play those shady games!!
  10. I've never had luck with people that call me. If someone dials my number instead of texting me 90 % of the time they are just talkers wanting to waste my time. So it's got to point I will only try to book clients that text me first. If they want to talk on the phone first it's fine. But text me first. If they just call out of the blue I'm already knowing they just want free phone sex when I answer the phone. Also what helps me get thru all the missed appts by people that wait last minute is I just tell myself it's their loss for bad planning. I've had people that see my travel location as 100 miles away from me and ask me to be there in 30 minutes!! I'm like are u gonna send a helicopter to pick me up!? I try to have a good sense of humour about it. But I get your frustration. Some people treat these ads like it's Grindr...which it is NOT! LOL
  11. Gushers is actually alot of fun! Use to go there after a night of drinking for their late night buffet. Not sure if they still do that? The service was slow, but it was a fun way to sober up before going home.
  12. All Great advice! Glad to hear the Coastal rates apply in OKC like I suspected. I'm curious what a triple salchow is though? I guess I should google that. And yes Dallas is a great market. As for the clock watching though. On the flip side if you accidentally go two hours after a client booked an hour...you might lose out on that extra hour of pay. So you need to find a way to be able to know how long it has been without clock watching. Course after a while you will just become really good at knowing it has been an hour of time. If you glance every once in a while at the time, but don't leave as soon as the hour is up...it's ok. I like to always give a little extra time, so it's not so jarring. Like don't be like Ding hour up Bye! LOL I had one client that said another escort actually used a Kitchen timer with a bell for the hour. VERY Tacky!! LOL As for Gushers I'm not sure if they are open or closed. I would assume open? But I did hear the Habana Inn was up for Sell!!
  13. Just wanted to comment on the face picture thing. I sometimes lock my face pictures for discretion. Like when I go out and don't want to risk getting recognized. So I think it's fine to have your face pictures locked. Sometimes I unlock them though and make them public and have had clients that told me they only hired me cause the face picture was public and they didn't have to ask me to unlock. So I guess we don't really get the luxury of being discreet in this line of work... lol So what I generally do is make it public unless I'm going somewhere that I think I might be recognized in public. Also you is in Oklahoma City where it would be even easier for you to be spotted in public. I guess some clients find it an annoyance to ask for the passcode for the private pics if that is where the face pictures are... So as escorts we have to balance how much privacy we want and how much work we want... But again you are in unique situation being in OKC, which is a small community. Everyone knows everyones business. I am actually from there btw (before moving to California). Last time I went home to visit I took on one client and as for rates I charged what I charge here in Los Angeles and Orange County. I had more offers, but I only accepted one client as I was on vacation. I might have got the same rate as I get on the coast though cause I was visiting and my reviews? So I can't promise that will work for you. You can always give a price though and let them know you are open to negotiation. IF they negotiate too low you can always thank them for their time and move on if it's too low. OKC does have an affluent neighborhoods though such as Nichols Hills. Here on the Coast most of us I think charge $200 to $250 Hour for our time. Porn stars that are famous sometimes go higher than that. Some do less, but I personally don't go below $200. Also you can offer multi hour discounts like some of us do to motivate clients to hire you for more than an hour. Like $200 Hour for first two hours of time and then $100 Hour after. I also do $300 for 90 minutes for a client that wants more than an hour but not a full 2 hours. If a client just wants an hour I charge $240 Hour of time. And I use to offer specials when things were slow. Like during Tax Season things die down alot, so I would offer a lower Tax Season Special. But now we can't advertise rates on rentmen, so that went away. Just be sure you emphasize you are charging for your time. Especially in OKC as it's part of a Red state. Others more local to OKC might be able to give better advise on rates though than me as I'm Coastal.
  14. It works now. I just had to give it some time before it would let me update my signature without giving me an error. Like after participating on the forum. Thanks everyone for your advice. :-)
  15. Thanks!! Yeah I didn't know until one of my regulars sent me a message to let me know he noticed it. :-) Naturally my RM traffic blew up for a day. haha! Sucks that we can't post our DAddys review links on RM anymore though. :-(
  16. Thanks Kevin. Yeah someone else just messaged me and told me that. I will give that a whirl. :-)
  17. It happens on both sides!! As escorts we learn the signs of someone that is just playing games. As a client you should not have to learn detective skills to figure out who is legit and who is not though! Sorry that happened to you! Like others said though he could have been playing games. Could be a newbie that got cold feet for whatever reason. I'd just move on though.
  18. Agreed!! I do sometimes feel like I'm working 24/7 even when I'm not booked cause of constantly having to screen clients to see who is real and who is not.
  19. This is a really good question! I run into this time to time. I think each situation depends on the escort and what they are comfortable with. Boundaries. For me I consider my best clients friends as well. That being said I don't let it turn into a fwb situation. Like if I worked for an employer at a restaurant and I became friends with the boss...does that mean he doesn't have to pay me anymore? If I become friends with my trainer or hair stylist do I quit paying him? No. I feel a client can hire me for my time and still be a friend. Clients I see regularly I see them cause I enjoy the time we spend together. If I don't like him I won't re-book with them. I always express this to my regulars when they bring up friendship. I do give perks like spending some extra time with a client for dinner without charging extra if he is a consistent regular. Especially if they have already booked 2 or 3 hours. I really appreciate my clients that book me for multiple hours and like to show my appreciation. But if a client were to book me for an hour and then ask for extra time off the clock I would have to decline as I would feel like I was being taken advantage of. A client that doesn't ask for time off the clock...is likely the one that I'm going to provide those perks for as I feel he respects my time. As for texting I am cool with that between sessions with my regulars. I actually enjoy hearing from you. Plus it's a nice reminder that you're interested in me and that I can look forward to a future session. Emails are even better. One of my favorite clients messages me time to time on RM. https://rentmen.eu/AJDoyle
  20. You can always ask. Me personally I like to protect my privacy though. So anything with my face in the pic I might be likely to decline. I have had a client ask me to make a video with him though which was alot of Fun! We kept the faces out of course. It really depends on the escort though as everyone has different boundaries...so just ask. https://rentmen.eu/AJDoyle
  21. This is message I get when I try to create my forum signature with my RM linke. I get same message when I type AJ Doyle as my signature. The error: "Your content can not be submitted. This is likely because your content is spam-like or contains inappropriate elements. Please change your content or try again later. If you still have problems, please contact an administrator."
  22. Hi there! I'm trying to create a Forum Signature with my RM link, but each time I click save it tells me that It appears as spam-like and can't be saved. Requests I contact the administrator, which I dont know how to do... I noticed other escorts have their link on their signature. Hoping someone sees this and can tell me how to do this? I even tried typing AJ Doyle as my signature and it said that was spam-like lol https://rentmen.eu/AJDoyle
  23. I prefer to plan things out as well. Even a few hours heads up helps out alot. I want to look my best and that's not going to happen if someone contacts me at 10pm and asks for me at 1030pm. Not to mention I'm in California where traffic is always a Hot Mess! When I get those "Right Now" requests....I take a moment...look at the time and carefully evaluate how long it will take me to comfortably get ready and arrive. I communicate that. If they say that is not soon enough...I appologize and wish them luck...and turn my Hulu back on and continue with my evening. It is interesting that there is a different mentality between A4A and RM though as far as preference for "Right Now" or "Planning ahead". I don't advertise on A4A right now, so I don't know of that experience. Hearing about the preference of others on RM I feel that my ad is on the right site. lol https://rentmen.eu/AJDoyle
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