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Everything posted by harlow

  1. Thanks for the warning. I saw his ad today and I'm glad I searched for him on here.
  2. harlow

    411 aidenward

    I completely agree!
  3. If you have a Mac it’s even easier to download lol
  4. harlow

    411 aidenward

    looks like Aiden's turned his ad back on. I met with him this summer and it was amazing. Really great guy.
  5. EXACTLY who i was thinking of. KJ Apa from Riverdale. Very cute young man 🤣
  6. I met him in DC during the summer of 2019. Our session was basic and he was pretty mechanical so I never tried to meet him again. I never knew of any personal issues he had but that might explain a few things. He was a very nice and cordial guy though. He does look A LOT better in his new photos so it looks like he's doing well.
  7. What you're saying is true for non-escort guys. However, If you're advertising yourself on an escort site I would think the goal would be to attract potential clients...and talk to those potential clients...and yes meet up with them...and have them become regular clients lol 🤣
  8. Well the comments in this thread are enough to convince me to stay away from them.
  9. You’re right I’ll admit he has a nice website. Maybe that’s why he’s charging so much so he can pay for it. His choice though lol
  10. Just gently telling him to stop texting you and you’ll reach out when you’re ready lmao. But seriously you’re running into a problem a lot of us have had at least once. I had one guy that hit me up all the time and it got annoying. Honestly I think I was the one being used for sex but I was the one paying. I had to just tell him I wasn’t interested anymore. Try just telling him you’d rather be the one reaching out. Some providers I’ve seen may send me a text every now and then just to say hello or tell me their travel plans just so they’re on my radar which is ok with me. Remember this is a business for them and It’s another way they advertise and keep you interested. However you have to do what’s comfortable for you. If you prefer to do the contacting let him know.
  11. Eddie is definitely flakey with his appointments. Happened to me when he was in Atlanta as mentioned in other threads. Don’t contact him if you’re looking for a real massage. When we finally did meet my session pretty much was a 10 minute back rub that just went into full service that wasn’t all that. Eddie is a nice guy but I wouldn’t stress about trying to meet him again.
  12. After reminiscing on the year I’ve had a few massages. But after some tough competition I would have to give my vote to Alexi in NYC. For me he had the perfect balance of everything I look for in a massage provider. Good looks, impeccable hygiene, awesome personality and a great massage technique with some sexy extras. https://rentmasseur.com/BodyworkByAlexi https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/36130/
  13. Washington, DC usually has a pretty good selection all year
  14. I do the same. If they don’t already state it on their profile I ask them if they have any racial hang ups. I either get an of course not response or no response at all. Either way I like to know up front.
  15. Exactly. Beware of the headless horsemen unless they have been thoroughly vetted in the forum….of course that means one of us will eventually have to take the plunge 😂
  16. Why is it a lot of the ones that look like him always turn out to be a dud. I’ve had a provider do the same sort of thing to me before. It’s a shame.
  17. I like his profile…list everything you might want to ask in an initial contact including availability. Hopefully someone posts something positive about him. I need a good LA contact 😀
  18. It's his choice to charge what he wants...just like its my choice to keep on scrolling.😁
  19. Kinda glad you brought this up. Especially since the post you saw was a response to a post I made.
  20. There's nothing anyone on this forum can say that'll make you feel better. We've all been there and it sucks. Honestly it'll probably happen again to all of us at some point. Just like if you fly enough you're bound to have a bad flight experience now and again. Best thing you can do is move on to someone more reliable.
  21. You’re right there absolutely nothing wrong with him being selective. He has that right. Just like I have the right to spend my money with any other provider. It’s a win win for both of us.
  22. I agree. Once someone physically prevented you from leaving that turned into way more than just a bad experience. This is a safety issue.
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