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Everything posted by ny2222

  1. Just when it gets in eyes...kind of stings lol
  2. Raven...Wow...a lot of neat stuff there. You smart!!! I am just going to throw this out and PLEASE don't hurt me lol...it is not a judgment thing just an observation. I do agree with a lot of what you are saying. I just find it hard sometimes to relate to some of the male/male things that a women writes. (please don't hit me lol). I don't mean that in a negative way. I think mostly this applies to the not well written at all (regardless of the sex) authors and there are a lot of them in this. I know that CS Pacat is a women and I love here two books. To be honest (again this is going to get me in trouble) I don't think a man could have written that story that way. On the other hand The Cranberry Hush was written by a man and to be honest I don't think a women could have written the story like that. I am just saying there are differences in how each views life....and I think that is a good thing??? I like the differences. I know I said I prefer male writers and I am formally going to take that back. When it is well written, I like them both and how they view the M/M relationship Pretty diplomatic..yes??? NY
  3. Thanks for reply’s guys. I don’t feel so alone now. It is good to come out lol. And appreciate some of the suggestions and will have to try them out Agree with the “written by women” thing. For me the best ones are written by men. I kind of get turned off by the “babe” thing. I don’t think I have ever called a guy “babe” but that could be a topic for another thread lol. One female author that does pretty well is Amy Lane. A few of her books are pretty good, with a good story line and characters and she writes better than most. MickeyG: I totally agree with you about the cotton candy/fluff. But sometimes that is just what you need. I find my taste in movies has gone that way also. Too much drama in my life as it is. Kind of look for fluff on my off time lol. Will look into the "Something Like Summer" series by Jay Bell series. Yea Marlfox I really am looking forward to that last book in the CS Pascat series. You just really want to see how the author is going to make it turn out cause it really doesn’t look like it is going to go well for those two. Will look into the others you mention also. Thanks RV: I think the ones you are thinking of might be the Josh Lanyon that others were talking about. Pretty good reads although I haven’t gotten into them too much….YET Just one other I forgot about. The Cranberry Hush by Ben Monopoli. For me a really good read as it seems I have surrounded myself most of my life with straight guys. Again written by a guy. Bittersweet in a way but well written. Although I have been smart enough not to pine over my straight friends, this was a pretty good read. Re-enforced that it is ok to be really close to straight friends. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004QZ9OWA?keywords=the%20cranberry%20hush&qid=1453105555&ref_=sr_1_1&s=digital-text&sr=1-1 Dang it feels good to be out of the closet and among fellow readers lol
  4. So, this is really hard but I am going to do it. I HAVE KIND OF GOTTIN INTO GAY NOVELS. There I said it. WOW that feels good. Please don’t hate me for this. The last few years I needed a distraction and low and behold Gay Novels came along. Some thing where I really didn't need to engage the mind much. Most are pretty poor, short, and to the point so to speak and I think I have gotten over them….for the most part There are some that I have kind of liked in a deeper way. No they certainly are not prize winning novels but they weren’t too bad. Here are a few that I would put in that category. Most recently re-read The Captive Prince 1 and 2 (third is on the way) by CS Pacat. Adventure type book ( I like advendure/Sci Fi stuff). Written pretty well. Good story line. Good characters. http://www.amazon.com/Captive-Prince-Book-One-Trilogy-ebook/dp/B00I3REIHI/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1453067747&sr=8-1 Then there are the “classic” King Series by Edward Manning, probably the best of this type of book http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007E558OW/ref=series_dp_rw_ca_1 And a third would be Thread of Deepest Black by Finn Marlow. http://www.amazon.com/Thread-Deepest-Black-Finn-Marlowe-ebook/dp/B004G5Z6I6/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1453068057&sr=1-1&keywords=ThreaD+OF+A+DEEPEST+BLACK There are a lot of Gay shape-shifter books which I am not into but this one was unique. If BDSM was like it is between the two main characters in this novel, you could probably get me interested. So anyone else going to come out of the closet? Anyone else have a book they “would recommend” J
  5. Hey guys…well I know this topic seems kind of done...but just thought I would add another comment since there was a lot of talk on the sterility thing. Having dealt with the sterility issue most of my professional life and had to work in a deployed environment several times…I tend to agree with Rudynate…sterility is pretty much a relative term (well not really the term..but the concept is lol). Every time a doc cuts the skin (like in surgery) it is not sterile you just try and get it as close as you can. In this case I wouldn’t obsess too much over getting things absolutely sterile. Urine is pretty good at getting rid of bugs so long as the foreign object is gone. I think a “get things as clean as you can” approach is ok. I have done it a couple of times (yea it was ok…kind of novel like “holy crap I got a rod sticking out of my dick”) Keeping them clean, running them though the dishwasher (with hot dry cycle), using gloves, sterile water-based lube (they make an antibacterial one), keep a “clean field” with a clean towel, wiping them down with alcohol before use..and pee a lot afterwards Keeping them clean is probably the most important (dishwasher after each use) and not licking the sound before you put it in (saw that in a vid once) is probably also a good idea.
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