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Everything posted by Gymowner

  1. i think you could have gotten more with honey than vinegar. so many in life dont have the best self management skills. he probably just get into town and did fall asleep. he said he would come right over... right? so i dont think "rip off artist" was in order. its more than likely too late now but telling him you really wanted to see him and was looking forward to the meet up would have been a better plan. asking if you could see him after you pick up your brother could have been an appropriate move and he might have obliged. or met with him and ran late to pick up your brother. so what if you were a little late in getting him. its not the kind of england you are picking up. if he didnt want to wait he could have taken an uber to the hotel.
  2. anybody go to chime on on the dancers?
  3. ah to have swinging richards in its hayday back! $10 admission on the weekends (not including the back room) and 20-30 uber hot studs walking around naked as a jay bird. drinks were poured strong and to be honest the bartenders were as hot if not hotter than some of the dancers. as were some of the patrons! those were the days!
  4. just a few years ago "certain people" would be calling this politically incorrect. now its racist. my how these "certain people" have evolved!
  5. well well well. ive hit a liberals raw nerve. is the man mentioned above latin? are there many many stories on here of men getting hustled and conned from latin escorts? guess what. many stories of russians and eastern europeans doing the same thing. much of this has to do with the culture of the countries and how one is raised in those countries. dont worry. you didnt offend me. only small little plebeians would be hurt by such an accusation as yours.
  6. and so does womens snatches! my lord i have seen some women around uber hot uber straight muscular gogo dancers and you can hear their eggs bouncing around inside of them. this is biology guys. plain and simple. every straight guy i talk to in the gym LOVES big rouund asses on women. me personally... they look like big fat asses. but breeders love them. its in their hinds brains. women love muscular very masculine men. its in their brains. causes something we call procreation. oops! here is what we need to do in society. let the trans folk live their lives as women being men and men being women on one island. thats fine. and let everyone else live their lives as biology has created people on another island. when someone "feels" on one island a certain way get a boat and send them to the other island. after a few decades, the trans folk will be dying out in droves since ftm cannot impregnate mtf. so they will have to come to the conclusion that how they FEEL is total bullshit to the evolution of the species. the mtf will have to impregnate the ftm's but with suppressive hormones this aint gonna happen folks. i give a rats ass how one "feels" in society. i do however totally support giving them the total right as a person... as a human being, to be able to "feel" that way. so they need then in return to get off this liberal high horses and let others do and "feel" as society is intended.. this stupidity that we have been culminating over the last decade or so will fizzle out. its alice in wonderland crapola that in the end gets society nowhere
  7. Just 3 of the incredible men there!
  8. I'm on the list for l.a. nude parties. Some real hotties there this coming weekend. The ifbb fitness pro from Montreal will be there. I would go just to see this strawberry blond but will be in fort lauderdale. Go gentlemen and have an awesome time!
  9. I stay true to the disease. These evil people need to have something happen to them to deter others from taking the same actions. An eye for an eye. Ir a food hire of the mafia will take care of the problem as well. God I wish I lived decades ago
  10. These "extortinists" are playing on the fear that you already for some reason feel guilty for hiring and that telling someone will out your hiring. Its 2023. Tell him you want to go down to the police station and explain all this to the Sargent. He is probable an illegal and will run so fast your head will spin. Keep it up for a few days when he doesnt answer. Say "no.. no... I mean it. I want to tell the whole story to the police so they can decide who is right. If I'm wrong I'll gladly pay you". Fuck this mother fucker and good. Taunt him the way he is taunting you. He will get you arent then a sissy. That's what he is looking for. Fuck this bastard and I hope he gets a resistant case of syphillis!
  11. bingo! this is the whole problem with society and we will have dire circumstances if not hammered out. if trans people... they are people to me... not men... not women...want to compete in sports they have every right to as such. they can create their own league and compete against each other. why "jump the fence" so to speak and compete against women? anyone against this theory chime in but answer me one question. why arent their any trans ftm's competing against men in their categories? why dont you see a ftm compete in boxing against men, ( they feel and identify as such right? so they in their minds are men) swim against men and powerlift against men? why not? because they will have their newly acquired hairy asses handed to them thats why! people in mainstream society love competition. so if there were some awesome competitions in trans groups competing against each other there would be many many who would watch for the sake of good competition. most wont watch this "jimmied up" mtf crap against women competitions. so yes it is cheating when a mtf competes against women and wins every category by a mile. why liberals wont accept this and rally for trans groups competing against each OTHER (thats equality folks) is to me only again the need for total acceptance be damned in mainstream society. guess what it aint gonna happen libs and you will set back trans rights accordingly. china and russia are laughing at us all the way to the bank folks.
  12. i cant agree more that "feeling" like a woman does not make one a woman. it just makes one identify more with and emulate those qualities. nothing wrong with that but biology is biology. they dont open one up to remove an appendix and find a ham sandwich. they find an appendix. thats science. if you have reproductive organs of a male or female then biologically that is what you are. end stop. how you "feel" is up to you and your right. the push in our screwed up society that "feeling" like a certain type makes ones that type is just an over reach to fit into main stream society as such instead of being the "non" accepted IN mainstream society. men accept women and there is no vilification as such.. one "feels" like a woman therefore if a=b and b=c then a=c. this logic states one will be accepted as a woman and not a vilified "non male". rubbish! thats non delusional. i guess when the line at the bathroom is 10 long for the mens room and 0 at the womens room i will all of a sudden "feel" like a woman and get a good piss out! i would love to get an addatwattome at this point in my life, i really would. ive used me dick long enough and would enjoy immensely to be the "bottom" in the relationship. most would say "you have a hole... use it." nope. its the best men can do with each other i agree. but a real twat is what is made for insertion. now if i had the addatwattome, would i be a female, considering everything else would stay as a male? i dont believe so. i still would be a male since my reproductive organs were a male in the first place but altered. i couldnt reproduce as a female but i had the ability at one point to reproduce as a male. an argument could be made that genital organs would be changed and hence become a female. i believe it has to do as i stated above as in the reproductive sense that biology makes us a male or female. i would still "feel" as a male so in all purposes i would be considered a male. just my $.02
  13. Dont GIVE him a dime. Make him work for an agreed upon amount that fits what you are asking him for. He then understands he has to DO something to GET something. At the end of the day they are all hookers anyways. The most honest upfront relationship on the planet is a client with a long term hooker. He knows what you want. You know what to spend. Works out perfect!!
  14. so now he has this in his description "I am into girls but have a fetish for men. Help me fulfill my fantasy of being with men while I keep my sexuality a secret." oh really? a secret? maybe no one has seen him riding a cock on the guysite?
  15. Hey LFABWC... Get to NYC and hire both for a 3 way! Only way to see who meets who's needs at the same time. So hot to see them both really getting it on with each other and deciding for an overnight at your place for a few more rounds!
  16. i dont quite understand the need for a picture other than true honesty on the part of the escort. certain people or "types" the escort may feel he just cant deliver "the goods" to and doesnt want to create a bad experience. IF that is the reason then i commend the escort. i know they are suppose to be "fuck machines" for all of you but in reality they are human beings. if i found an escort to be hot af and he asked for a picture, after i sent the picture he replied "sorry i cant provide you with a quality time", i would be butt hurt for 1 minute then give him thanks for not wasting my time, money or my self esteem.
  17. He went by blue eyed cowboy originally out of indianapolis. Had a short sting on chaturbate as well.
  18. I'm not negative on sex, I'm negative on diseases.
  19. so through all of this "crap".... do all of you men really want to still have sex? is it that uncontrollable that you go into a sexual romp "thinking everyone you have sex with is positive or has and std? ewww.....
  20. i have done so my whole life. everyone that i hired has and is in a relationship with a woman. never a man. doesnt have sex with men. they needed money, horny and loved their cocks sucked. straighter than straight. nuff said.
  21. studchaser. i dont quite understand your reasoning for our modern definition of straight. Gifford's "mindset" was not exclusive or a minority thought of gifford's alone. according to gifford, EVERY gay thought this way. a sort of inherent norm of the "elegants" was to only have sex with straight men. this completed and justified the mental and physical circuit of the gays so to speak. no other gay would be able to fulfill that. think of how much of a "sisterhood" of sorts this would allow towards other gay men. your friends were just that. true friends. no cat fighting, bitchy, manipulative cockblocking going on as it does today to jockey a date or a sexual romp. gays lived their lives with getting sex when needed by random men that totally fulfilled their definitions and needs of the male during sex. and went on with their lives. their "relationships" truly became relationships with their friends. looking back at my life i sort of lived this lifestyle without knowing of gifford and his ilk. it was inherent. i ran successful businesses for many years with my focus on those businesses. when i wanted sex i usually hired "straight" men as i was drawn to their mannerisms, masculinity and quite honestly their muscular bodies. sex for sex sake, shake hands and go on with my life. it worked well. i dabbled with relationships a few times. when i saw the desire of gay men to so openly want to cheat, have three ways etc, as if the partner was not good enough to fulfill the sexual needs solely of the gay i bowed out of the relationships and went on my way. im sure there were many monogamous men at the time but i as well felt that boring. i didnt want to stay home and watch t.v. on a friday night! i was in my early 30's, hot as hell and i wanted the attention that i got on a daily basis in the gay community. i felt that being true to this way of sexual life was mine and mine alone. and as long as i didnt hurt another life i was good. i understood monogamy as a parallel to a relationship...end stop. my mother was a virgin to my father till the day she died. a religious woman that went to church weekly and had faith and virtue imbedded in every facet of her life. were there some bad times in my parents relationship? sure thing. she could have left my father many times...and probably should have. but her faith and virtue towards her matrimonial vows meant something to her. a trait i highly admire still to this day. i mean if there is a revolving door of men coming and going in a committed relationship then is it a true relationship per my parents definition? i think not. what it really is is a deep friendship bonded together towards stability and security. hmmm... isnt this what our dear friend gifford was all about. stability within relationships with friends and going freely to have sex whereever and whenever for sex sake. maybe modern gay "relationships" are really more in tune with the days of old than many gays think.
  22. There wasnt a brothel near Stella's but the Howard Johnsons in times square next door to the Gaiety got all the action. What I like about this sort of set up as Stella's was made for the hustler to work that night. Then and there. Reason he was there in the first place. None of this internet appointments ahead of time and the escort either flakes or blows off the appointment. Man I remember the first time I went to the gaiety. must have been late 1990's or early 2000's. I was about 34 years old then. A blond muscle stud in his early 20's with boyish good look and killer charm I brought to the howard johnsons after his set. His ass was incredible and he loved it rimmed and eaten out. Moaned and groaned the whole time. Later on I found out he was none other than the famous legend mark dalton before the fame. Must have been one of his first gigs. Ah the memories!!
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