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Everything posted by Gymowner

  1. pic 5 does not match the more muscled and hot shape of pic 1 and 2. which condition is he currently in?
  2. have to totally agree with tenderloin on this one. there seems to be some arrogance or elitism in kurts reply. for $300+ per hour, overnights in the thousands and weekends much more, one should have to deal with such minor pittances. i understand there are a lot of flakes out there. i truly do. we arent talking minimum wage here. this is attorney level pay. many attorneys give out free consultations in the beginning to get business. i dont see how taking a few minutes, even with whack jobs is asking too much for this sort of pay.
  3. Just spoke about this topic with my regaular today. He is in fantastic shape right now hitting the gym twice a day. He claims that about 6 hours after a shot of test he is horny as fuck. I now plan to set my appointments around said schedule. Hahahahaha
  4. Funny thing is he blocked me on rm. Never contacted him nor wrote about him. Just viewed his page. Very odd.
  5. Wasn't goldilocks involved with bears? I guess I'm just kvetching now.
  6. its absolutely awesome that this buck, ryan and others get glowing reviews over and over. this board is suppose to help uninformed make a good decision. so whats wrong with great reviews posted by the same person if each and every time the session is great if we know the poster is legit? guys complain when there is no information about an escort then when there is a lot of very positive reviews the mockery flows. i just dont get it.
  7. Gymowner


    I actually know someone who really knows him. Showed me a few of the pics that are actually him. Only problem is, the person who knows him claims his age in the upper 40's not his claimed age. That's too bad. The pics that are supposedly him are great. A big hot muscle daddy should be lined up for days with sppts.
  8. Boy.... I read both articles. Remember the defense attorney will certainly pose his clients side of the story as a victim. I dont buy it. Oh, being molested...yes, that makes sense from the old guzzard. Holding him against his will?? Was he tied up with wrist bruises? Was there any drugs in his system showing a drugging? Fake news. If I was on the jury a massive young powerful buck against a 50 year old with the only means of escape is 16 stabbings to the person, would hold no water with me. A tussle, a few bruises on both parties and the massive young bodybuilder escaping makes sense. Other story makes no sense to me as the only form of defense. What possibly happened was the young bull had enough as a straight guy living his life in a gay world. Gay world job, gay world living. This can affect alot of straight guys. I've seen it for my own eyes. The bodybuilder snapped and took out his rage on the old pervert. The media nowadays loves to form stories with subjective wordings and phrasings as truth. We see it everyday.
  9. Gymowner

    411 on aslann

    there should be a box for "yenta boyfriend". "you get sex once a year on your birthday as long as i dont have a headache!!!!"
  10. give me a break! the old pervert was wrong...for sure. but to be stabbed 16 times almost to death for rubbing the bucks leg and TRYING to grab his junk? and stating he would kidnap him/ OMFG! a huge strong young bull like this can flick his finger once and knock the old guzzard right down. stabbing him for rubbing his leg is like getting the death sentence for a speeding ticket! talk about wigging out! and he danced at a gay bar in new york ...... i'm sure no one ever tried to grab his junk ever there. naw.........
  11. i have one little gripe with jessie. its really not a biggie though. jesse emailed me after our meeting to post a review. for taking the time he said would send me a video of himself. i said sure. i gave the review which was honest and stellar. he saw the review and emailed back a thank you. i waited and no video. i emailed him "what about the video"? crickets. so i dont know if the thank you was from the supposed 'agent" following up and had no idea of what he promised or if it was just jesse that got lax on follow thru. again no biggie but if promised especially in writing and a "thank you" follow up is paramount.
  12. met a hot little blond out at charlies in vegas last wednesday. it was underwear night. the blond had a jock strap on and a smoking hot little bootie. i went up to him to buy him a drink. he said "thank you i just bought myself one. im on rentmen under tannereric". i thought "wow that was a fast sales pitch". he is hotter i feel in person than in his pics. i have no idea what type of escort he is but that is one cute little smooth ass on this blond!
  13. as i stated above he is gorgeous, rockin body and seemed very sweet to be around. he invited me to hang out with him at piranha buti was going home. it was getting late. Ben you are spot on! lol guys...we have to remember this isnt a life existing moment. lighten it up a little, keep things in perspective and respectful and lets all just laugh at the nonsensicalness that all this has to offer us in life!!!
  14. ben you are absolutely correct! a slut is a slut is a slut. no need to shame them for being a slut. a sluts slut will always freely be a slut. so the slut in favor today may or may not be the slut in favor tomorrow. so maybe he wont be a slut? not by his own sluttiness but because no one wants the slut? whew...never knew being a slut was so daunting!
  15. oh i know man...just givin ya shit. a certain stud in vegas now that frequents L.A. certainly does seem to have you smitten. me thinks me has to give this stud a whirl...once my weekly fave leaves town soon.
  16. TOG... i just edited my post to make it more PC for the viewers. i hope everyone can get on with their sunday now. lol
  17. kevin, not looking for a virgin. i have a friend who is an escort and has between 6-10 sexual encounters a week with different people. between clients he is constantly on hook up sites and looking for the next circuit party. i believe there is a thing about too many partners. i stand my ground. if you are in that category then more power too you.
  18. yes that is lawrence of london. i met him out at quads bar one night in las vegas when he had an add here. totally hot, very well built stud. that being said i stood next to him at the bar for some time not telling him i knew him from his add. alot of guys were trying to get all over him (i might add i understand why), and he loved the attention and kept sticking his unbelievable ass out for guys to faux fuck. he chatted with me for a bit then asked me if i wanted to go across the street to piranha with a few of them. i declined. now if the guy in the a4a ad is really him, i have no idea. seemed like a really sweet guy, very handsome and i could tell the pics were spot on as to his rockin' body. talked alot about sex, how horny he constantly was and his sexcapades. so if you want a bull in the sheets and dont care how many have been there beforehand...go for it.
  19. and this is why my opinion is get a really great straight escort for your needs as long as they can accommodate them. look... we cant stay young and hot forever. the straight ones dont give a rats ass how big my biceps are or how hot my ass is. whats draws the "straight greats" into the mix is honesty, respect, knowing boundaries and so forth. i have heard so many stories of the gay escorts having "performance" issues it isnt even funny. And on the flip side, when i was in my early 30's and hot as fuck (i may add...lol), i hired two gay escorts that come to mind and both wanted to call me afterwards, hang out, go to dinner etc. pass. i didnt hire to develop a friendship or date. so to the "great straights" i say bravo!
  20. I cant speak for him as an escort. Used to dance under the name of Landy for along time at Piranha in Las vegas Only hung around the hot gays. When he got off a box dancing, would never stop and say hello or thank for a tip...unless you were a hot young gay. The straight dancers always stop, kiss on the cheek and say "thank you". But I digress. From watching his interactions with hot patrons and also normal looking patrons, it perfectly fits the bill what is being said about him as an escort. And for those reasons, never cared to hire him...ever
  21. The "ality" part is the innate desire one has. Whether that is sexual desire, intimate desire or romantic desire. Homosexuality, heterosexuality, bisexuality. Other than that it is the performance of an act. There are many many guys in porn now that fuck the shit outta guys, get fucked yet will state they only date women. There is their real desire. So in my book they are bisexed, heterosexuals. If an escort gets head from a guy for money, never does it without money involved and blows up his phone with his girlfriend, he is heterosexual...period. Just my $.02.
  22. Just click on his videos and see for yourself guys
  23. Harry I think you have it a little backwards. Most label themselves as "bi" yet are straight guys getting head and dont want to piss off gay clientele so " bi" is their label. Ask them if they have sex or head from gay dudes for free and their answer will usually be " hell no". I have gotten this from response from many escorts.
  24. the video of him squirting cum outta his ass was disgusting. hope he isnt radioactive
  25. Again, this is why setting up paramaters before meeting is paramount. If he advertises as "always rock hard top" and you state that's what you want, if he cant maintain an erection, I would stop the session, ask him what a fair fee is for non performing up to what was agreed upon, tell him you understand a bad day can happen ( they aren't machines) and never hire him again. This happened with a very famous, uber hot muscle porn star. Super sweet but I think drugs may have kept him from fulfilling what was agreed upon. I left what I felt was appropriate. He contacted me several times after apologizing for the session and wanting to know if we could get together again. I kindly declined... and he is EXACTLY my type of uber hot guy.
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