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Everything posted by Just966

  1. Hmmm and I assume the above is the obvios reason and a good one!
  2. Yes spent 2 weeks in the northern part which wasn't enough time and 1 week in the south which was enough (or even too much!) There are definitely things worth seeing in the south but just so much more history in the northern part. Well worth going to visit IMHO And the port is worth tasting:)
  3. All great suggestions, in general I would say that the northern part of Portugal is way more interesting than the southern part whicj tends to the British tourist area and very touristy.
  4. https://es.xhamster.com/videos/cum-4-hot-japanese-intensive-massage-xhqfd7Y
  5. https://es.xhamster.com/videos/cum-4-hot-japanese-intensive-massage-xhqfd7Y
  6. tumblr_n4zvdxZKYr1rfjuuoo7_400.jpg
  7. tumblr_mnvcetQtAf1qdolfbo1_500.jpg
  8. 03515b59-2f4f-4a9d-8cff-bb724c60127f.jpg
  9. tumblr_lbxtn6IKgu1qdot7ho1_500_3_.jpg
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