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Everything posted by Ajac

  1. Smart move to include the video in his ad, much better looking and seems normal. All the photos make him look a bit strange. I would love to do a photo shoot for the guy I think he is selling himself short with the selfies.
  2. yes another big bulky nice guy with a sense of humor!
  3. Hmm, I was thinking Ewan McGregor but I just may want to be his best friend. Maybe John Cena though a bit bulkier than I usually desire I have a nice guy with sense of humor fetish he was so funny in "Train Wreck" makes an awesome towel rack too. Oh and then there are several Sean Cody guys...Blake, Brodie, Daniel, Dennis. Damn my tastes are all over the map. LOL
  4. Thanks for the update. Shame about the steroids. I wish guys could look to the future and effects that has long term. I guess I caught him at his prime and though I had planned on a revisit your post will probably quash that idea.
  5. Amen to that brother, couldn't agree more. Surprised he is still in the game.
  6. Funny I have been put off by words or pics in massage ads. The shot of a masseur wearing a full leather apron. Any kind of power tools seen. Phrases like, "Killer massage", "so relaxed you'll be in a coma". Choose your words carefully. Should not sound like a tag line from a horror movie LOL.
  7. I did an internal search and only found the inquiry I made in 2015. Anyone have any info on his massage? Nudity, interaction, HE? https://www.massagem4m.com/masseur/10178/
  8. Ajac

    He's Back

    Yes when I had my experience I almost wanted to key his car on the way out of his place. But didn't for fear of retribution. I wish a bigger body builder would hire him and beat the crap out of him when he pulls his act. I saw him at the Burbank Costco once and thought for some one who thinks he is a god among men he sure looked like crap.
  9. Ajac

    He's Back

    Yep I am glad i started the post. Even if it just saves one person from handing money to this contemptuous Asshole.
  10. Ajac

    He's Back

    OK I haven't seen this douchebag listed anywhere in quite a while. Just want to warn all the newbies to avoid him like the plague. http://www.malemasseurs.com/profile.cfm?CID=100307#_self Horrible person... scammer...Beware!
  11. Funny thing when I saw him I thought he looked like a guy I saw on bluecam.com (aka chaturbate). I thought that looked just like him just aged 15 to 20 years. I wonder if it is him. Though as adventurous as the bluecam guy seems I doubt his massage would not include happy ending.
  12. Yes bigvalboy is on the mark. He is one of my reasons for avoiding "straight" masseurs. If it is a location thing maybe try https://www.masseurfinder.com/members/jakesuave2.shtml Similar in look in the same area. I only went to him once but remember him as polite with a decent massage in a nice space. It has been quite a while so maybe someone can chime in with a more recent experience
  13. Mark is a sweetheart of a guy that I don't see often enough.
  14. No just a handful of weird ones over a long period. Way more great experiences but that is a whole other thread.
  15. OK one more post... These are not really worst experiences but a few oddities. Photos of wife and children prominently displayed...Gee look who your Daddy is doing to this stranger. Several taxidermy pets around the room....Very Norman bates. Watching a reality show for the entirety of the massage. Fashion show of every sparkly or leather outfit in his closet that he found sexy... I found them all ridiculous. Going to a regular masseur who suddenly changed to a pitch dark room not even a candle. Maybe it was to experience the sensation of what a massage was like for Hellen Keller.
  16. Newports guy sounds like a guy that was discussed here before. Advertised as A college bodybuilder. Way older than college. Located in the valley, pulled the same routine on so many guys. As far as Josh Big Texan goes he was the Jeckle and Hyde of masseurs. Started out as a favorite ended up upsetting quite a few clients.
  17. Bummer, I had meant to try him when he was near me in the Valley and now he has moved to Culver City. He had great reviews I believe. You can probably find posts on this board about him.
  18. Ok this one goes back awhile. Back to the years of finding masseurs in the ad section of Frontiers Magazine. Before the advice of forum members. There was a guy whose body was amazing kind of like the guy from Tarzan movie with Bo Derek ... Miles Okeef I think. ( 20 somethings start googling). Any way I arrived at a dingy little apartment. He seemed pretty out of it. He in told me to go ahead and lie face down on the bed which was unmade and sheets were obviously not fresh. ( OK let me say it is amazing what you will let slide when some one is extremely good looking. ) He then lay on top of me and kind of kneaded my shoulder with one hand occasionally mumbling incoherently. On a side note his hair was shoulder length but more little lord Fontleroy then Sexy romance novel and obviously had not been washed in a very long time. I digress,the strange Kneading continues until it becomes obvious he has dozed off. Yes full dead weight on top of me asleep. So he come to as I writhe about a bit. continuing to mumble and pinch. At this point I initiate the turn over and just want it all to end. So I am a bit fuzzy on this but there was some sort of HE, more Hurried than Happy. The kicker, as I am getting dressed he decides it is time for him to prep dinner. This is a one room with kitchenette so I get to watch as he waves a huge knife around and tries to make small talk. Now had it been a paring knife to cut his potato no biggie but this was a fight crocodiles in a swamp knife so I was wondering if was ever going to be seen again. I go into compliment mode, going on and on of what a great time it was as I dressed and edged toward the door. I made my escape to home and a very long shower.
  19. Yes that is why I stressed how I enjoyed all my past experiences with Pan. I think had he just said you are fat I could have dealt with it better than the heart attack thing. I am sure it is cultural. That being said I honestly wish him the best in the future and recommend him to anyone where weight is not an issue. That is why this forum is a valuable tool to find the right fit for everyone.
  20. Yes for years I had seen him with no incident always polite and enjoyable which made his comment that much more disconcerting. I was actually kind of glad reading on the forum that it wasn't just me.
  21. Very Out of the blue. I had seen him many times before and always looked forward to seeing him whenever he was in LA. I never had any indication prior to that that he had weight issues. Now I admit I was carrying more weight at the time than I should have but I am not Jabba the Hut need to buy two seats on an airplane big. His body is amazing his massage is very good but I think even if I were to reach my goal weight I doubt I would see him again. I want to get a massage to feel relaxed not bad about my self or stressed about my health. I did send him an email calling him out on the comment. If he does have an issue with HWP it should be noted in his ad not in the last 10 minutes of the massage. (On a good note it did get me to my yearly physical)
  22. Yes I use to see him whenever he came down to LA. Until he made comments to me about me having a heart attack. Which I guess was his not to subtle way of saying I was overweight. That being said if you are not carrying an extra 30-50 lbs he is great.
  23. Client arriving too early is not good but booking two clients that close in time is not good either. Unless the client was 3 hours early.
  24. Also you find the perfect fit then they retire or move to another state.
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