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Everything posted by Ajac

  1. OK if you are having a head shot done I say a bit of make up or skillfully applied Photo shop is OK but in the real world obvious makeup on a man is off putting to me.
  2. Must be a later album the one used during massage had chanting monks and a sexy voice speaking in french. Can't imagine anything cardio being done to it other than slow pelvic grinding.
  3. I am fine with almost anything relaxing. Just nothing that sounds like it could be a soundtrack to a horror movie. I know it was over done for a while but I use to like Enigma. I know I know don't hate me for that. LOL. Any thing beats the masseur who watched TV while giving me a massage full sound commercials and all.
  4. Any Info on Shotaro Thinking about booking him. https://rentmasseur.com/Shotaro
  5. The super 8 quality and music really give it a retro feel.
  6. OK this masseur in my opinion chose an odd photo. https://rentmasseur.com/joshcarper Once I read the copy I realized what was going on. But at first glance I thought why is this masseur showing his black mold skin condition. Also maybe include another photo. He is outcall only but if anyone tries him I would love to know how it goes.
  7. I have had two masseurs tell me about famous clients. Though Enquiring minds want to know I remember thinking what a bummer to be famous.
  8. Love the idea of a body scrub but hate blindfolds just a personal thing. Use to see a masseur named Vin who started every massage with you having a quick bath. Even though I always showered before it was a nice way to start.
  9. I downloaded this years ago (better quality) always was a go to. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=768188878
  10. Yes I was reading this thinking did everyone read this wrong. It was the provider not the client getting in trouble. Sorry you had to deal with this Kevin. I definitely echo Mo Mason's sentiments. I would never hire anyone I felt was underage, being coerced or doing it to support an addiction but between to consenting people should not be an issue. Hope this is no more than a little bump in the road for you.
  11. This brought up dozens of popups for me and attempted to download over 300 files I did a force quit hopefully that headed off any problems maybe this is isolated to me but I would beware
  12. I knew there was one where that masseur got naked too.
  13. One of the other great resources to figure things out is this forum many times a little inquiry here will a few exceptions clear up questions. Frequentmassagegetters site was awesome for reviews while it lasted for us local SoCal guys. (Damn puritans at patreon.)
  14. I have a vague memory of him getting very interactive in a video where he did drop the shorts.
  15. He reminds me of William Mann of Chaturbate.I would take out a second mortgage to spend time with Mr Mann.
  16. No I didn't know that. Just fixed it thanks.
  17. I thought the topic was an std question like, "Why does it burn when I Pee. " In all my years this has never come up for me. One time I farted so loud in my sleep I woke my self up. I started laughing, glad that night I was alone.
  18. OK 947 is great looking but the hair do make me want to add neck bolts and paint him green
  19. I am so glad your table is sturdy enough to hold the weight of both of us. hope to visit again soon.
  20. Ajac

    Emergency Advice

    Yes I did a bit more research and found the info. I guess I just freaked out over the concept of all my clients (Some Squeaky clean) getting a list of my viewing. Pretty vanilla but still. Between phone scams email scams and now this it is pretty disheartening that so many people think they have to resort to this kind of thing.
  21. •••• is your personal password now I'm going to cut to the chase. You don't know anything about me however I know you and you must be thinking why are you receiving this mail, right? I actually installed malware on porn videos (porno) & you know what, you visited this adult website to have pleasure (you know what I mean). When you were busy watching video clips, your web browser initiated working as a RDP (Remote Control Desktop) with a keylogger which provided me with accessibility to your screen and your webcam access. Immediately after that, my software program gathered every one of your contacts from your messenger, fb, and e-mail. What did I do? It's simply your bad luck that I got to know about your misdemeanor. Later I invested in more time than I should have exploring into your personal life and generated a two screen video. First half displays the recording you had been watching and 2nd part shows the capture of your webcam (it is someone doing inappropriate things). In good faith, I'm ready to remove about you and let you move on with your daily life. And my goal is to give you two options that will achieve it. Those two option is to either ignore this message (not recommended), or pay me 0.8 BTC to finish this chapter forever. Exactly what should you do? Let’s explore above two options in details. First Alternative is to ignore this mail. Let me tell you what will happen if you take this option. I will definitely send your videotape to your entire contacts including friends and family, co-workers, and so on. It won't save you from the humiliation your household will have to face when family and friends discover your sordid videotape from me in their inbox. Wise option is to send me 0.8 BTC. We will name this my “confidentiality tip”. Now Lets discuss what will happen when you opt this path. Your dirty secret remains private. I will destroy the videotape. After you pay, You go on with your daily life and family as if nothing ever occurred. You will make the transfer through Bitcoins Amount to be paid: 0.8 BTC BTC ADDRESS: 1HJgY9mVPP27tL2hWpsXQ554ud5BnEBtXD Notice: You have one day in order to make the payment. (I've a unique pixel in this email message, and right now I know that you have read this e mail). If I do not get the Bitcoins, I will, no doubt send out your video recording to all of your contacts including close relatives, co-workers, and many others. nevertheless, if I do get paid, I'll destroy the videotape immediately. If you want to have proof, reply with "yes!" and I definitely will send out your video recording to your 12 friends. It's a non-negotiable one time offer, so kindly do not waste my personal time and yours by replying to this e mail. On one hand this freaks me out due to the threat. This person contacted me on my actual email not the one I use for junk etc. On the other hand they say my web cam was initiated recording my "activity" I have no web cam. Do they have all my contacts? Should I report this? Ignore it and pray all my clients don't get a list of porn sites I visit? Please advise.
  22. OK being a butt man I was disappointed in his ESPN nude. I was expecting a skaters bubble, but...Meh! Mind you I would love to be that fit. Just had something perkier imagined.
  23. Ajac


    Thanks for the heads up
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