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Posts posted by Angel

  1. I believe that if you are really into getting sucked, maybe he is not a good choice.

    I am bttm:oops: Do not really enjoy getting sucked

  2. BINGO! I have paid $350 for an hour with a drop dead gorgeous man (Gianluigi Volti) that I had zero chemistry with. Seriously it was like watching paint dry. I have also paid $400 for the MOST boring 35 minutes of my life with another stunner (Ryan Steel). I can testify that a higher price tag guarantees only that you'll be paying more. Honestly the hottest escort I have spent time with was a dude who lived down the street from me in West Hollywood who was (at the time) $150/hr. https://rentmen.eu/BRAV He was so much fun and the chemistry was so hot that I swear the bed almost caught on fire. He's a handsome guy in great shape, but by no means does he come close to the aesthetic of the guys mentioned in this post. I would gladly pay him twice what he wanted to play with him again.

    tl/dr no amount of $ is going to make up for poor chemistry. Time spent with a hotter guy might cost more, but it doesn't mean it will be worth it.

    Appearance is appearance, talent and chemistry are different things. I agree

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