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Posts posted by BlueSky

  1. Yes I had a package go missing just recently. It contained some clothes I ordered. My complex has package lockers so I just assumed that's where it would be left: locked up safe and sound till I got home. But they left it outside my door at like 9 in the morning. So not only was it just out there for anyone to take, it was 8 or 9 hours until I could get home to get it....but it was gone by then. I get stuff shipped to me at work now unless it's sex toys or something...;)

  2. I've been on medications that kill or at least limit my ability to have an orgasm. (It just becomes so much work it's not even worth it). Even so I was still able to have great times with escorts. I was upfront about what was going on the with the equipment. We basically did all the things we usually do. There just wasn't the big release at the end. Still totally worth it.


    It's been many years since I've used those prescriptions and everything is back to normal now. And I always finish up by coming. :D

  3. Well, you really don't know what George will look like as an adult. The mother is pretty so who knows. There can be a regency for the son.


    Yes, George may be a looker in twenty-years.


    But for the next hundred years it's conceivable the king will always be old. Longevity being what it is in the House of Windsor the heir may only inherit after the monarch lives to be 100 or more. I guess we'll have to see if retirement becomes a thing once this Queen leaves us....in twenty years maybe...

  4. Does anyone think that Prince Charles will abdicate when Queen Elizabeth passes so that the more attractive prince will inherit and have a very lengthy reign? I suppose he won't as he seems to be better liked now that Diana is being less and less remembered.


    I bet there's nothing that could keep Charles from being king after waiting his whole life. He may have to hobble down the aisle of the Abbey with a walker to get to the coronation chair but he'll go....


    Besides to really get to the attractive prince they'd have to skip over Charles, Wills, and George and put Harry on the throne.

  5. It has been reported that Prince Edward will assume the title of Duke of Edinburgh on Phillip's passing.


    Yes, I believe this has been officially announced from the Palace. However, Edward will technically have to wait until both of his parents die. Prince Charles will (as oldest son) inherit the dukedom when Prince Phillip passes. Then when Charles becomes king the title will "merge with the crown". If the Queen dies before Phillip, it will merge upon Phillip's death.


    By custom that's the point at which the title can be re-issued. Of course, the Queen could create a second dukedom of Edinburgh (or other dukedom) for Edward at any time. But that doesn't appear to be the plan.


    It's interesting to note that the Royal Dukedom's are still created with the provision that only males can inherit. So, the dukedom of York will become extinct when Prince Andrew dies since he only has daughters. Edward's titles can pass to his son Viscount Severn but not to his daughter Louise.

  6. Rumors have long swirled around the king of Cambodia. (He was once the butt of a practical joke where his head was photo-shopped into a scene of gay porn. The authorities were not amused.) About the rumors, this article about the king notes:

    And when describing the monarch, journalists rarely exclude the phrase “lifelong bachelor” or “music-loving bachelor,” or something to that effect, perhaps with the same intent that British tabloids once employed the euphemism “confirmed bachelor” with a figurative nod.




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