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Everything posted by Gamer

  1. Admin note: You were already warned about posting pictures of youthful looking boys.
  2. https://78.media.tumblr.com/f71b5fcc2ff1f8bc2aeff0ed0cb08640/tumblr_oep5x6MQhA1ufrvfxo1_500.jpg
  3. https://78.media.tumblr.com/37ef79339d1f943310d34025cf94d1aa/tumblr_oztp10X6Sx1w4t2t9o1_1280.jpg
  4. He was at a fitness show in Brisbane. I thought the distinctive tatts and Ferris wheel would help identify the city
  5. Yes Brisbane, with the ferris wheel in southbank http://www.showticksecure.com/WheelOfBrisbane/VenueNet/_uploads/FCKeditor/10634006_812256025464310_6941828047410447316_o.jpg
  6. yes.. its Dubai; but that location had already been identified
  7. I you are correct.. its not london. I thought the distinctive tats would help. is it too much if I say one of the men is Clint Chadwick
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