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FTM Zachary Prince

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    FTM Zachary Prince reacted to + Funguy in Which escorts are REALLY enthusiastic about being with older clients?   
    I would beg to disagree with you, but I don't beg (well, for certain guys I would.) I'm 69, don't look it, in great shape as a few of our favorite escorts would agree (5'9" and 158 now that I have lost what I needed to lose), am considered fun to do whatever you want, and cum twice in most sessions! JJ, if you take care of the machine it will take care of you!
    And I LOVE more mature escorts - age has nothing to do with it!
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    FTM Zachary Prince reacted to jjkrkwood in Which escorts are REALLY enthusiastic about being with older clients?   

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    FTM Zachary Prince reacted to Kevin Slater in Why would you block a potential client?   
    Many of which don't require disparaging his intelligence.
    Kevin Slater
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    FTM Zachary Prince got a reaction from LivingnLA in How to have clients who'd like to travel?   
    Get creative and intentional with your marketing if you want those clients. Standard rentboy-style marketing is going to attract clients who want the standard one hour gig. Add depth to your marketing's personality and advertise in unconventional ways and places to attract the big spenders. The guys looking at RentMen are too often going to have the types of attitudes that you see reflected in this thread about either not wanting to pay your desired rate for extended travel when they could fly someone in from a third world country instead OR are going to want to spend a lot of time getting to know you first. Because most guys who look at RentMen "play the field". They have a lot of options and they have invested their personal time in researching and learning about them. Some of them might still be fine with paying your rates to hire you to travel without a lot of smaller sessions first, but mostly not.
    In unconventional places where you might choose to advertise, you will find more clients who are unfamiliar with the rentboy scene, the standard rates, and the shopping around. And if you choose those places wisely, yes some of those men will easily be able to afford your travel rates for multiday trips. If there is sufficient DEPTH OF PERSONALITY displayed in your advertising, a client can get a strong sense before meeting you that you have mutual interests, mutual sense of humour, and other matching characteristics that will make spending an extended time together a breeze. I get tons of extended dates booked right off the bat because certain clients see my marketing and get the overwhelming feeling that I'm who they've always been looking for. When your marketing is THAT emotionally impactful, versus just turning someone on sexually, extended dates become natural. For example I offered one hour bookings on my last tour and I received ZERO of them. Literally everyone booked 2-3 hours or more.
    Video, interviews, photos of you fully clothed in public places doing activities you love... these all help I've noticed. Personally I also think that PROFESSIONAL photos and video are important here. Guys who are ready to drop $5K on your companionship fees for a vacation tend to like to see a little bit of professionalism in your marketing I've found. Which means a professional website is probably a good idea too.
    Where can you advertise that's unconventional? Well figuring that out is half the game!! Social media is a good example of one form of advertising with a wide-reaching audience. I've gotten multiple international clients who have booked me for multi-day trips and made me $20-30K each over time, both from posting #hairyarmpit tagged photos on Twitter repeatedly. The audience for social media is international and you never know who might be looking...
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    FTM Zachary Prince reacted to Cyd_StVincent in Does Trust in Clients Grow?   
    Of course time coupled with consistency of respect and care is a stellar recipe for trust - but as @FTM Zachary Prince said - sometimes it can be the opposite. Some of my hardest clients were those who took the length of our relationship as an invitation to assume that they didn't have to obey my boundaries, or pay attention to my body language any more. Maybe they just thought that I would prefer the devil I knew, but they were wrong and I cut them both off.
    On the other hand I have relationships with a few men that I count as my longest intimate relationships - because they are that. Once you've been with someone through surgeries, deaths of loved ones, other relationships beginning and ending - even if your meeting is facilitated by the exchange of cash the trust, and care is as real as any other type of lover.
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    FTM Zachary Prince got a reaction from Cyd_StVincent in Your thoughts on this.   
    I second the advice to book an extended date. Consider something that's part social and part sexual too. It's a guaranteed thing and might help you build the experience and confidence to transition from social settings to sexual settings in your personal life too moving forward. Plus it will probably help calm your nervousness and feel more natural.
  7. Like
    FTM Zachary Prince got a reaction from Cyd_StVincent in Which escorts are REALLY enthusiastic about being with older clients?   
    Lol I'm so confused by the discrepancy between the title and the clarifying question in the OP. I can only guess that it makes no difference whether the escort in question is truly into older guys or is simply a good actor?

    It confuses me why this question would be in the "as an escort" section then. Are you asking us to judge our own acting abilities? Why ask us if you don't care about whether we would TRULY rather be playing with older guys or not?
    I'm not an older guy who's met with dozens of younger escorts, so I'm in no place to judge who "appears to be really happy" with older clients. But as an escort I can say for sure- older guys come in every shape, size, smell, and personality type just like everyone else. Even tho I'm someone who has zero hangups about sleeping with older men, it's completely impossible to state that I'd truly enjoy being with ANY older man. Chemistry determines that just like with anyone else.
    But when chemistry fails... I'm a good actor too. Why? Because everyone (who treats me with respect) deserves to feel like the sexiest guy in my world when we are together.
    I guess I'm in a unique position right now due to my FTM transition and hormone treatment where I look almost a decade younger than I am. Hence I'm able to provide a "young teen" (18? 19?) type of fantasy experience while maintaining the experience and wisdom of my 28 years. I'd say that's been going over very well so far... guess I'd better enjoy it while it lasts!
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    FTM Zachary Prince reacted to Bearofdistinction in Does Trust in Clients Grow?   
    I am very fortunate to see a lovely hot sexy man who I trust and who trusts me. A few years ago I was kidding him about his age and he pulled out his drivers license and handed it to me -- That is trust. In the past he has cleaned my house (a paid assignment) when I was not able - He has visited me in the hospital and brought me home and got me settled and gone shopping for me for things I cannot get delivered.
    I have met his roommates and family - he has attended happy hour and holiday parties with my friends and family. I have helped him with his primary occupation - resumes - interviews - job strategy and personal problems -- etc.
    We are able to keep our personal and business relationships separate - One time he did not want to take the envelope because we had such a great time and I did most of the work (hehehe) I would not hear of it!
    If something works -- Don't fuck with it! -- He was over last night and cooked and cleaned up after dinner --- we talked and had drinks as friends --
    He was a great comfort to me -- as recently a dear FWB of 7 years with whom he was also acquainted - died prematurely a few weeks ago by his own hand. My FWB and I loved each other very much and I was fortunate that this lovely man was there last night to comfort and console me . . .
    He has no family here and trusts me with keys to his home -- Trust is a lovely and rare thing!
  9. Like
    FTM Zachary Prince got a reaction from escortrod in Your thoughts on this.   
    I second the advice to book an extended date. Consider something that's part social and part sexual too. It's a guaranteed thing and might help you build the experience and confidence to transition from social settings to sexual settings in your personal life too moving forward. Plus it will probably help calm your nervousness and feel more natural.
  10. Like
    FTM Zachary Prince got a reaction from MrMattBig in Does Trust in Clients Grow?   
    On an emotional level, trust and comfort definitely does grow with regulars. I relax into something that more closely resembles my true personality with my regulars, something that I might be more hesitant to slip into on a first encounter. It depends on the chemistry of course how fast that happens.
    As a FTM who previously escorted "as a woman", I was also in the pretty intense and unique circumstance of performing as a gender that I did not identify with for clients until very recently. This probably added to my need to have more of a shield up with clients initially as I performed femininity to what I assumed would be acceptable standards. Surprisingly for me, most of my regular clients continued to see me after I announced my transition. I guess my real personality is more masculine/androgynous and my regulars understood that from interacting with me in a more open and realistic way. So it probably shouldnt have surprised me that so many of them were OK with me being FTM. But it still did. I'm very lucky tho for that.
    I may have the baby face of an innocent teen, but I've been in the industry for long enough to hear a LOT of stories from fellow workers. And to have had some interesting experiences myself. And unfortunately, sometimes regulars seriously SCREW us over. Even regulars who we genuinely liked and trusted. And particularly when boundaries get loosened. I've heard of it happening or had it happen to me enough times that even with regular clients certain boundaries are retained. Emotional, yes, but especially procedural. I've had long-standing regulars get irritated that I'm so particular about my payment policies and protecting my legal identity, even after we have known each other for so long. Sadly, I've just heard too many horror stories of good clients gone bad.
    Clients behave weirdly in this industry sometimes, but it hurts a lot more when ANYONE who you've already built trust with violates your boundaries. So there are just certain boundaries that I don't take any chances with, and I hope my regulars can avoid taking those boundaries personally. I am never gonna leave my ID with my legal name sitting casually out on the table because I don't care if a client sees it. It's more about me than about not trusting this particular regular.
    So TLDR: yes trust in clients does grow on an emotional level, but procedural and privacy boundaries are generally maintained to avoid the possibility of future betrayal and heartbreak. It may be rare coming from a regular but sadly it does happen so don't take it personally because it's just a form of self-protection in an industry where the level of respect that our clients have for us varies... widely.
  11. Like
    FTM Zachary Prince reacted to + SundayZip in Your thoughts on this.   
    Huh? Many of us who hire can easily find a partner without paying. But we hire anyway for very good reasons that have nothing to do with necessity.
  12. Like
    FTM Zachary Prince got a reaction from AndreFuture in How would escorts feel about this request?   
    As long as you're paying an escort's rate I cant imagine there being an issue. Some escorts are not into the intimate and sensual stuff so it would be a good thing to mention when booking just in case. But the vast majority of us would have no issue with ṭhis type of request.
  13. Like
    FTM Zachary Prince got a reaction from LADoug1 in How would escorts feel about this request?   
    As long as you're paying an escort's rate I cant imagine there being an issue. Some escorts are not into the intimate and sensual stuff so it would be a good thing to mention when booking just in case. But the vast majority of us would have no issue with ṭhis type of request.
  14. Like
    FTM Zachary Prince got a reaction from + oldNbusted in How would escorts feel about this request?   
    As long as you're paying an escort's rate I cant imagine there being an issue. Some escorts are not into the intimate and sensual stuff so it would be a good thing to mention when booking just in case. But the vast majority of us would have no issue with ṭhis type of request.
  15. Like
    FTM Zachary Prince got a reaction from TruthBTold in I have a question: Bottoms for bottoms   
    See if you guys are flexible enough to rim each other at the same time.
    Nothing like a little *69... :D
  16. Like
    FTM Zachary Prince got a reaction from + GregM in Does Trust in Clients Grow?   
    On an emotional level, trust and comfort definitely does grow with regulars. I relax into something that more closely resembles my true personality with my regulars, something that I might be more hesitant to slip into on a first encounter. It depends on the chemistry of course how fast that happens.
    As a FTM who previously escorted "as a woman", I was also in the pretty intense and unique circumstance of performing as a gender that I did not identify with for clients until very recently. This probably added to my need to have more of a shield up with clients initially as I performed femininity to what I assumed would be acceptable standards. Surprisingly for me, most of my regular clients continued to see me after I announced my transition. I guess my real personality is more masculine/androgynous and my regulars understood that from interacting with me in a more open and realistic way. So it probably shouldnt have surprised me that so many of them were OK with me being FTM. But it still did. I'm very lucky tho for that.
    I may have the baby face of an innocent teen, but I've been in the industry for long enough to hear a LOT of stories from fellow workers. And to have had some interesting experiences myself. And unfortunately, sometimes regulars seriously SCREW us over. Even regulars who we genuinely liked and trusted. And particularly when boundaries get loosened. I've heard of it happening or had it happen to me enough times that even with regular clients certain boundaries are retained. Emotional, yes, but especially procedural. I've had long-standing regulars get irritated that I'm so particular about my payment policies and protecting my legal identity, even after we have known each other for so long. Sadly, I've just heard too many horror stories of good clients gone bad.
    Clients behave weirdly in this industry sometimes, but it hurts a lot more when ANYONE who you've already built trust with violates your boundaries. So there are just certain boundaries that I don't take any chances with, and I hope my regulars can avoid taking those boundaries personally. I am never gonna leave my ID with my legal name sitting casually out on the table because I don't care if a client sees it. It's more about me than about not trusting this particular regular.
    So TLDR: yes trust in clients does grow on an emotional level, but procedural and privacy boundaries are generally maintained to avoid the possibility of future betrayal and heartbreak. It may be rare coming from a regular but sadly it does happen so don't take it personally because it's just a form of self-protection in an industry where the level of respect that our clients have for us varies... widely.
  17. Like
    FTM Zachary Prince reacted to LaffingBear in How to have clients who'd like to travel?   
    I have learned from experience that a client's belief that the travel expense and the experience SHOULD BE factors in rates is a slippery slope leading to unfounded expectations. A rentguy's time is their time, regardless of what they're doing.
    Consider the possibilities:

    Client wants to go to Vegas - rentguy hates Vegas. So why would he lower his rates-for-time?
    Client plans a phenomenal retreat to Hawaii. Rentguy likes the beach, but in the past six months has been to the Caribbean and Tahiti. Another beach? great, but not so great I'm lowering my rates.
    Client wants to zipline in Costa Rica. Rentguy loves the idea, has wanted to do that. But in order to go, needs to pass on several earning opportunities that are factors in his rate.

    I'm not opining that the travel experience and expense can't or shouldn't be a factor, but rather that we clients shouldn't always expect that rates-for-time will be reduced as a result. It's a potential source of frustration.
    My approach... when I knew rentguys well enough that I'd travel with them, and we'd seen each other multiple times, I'd describe what I was planning and ask them to quote a rate. Caveat: I don't cite this as a successful method. The times I tried it, the rentguy either declined the opportunity, or quoted a rate I wasn't willing to pay.
    My travel experience is limited to nearby excursions... a couple of nights in Russian River, a multi-day visit that included time in my suburban home and an overnight getaway in San Francisco, or just nearby 1 or 2 nighters here on the Northern California Coast. I don't think any of them charged any less than their daily rate for those visits. They're fond memories nonetheless. Well, mostly.
    Hope to be able to update with 2018 experience.
  18. Like
    FTM Zachary Prince reacted to MikeBiDude in How to have clients who'd like to travel?   
    Not all of us do pay a lot of attention to them. Escorts aren’t menus.
  19. Like
    FTM Zachary Prince reacted to marylander1940 in I'm calling to give you as a birthday gift to my boyfriend/husband? How likely is that to happen?   
    Yeah, but I'm asking how often this is a fantasy that will end up in a cancellation because of one of the partners doesn't want to do it? According to what I've been told by escorts this never happens, rarely goes from texting to reality.
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    FTM Zachary Prince reacted to AndreFuture in I'm calling to give you as a birthday gift to my boyfriend/husband? How likely is that to happen?   
    If the client was genuinely interested in going through with it (and not just fantasizing), it sounds like it would be fun, so long as the gift recipient also knows and is OK with the arrangement. #ConsentIsSexy
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    FTM Zachary Prince reacted to escortrod in I'm calling to give you as a birthday gift to my boyfriend/husband? How likely is that to happen?   
    It would depend on the precise circumstances. For example, I wouldn't be comfortable going to somebody's home without them knowing about it ahead of time (especially in the US). Done the right way I'd be up for it.
  22. Like
    FTM Zachary Prince reacted to + peterhung85 in Which escorts are REALLY enthusiastic about being with older clients?   
    Actually many "household name escorts" here on the forum know, who I am referring to; there is a 94 yr old gentleman whom I visit regularly and he is just naturally horny.... hope when I get to that age I can keep it up just like him
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    FTM Zachary Prince reacted to nsguy45 in Which escorts are REALLY enthusiastic about being with older clients?   
    Two escorts, both in their twenties, told me that they have had sessions with clients in their early eighties. One made an outcall to an 82-year-old in a nursing home, where the client successfully fucked the escort in his private room.
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    FTM Zachary Prince reacted to + VictorPowers in Which escorts are REALLY enthusiastic about being with older clients?   
    @freecahill1965 memtioned me earlier in the thread. I can confirm he's correct. I'm an old soul at heart and always enjoy the company of an older man. I just had a conversation with a local daddy and I explained to him that some older guys "make me weak in the knees".
  25. Like
    FTM Zachary Prince reacted to + peterhung85 in Which escorts are REALLY enthusiastic about being with older clients?   
    It is not a requirement, rather a preference but 45+ is really the type of clientele I enjoy interacting with. I will tell you in person as to why
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