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Posts posted by Inkdnaija00

  1. It can be an expensive habit. I have 2-3 guys I see in regular rotation plus I’m always on the lookout for new ones that might interest me. I try to limit myself to once a month but sometimes that doesn’t last. I’m probably spending upwards of $2K per year, maybe more. It’s my one indulgence I suppose.


    Same here

  2. We finally did speak. He describes his SI and it sounds legitimate. No mention of a deposit before mtg, which was a plus. Im interested, but still skeptical if the person I'm talking to will turn out to be the guy in the pics. Let us know what happens @Inkdnaija00


    Oh I definitely will!!!

  3. I sent a text and he said he is willing to have a phone consultation and does not require the prepay before mtg, only to set the appointment??...???? Going to see if he answers the phone and if he is willing to meet face to face. If he adds up to the profile, I won't have a problem making a deposit for an immediate appt. ?. I'm considerably less hopeful about this one.


    Did he answer

  4. I hope that this doesn't become a "thing" where we all veer off topic and attack each other's personal choices, but:

    My personal feelings are that if you advertise as being in DC, you should actually be in DC, not the "DMV" or "inside the Beltway." Again, this is me thing. I don't have a car and find getting to that part of MD to be a pain in the ass.

    W/r/t my "bonus" comment, it was meant to be sarcastic. Again, these are only my personal feelings, but I generally dislike masseurs who ask for pictures (unless they're really hot, in which case I'm shallow enough to cut them some slack), especially if they ask for pictures before any other discussion. (Of course, if this were Grindr or Scruff, I'd share pics immediately.)

    FYI, I did follow up with him without sending a pic - he's fine with naked, mutual touch and release. Release raises the price to $150. He also offered "mutual release" for $200, which I think means he's DTF? Not sure, but he did let me know his "tool is massive." I declined.


    First of all, asking for pic? He has a type n will definitely move on from there


    Second of all 200 to 300 for a massage? He better be Javier!


    Lastly, you are absofuckinglutely right, it is your money, your choice!

  5. Just found out...old photos for sure. Tobacco breath, does not kiss, does not carry lube. Does have impressive equipment and seems like a nice enough guy but will not repeat.


    Thank God I dodged

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