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Posts posted by BigNoiseDallas

  1. @BigNoiseDallas @fm0322 I hear you. It has happened to me and it can be disappointing. But in reality there are gazilions of reasons. One masseur who I had sort of become friendly with got into a relationship and had to stop and went off the grid for a year or so, others have family issues or job issues, who knows. It’s probably rarely ever about he clients. Plus it’s easy for clients to get more attached to the masseur than the masseur to the client. They see many a day / a week, and we see them in a more focused way. It’s an interesting dynamic actually. But again who knows the reasons? Best to move on.


    Yes, agreed. It's been particularly frustrating because several other favorites that I've used over the years have left Dallas for either personal or professional reasons, and I'm having a tough time finding a regular who has all the qualities I'm looking for. The search continues! Thanks!

  2. I’m struggling with this issue too. A masseur I have seen for years stopped responding to messages. In the past he’s gone MIA and surfaces after months of silence. His ad remains in MF yet no response when I’ve sent texts. My natural instinct is to make it about me and feel hurt. I am disappointed to take him off my list because he was great fun. But off my list he goes.


    I've had several masseurs flake out on me -- no explanation, they just quit responding -- and I had seen them all several times. One has since dropped his ad, I understand that another one has retired from the business, and the third one still has an ad that shows he's out of town -- but another poster here said the third masseur is out of the business and no longer in Dallas. And they, too, were good masseurs and all great fun.

  3. He may have a day job and not reply to messages during his other job.


    Maybe he was sleeping or otherwise busy.


    Maybe he's getting a lot of messages and is trying to figure out how many people he can book.


    Maybe he's traveling today, but won't be available in your area until the end of the week.


    Since the potential appointment is a few days in the future, I wouldn't text again today. That would give him a chance to take care of what ever is going on today. If you want to touch base tomorrow, that would probably be o.k. If he doesn't respond at all (even with a "I'm booked" or "No, thanks"), then I could consider that unprofessional and would not utilize his services.


    Good thoughts, appreciate the feedback.

  4. I texted a well-reviewed masseur about 10 hours ago, politely asking if he was available for a session this coming weekend, and haven't received a reply. He's not local and will be travel here later this week, but from what I can tell he's still in his home city. His website says that texting to set up an appointment is OK, and I double-checked to make sure I texted to the correct phone # (I did).


    Should I text a second time this evening or give it a few more hours? He also has a secure booking form that I could use, especially since it's the first time I've tried to schedule with him.


    Thoughts and opinions?

  5. Have you communicated with him? And........?? I can tell a lot by initial communications in which I include picture (face) and what I am looking for in a massage.


    I haven't yet. Tried to schedule something this morning with another masseur with rave reviews -- only to find out he doesn't do incalls on Saturday mornings, which are my best time to schedule. Thanks for the advice!

  6. Its not you. It has happened to most of us. I don't get it either. Some masseurs are so lacking in what it means to be a professional. They don't respond. They don't confirm. They don't seem interested in you. Its all about him. Just the way it is. Terp


    Over the years I've had this happen with 3 or 4 masseurs. The big difference? I had seen two of them (professional and personal partners) separately and together multiple times over a few years, and had seen the third one about 3 times in 3 months. Then they all ghosted me -- one never replied to 3 respectful texts in a 24-hour period , one said he wanted to schedule but never replied, and the third one asked me to reschedule because it was the night before a holiday -- he even suggested the day after the holiday. And HE never replied. They're all out of the massage business now.

  7. I asked him that and also what city he was moving to. No reply. I had just spoke with him on the 16th asking if he would be in town this weekend and he said yes. Then text today and that is what he told me.


    Interesting. I booked sessions w/ him when he was partnered w/ Greg (fireguy). I also used Greg separately and booked a few four-handed sessions with them, and they seemed fine with that arrangement.


    About a year after Ronnie stopped scheduling me, Greg quit on me as well -- after a few back-and-forths of saying he would schedule something, he stopped replying. Now they're not together anymore and I think that Greg has stopped doing massage completely. It's a shame, because they were great (separately and together).

  8. If you guys mean.



    I spoke to him today and he said he moved and is no longer doing massage in Dallas.


    Shouldn't he take down his profile or at least say that on his profile? I booked him several times a few years ago and he was awesome, and I thought things were fine -- until the day that he flaked out on me. I wanted to schedule a massage and texted him 3 times over a 24-hour period -- not back-to-back, mind you, but the first text -- then the second text 3-4 hours later, then the third text around noon the next day -- and he never replied. No reason given why he fired me as a client.

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