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Everything posted by Avalon

  1. That's why my heroes are dead like the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. Still something like the Crown Jewels are holy to the Polish people and should not be given to its then godless government.
  2. I'm not a cook. Friday night I'd but a pizza and a six pack of diet Pepsi and I'd be set for the weekend. Sometimes at the Subway Shop I'd buy 5 foot long sandwiches. I'd be set for the entire week. Taco Bell had a 10 pack. I'd get 5 tacos and 5 burritos and be set for several days. There was an East Indian place. I'd get half-a-dozen items for take home and I'd be set for days. Such fond memories!
  3. In Poland I would have waited until the Communist regime fell. Though at the time no one would know when that would happen. And Hungary - I'd give them to the Hapsburg claimant to the Throne. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_von_Habsburg Interesting that Franco offered him the Throne of Spain.
  4. Sadly to the Communist regime. Just like Carter gave the Hungarian Crown Jewels to Communist Hungary.
  5. The last Kings of Poland were the Tsars of Russia. Before that the ruler of Saxony. Before that it was an elective monarchy. Whoever that person was he might have been the descendant of one of the elected monarchs but he had no real actual legitimate claim to the Polish Throne. Btw one of the 88 constellations is named to honor a Polish King. http://www.constellationsofwords.com/Constellations/Scutum.htm
  6. I was one invited to dine with the King of Egypt. Years ago I used to belong to some British monarchist group and one year at their annual banquet the guest of honor would be the person if Egypt had a monarch he would be the King.
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Million_Little_Things This is supposed to be the ABC counter to "This is Us". In the recent episode the 11yo came out to his mother and sister. He had mentioned he had a crush on someone named Ella. He now told them it was Elliott. He had already confided to a family friend that he was gay. His mother and sister were both accepting.
  8. If I could have but one food for the rest of my life it would be pizza with anchovies and pineapple. I don't think I've eaten pizza this century. I was so surprised when friends told me how unhealthy it was. It has all the food groups. Bread, meat, fruit, vegetables, dairy.
  9. I had a friend who was such a Kim Novak fan that he named his daughter Kim. His favorite movie was "Vertigo".
  10. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Love%20muscle On the recent episode of "Schooled" the coach said that the heart was the "love muscle". I had thought that it was a different organ.
  11. One on one. Common topic. No doubt been discussed many times. I was watching the recent episode of "A Million Little Things". Back story four guys become friends when trapped in an elevator. They ask each other who would they have dinner with. My answer has changed over time but currently I'd choose the centaur Chiron. He had so many students spanning generations; like he taught both Achilles and his father Peleus. Chiron was friends with Hercules. Achilles met Patroclus while at Chiron's school. Saint Augustine of Hippo said when he was a boy that he wept when reading in the "Aeneid" of Aeneas deserting Dido. I'm not fond of Achilles. Imo the noble Hector is the real hero in the Trojan War. But the grief that young Achilles showed when Chiron was dying is most touching. Chiron was a much better father to Achilles than Peleus ever was! I recently got the Loeb Classic edition of Ovid's "Fasti". Latin on one page and English on the opposite. For 3 May it tells of the dying centaur and Achilles. https://www.theoi.com/Georgikos/KentaurosKheiron.html Theoi is one of my favorite sites for mythology.
  12. The show has returned. I thought that Carl's girlfriend had disappeared. She was camped outside his military school and one of the other cadets helped her disappear. I miss Ian. It was the same old intro but his name was not in the credits.
  13. In the recent episode in passing the Caitians were mentioned. I don't know if this is the same feline race as in the Star Trek universe. http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Caitian Imo "The Orville" is much better that the CBS Star Trek! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The character Alara has left the show. She reminded me of Tasha Yar. https://www.denofgeek.com/us/tv/the-orville/278618/the-orville-halston-sage-alara-departure In the episode where Alara left the actors who played the doctors on "Voyager" and "Enterprise" were guest stars.
  14. I did buy clippers; got them last week. Still in the box. I was slow in using the walker too but am now glad I did. I used to take a daily walk to a mom & pop store. I'd walk by a hair salon about midway. One day - almost four years ago (it will be next month) - a woman came out and asked if I wanted a free haircut. I said yes. Haircut was a few days later. I did give her a tip. While there a male barber asked me if I wanted a free shave. A few days later I got it. I wanted my beard to grow a little. I gave him a tip also. Since retiring I used to shave twice a week. But about six months ago it got too difficult to stand that long to shave.
  15. No. I'm just letting it grow.
  16. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Blue_Book_(TV_series) In the recent episode there was a brief scene of two men kissing at a beatnik bar.
  17. What is the purpose of a female having anal sex since they don't have a prostate? There is no pleasure.
  18. https://www.gaystarnews.com/article/50-weirdest-and-coolest-facts-lgbti-history200215/#gs.d284hOoQ Here is more info about the Byzantine Emperor Basil I http://queerhistory.blogspot.com/2010/09/basil-i-of-byzantium-867-886.html
  19. Yes indeed! http://www.newnownext.com/roswell-gay-the-cw/01/2019/
  20. https://www.losangelesblade.com/2019/01/14/out-actor-jonathan-bennett-joins-celebrity-big-brother-season-two/ I saw a promo for it. Jonathan Bennett will be in it. Looking forward to seeing him. Awhile back I watched him in this delightful gay movie! https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4723724/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_20
  21. The walker has been a great help. I would not be able to get around the apartment without it.
  22. I've not had a haircut in almost four years. And I have not shaved in over six months. My apartment shares the parking lot with a hair salon. My landlord was just here. I told him that I'd like / needed a haircut and shave. So he went over and brought me one of stylist's business cards. She was not in. So I'm going to call in a few days. She'll need to come here. I want it simple. I have no one to impress. Just set the clippers on 0.
  23. She had such a peculiar voice. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carol_Channing
  24. Gives it a whole new meaning!
  25. As much as I like Belami they could improve on their kissing!
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