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Everything posted by KS87

  1. Very rarely do ppl get pegged for a member of a racial group they dont belong to. Unless he is Alaskan Inuit or from the very eastern border of Soviet territories which would make sense because all have Mongolian influence generations ago but recycled thru the centuries. How someone identifies is not often useful in determining factual info. Kinda like a transgender saying im a woman while pulling out the biggest dick to per standing at a urinal.
  2. The metaphors are awesome! That name tho. Really?
  3. Hi builder i dont know how he identifies but anyone who has seen his facial features knows this is not up for debate. He is clearly a mixture of caucasian and asian. His features look like Keanu reeves or dean cain to me. Two clear examples of mixed caucasian/asian handsome men.
  4. Thanks for your expert opinion on the va. I hope it worked out. Vets deserve the best care.
  5. Ptsd is so rampant amongst these guys. They have seen alot. Many older vets feel forgotten and unappreciated. I need not mention some of these men are magnificent specimens beyond belief and are often unaware to that fact which is often their best quality.
  6. The post was a double entendre of sorts. I think it was important to honor vets on their special day. I also know few amazing vets who are no longwr active duty finding their way. I have made them aware that they are near and dear to the hearts of many women and also gay men. I think some matches could be likely if people are into the authentic uniform scene and are ok dealing with heterosexual veterans.
  7. If your in nyc and dont have any marines or vets to personally thank please pm me.
  8. Marylander are you in boston? There are alot of "Marky Marks" there. They all live in South Boston and are all boxers. It seems to be a thing up there. Lets just say they know they have fans and they use it to their advantage.
  9. If your gonna fantasize might as well make it good. Most fantasize about the types you see and can get everyday. You went for the exclusive n elusive. Thats the whole point!!!
  10. Theres a 6"3 250 football player in indy super duper discrete.
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