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  1. Some of us are just new to this or some are just here to read and rarely post anything.
  2. Just because YOU were not allowed to advertise on MF doesn't mean karma will get them... MF has been around for years... It's a great website and has helped us all finding great people and friends. They are going trough a hard time because of the new laws. My question is: Why would YOU want to advertise on MF anyway... MF is a website for MASSEURS. Qualified and TRAINED for the most part (I know not all of them are) but perhaps they kicked you out because YOU are not a masseur. I don't think MF deserves this kind of treatment. They are a great website that has changed the way gay, bi and curious men find massage therapist. I will miss them if they do go away Try to be more respectful please!
  3. I'm hard just thinking about it. I'll give him a try and report back regarding his limits.
  4. Damn he's hot AF. Anyone tried him? What are his limits?
  5. If I got texts like that I would assume the escort likes me! am I wrong? Customer Service? really?
  6. Are we talking about the same Alan? I've seen him 2 times and he's always been interactive with me. He’s very genuine and friendly as well.
  7. I went for a 60 minutes deep tissue and they booked me with a russian girl. She was not good at all... I felt like I wasted my money but maybe there are some good ones... anyone knows of a good masseur at VIDA??
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