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Posts posted by GR0981

  1. He switched names a few times. I saw him in NYC. Nice guy can be a little awkward and silent at first. He does have scars on his body from a birth defect I believe he explains on his profile.


    I had a good time but he was seeing clients back to back and then he was definitely on something. Performed great though.

  2. I know a few of the dancers in NYC - they said that this Greg guy (the guy who got stabbed) does offer lodging to visiting dancers to NYC and that he is a big creep and does unwanted advances that he feels is warranted due to the cheap lodging he provides. Does it justify getting stabbed 17 times? eeeeh - if the dancer is true (he has no record of crime or whatever) then this guy did sexually assault him.

  3. I'm escaping NYC during 4th of July and spending some time up north. I did search but didn't find anything too recent. Does anyone have any good recs for Montreal? looking for muscular guys who are into kissing, vers play.


    A big bonus is that the exchange rate for the US vs Canadian dollar makes these guys a bargain.


    I've been looking at these ads:







    I guess I could also check out StockBar and Campus and arrange a private there, but any insight would be appreciated. Thanks!

  4. He does Adonis in NY quite frequently and I had a private with him. However for the rate he's charging and what he does is not worth it to me. I found you could probably pay him cheaper via a private dance in Adonis and do the same thing he does in an appointment. He does look like his pics and one of the few Adonis dancers that doesn't have terrible tattoos and isn't super aggressive in the club.


    Also when he started advertising on RM, I messaged him. I had to change the time of our appointment by an hour and he went on a crazy rant on how I "must be an ugly faggot that why I need to pay for company" and kept texting me for the entire day with angry rants when I opted to cancel entirely, even though I gave a good six hours heads up on the time change - so take that what you will.

  5. I would be a little wary about hiring him - just like other users said he's a frequent performer at Adonis but I always found him to be particularly aggressive (and I think there's a strange piercing on his face) in getting lapdances and there's a language barrier. He does look like his pics though.

  6. Thanks. Nicky still shows up under the ..Adonis LA model section...I think I need to go there and actually see if the dancers know anything during our lap dance..our drive out to Palm Springs to that one. Maybe Kerry found true love and is on his honeymoon ..on never knows what happens as there are lots of scenarios . I wish him well wherever he may be


    @BigRic - have you heard from him at all? I see him regularly as well and he usually tells me when he's going break but I also have been getting zero responses from him.

  7. Haha was just texting with Seth earlier this afternoon.


    Hey Ric - can you PM me? I'm new to this forum but a semi-regular at Adonis, and had a question for you, but I think since I'm so new I can't directly message you.

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