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Everything posted by JUWS

  1. Good question, haven't been to see him for long time......
  2. Hysterical! I was thinking something along the same lines, I'm surprised they didn't slide off the table haha! Very hot video, but funny regarding the oil.
  3. I was wondering the same after reading that post because the Philip I had before also was big into upselling during the massage which drives me crazy! So....?? 🤔
  4. yes it is a generally a table that you lay on and the masseur will wash and scrub you down with soap, salts etc and rinse you off. I have also been to places where it is like a tub, but not deep, and does indeed have a drain. You decide if you want to do it before or after your massage. Very refreshing, but of course an additional cost. Give it a try and see if it's for you 😁
  5. Hahaha! That's what I said in my post too! 👏🤪😂🤣
  6. What's the family swap series?
  7. I say be careful, as he/they messaged me back a few minutes after my previous post above saying the $200 is "only for the one guy available now". Something smells fishy!😂
  8. I messaged him/them per the Rentmen listing asking if only 1 guy or two as pics don't all seem like same guy. Answer was 2 guys $200. Why don't they say it's 2 guys, I mean really why not be forthcoming in the profile?....
  9. I didn't see that in the ad, so I messaged him and he said $500! 😲 Well not on my list of possibilities, lol!
  10. What did he quote you for massage rate?
  11. Yes! Got my 2nd on Sunday here in NYC. Was glad to see so many guys and a few others, turn out there!
  12. Cool! Most likely someone cancelled and you were at right place at the right time haha! That's great! I was able to get my appointment quickly online at 4:05pm, shot #2 Sunday morning!
  13. Good news for some of us NYers; you can now get the second dose if your first was given at least 28 days ago! Tomorrow starting at 4pm online or via phone you can make your appointment 😃 vax4nyc.nyc.gov/monkeypox or calling 877-VAX-4NYC. 🍾
  14. My email/text says only for those who had first shot 10 weeks prior which is not me yet 😪
  15. I got the same notification. But strange as they had initially said one needs to get 2nd dose 4-5 weeks no longer. And this is just now taken from CDCwebsite https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/vaccines/jynneos.html Says 28 days apart or at least within 35 days... so 10 weeks? huh?
  16. Congrats!! Maybe majority have gotten 1st shots already? 🤷‍♂️ I got mine in the Bronx back in July and the line was very long, lots of guys, also lots of volunteers which was nice to see. 😀
  17. Yup! My injection site was swollen purplish red for over 2 weeks and I also had 1 large pimple and what looked like a boil, but both went away after 2 -3 days. Saw my ID doc and he said was definitely reaction, not to worry.
  18. Yes, and what I have read is it's 98% effective 14 days after 2nd dose! (83% 28 days after 1st dose) so seems like the Reddit post took a chance and waited only 9 days after 2nd dose to engage. 🤷‍♂️
  19. Who knows really. I'm in NYC too and my ID doc said there would be, and to not worry. Hopefully he's not just saying that to keep me calm, but I've trusted him for everything else. I guess the other question remains will it be a full shot or split for 5 people? There is a lot of controversy on both sides of the coin regarding this 🤷‍♂️
  20. Yes to the disposable great! But I still wonder about the towels, especially since you say not changed all the time, who can say? All boils down to trust, and how much of a risk one is willing to take I guess..... I'm still going to wait for my 2nd shot, even though my desire is so strong LOL!
  21. UPDATE; Saw my ID doc who said this was definitely reaction to the vaccine and not to worry! Plus they have disappeared after 2 days! No more have shown up and no other symptoms.
  22. I also wonder about the sheets and towels etc that are used. Are they being thoroughly washed hot water soap and dried in hot dryer to kill anything?? I really want to have a massage badly, but all this makes me still say "Wait!" I had my 1st shot last week, so getting there 😂
  23. Thanks for your reply. When I posted on Friday 8/5 I too had 2 "pimples' near to injection site; 1 small big white head looking like it could pop, and the other about 1/2 inch from injection site 1/4 inch round "puffy clear looking boil" as opposed to white head pimple. This morning, 2 days later, they both are almost gone! I guess this must be new side effects that should be posted by CDC and the like, because I could find nothing listed only the other possible side effects, and it was very frustrating not knowing. Seeing an ID doc tomorrow just in case and also so they can notate add to data and pass this on so other docs and patients can know.
  24. Thanks for your reply. I am experiencing the same and also had 2 "pimples" near to the injection site appear, one of which is puffy looks like a "boil". I'm seeing doc on Monday see if anything to be concerned about 🤷‍♂️
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