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Everything posted by TruthBTold

  1. Summertime and the living (or whatever) is easy.
  2. I would love to suds all of that up.
  3. Thanks rvwnsd. He certainly has everything else going for him. So I am glad it worked out in your favor.
  4. Eric Parker from his Flirt4free webcam site (sorry for the size). http://lvlt.vs3.com/images/models/samples/2082745.jpg
  5. From what I read in his profile you should find out what "position" he will allow, although he did post a butt pic with a hole that says, "Hello." Also, from what I infer from the language of his profile it would be smart to find out if you are the "type" that he wishes to take on as his client. He states that he is "very selective in who I take on as a client."
  6. I would definitely surrender to this one.
  7. I like a guy who knows exactly what he wants.
  8. I hate making it all about me but I would really love to pull this slowly down and then run my tongue right down the crack.
  9. I like it when I don't have to tell him what to do.
  10. Modus My Vivendi or let me modus yours.
  11. Really, he'd find out that everything goes better with my mouth.
  12. I stole this. It was one of the pics posted for his birthday but I thought that it could be displayed equally here. http://www.devonhunter.info/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/8051_013.jpg
  13. I find this Dubois guy so cute and fuckable.
  14. Pants on, pants off . . . https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSgddyDWcAEZ6UY.jpg:large
  15. Fuck, I'm drawn just where I want and need to start.
  16. Please come out of your closet and to my house.
  17. For some reason he (Darius Ferdynand) reminds me facially of Richard Engel of NBC news. Do you think the rest is the same?
  18. Imagine the possibilities . . .
  19. You could really grab those as you suck.
  20. I think it would be great if one of the guys we post about could meet your fluffed offering. I see a lot of pleasure in the making.
  21. No definitely not a butt. I was going to use the "Report" button but then I thought I kind of like it.
  22. Just a little something for dinner . . . .
  23. Wow. He should be in the doorway.
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