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Posts posted by wooly

  1. Take my word for it, gentlemen. He is a memorable experience betweenst the sheets not to be missed in a lifetime. Not a review, "just the facts". . .

    Perhaps, in addition to giving us "just the facts" you could learn to post a link yourself.

  2. So, has anyone hired Gymbuiltbuddy (Andrew Irons) since he began escorting again last spring? I believe he's been spending most of his time out in the southwestern part of the country. There haven't been any reviews and I don't believe any of his past clients have connected with him, yet, though they've tried. I'm wondering if he's the same ripped stud he was several years ago before he stopped escorting.

    You should learn to post a link.

  3. with some friends at pride parade. Anyone else playing? Just scored O72 Jay Alexander. A couple more and I win! He looks older in person and kinda short. Still hot though. ;) I followed him around for a while. Even brushed up against him when he stopped for something. Accidentally of course! :p

    Learn to post a link. It is only polite to do so when you request assistance.

  4. It is interesting that there are so many Latin Escorts. I seem to remember that in the not too distant past there were few Latin escorts but now it appears that there are fewer Caucasian escorts than Latin.


    Please do not consider this to be a complaint because I find many Latins to be very hot and desirable.

  5. I didn't draw conclusions, just giving my reactions. His amateur videos speak for themselves.


    If you want to pick a fight, look elsewhere. I'm not big on people trolling me online. If you persist, I'll just withdraw from the conversation so you might have the feeling that you've "won" but instead it's just a sign that I am not interested in playing your game.

    Appears that you have a problem with anyone who questions what you say. That is not fair.

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