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Everything posted by MRJJ

  1. The "About Him" description on his profile makes no sense.
  2. Got it. Thanks for the message.
  3. Thanks for posting. I'm curious as well.
  4. In general, I am finding it to take a few seconds. I was just curious why it's happening??
  5. i got the same thing, and posted something in the Deli section. Sorry, I didn't think to post it here. Does anyone know what this is about?
  6. Can you PM me details on Tommy? I am very interested in him.
  7. Is anyone else getting a message from RM indicating that they are checking your browser before connecting you RM.eu? If so, does anyone know why this is happening?
  8. His profile is now expired, and all pictures are down.
  9. Agreed. One's decision to go on prep is an individual's decision alone, in consultation with a medical professional. It should not be assumed that every sexually active male should just go on it. There may be other factors to consider in regard to one's medical history, of which the masseur may not be aware.
  10. Beautiful body. Wish he was in my area!
  11. Obviously, you made the right decision. It’s not just the preference of whether we feel one should or should not confirm. Since you had a regular practice of confirming with this provider, you were right in questioning the appointment since he did not confirm with you as usual.
  12. If an agreement was made to confirm, I would want confirmation before I trek all the way down to see someone. Most of the masseurs are not that local to me, so it would be a big inconvenience for me to travel only not to have an appointment. Just my 2 cents! @IYH99 - I agree that if he usually confirms, I would be concerned that something is wrong in this circumstance. Hopefully, all is ok.
  13. For me it depends on the massuer. I see some that are really organized, and keep an up to date calendar. Some others are more scattered and I need to confirm 24 hours ahead of time. Like anything else, it depends on the individual.
  14. Try a desktop computer. Hopefully, you will have more luck.
  15. I don't think they are the same guy. If you get a good look at their faces, they are different. Also, assuming that both sets of pictures are relatively recent, MuscleAssets has tattoos, which Steve does not.
  16. Wow. He is beautiful, and hot.
  17. I still find it works best on Internet Explorer, which is the only thing I use IE for these days.
  18. Has anyone seen TV commercials regarding a class action lawsuit regarding PreP? This ad is claiming that there are several negative side effects to its use, including weakening of the bones.
  19. Give this guy a try. He splits his time between FLL and Philly, but is a keeper: https://rentmen.eu/DavidNova
  20. Yes. This changed a couple years back. I had a few masseurs provide access to their private galleries. When RentMasseur changed their policy, I lost access to those pictures.
  21. He may be good looking, but I would never see him after hearing how he treats clients.
  22. I always loved Cody Cummings (the masseur). I always thought he was hot as hell.
  23. JR was just discussed yesterday. Here is the link to that discussion: https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/411-on-massagebyjr.151639/
  24. Tyler's videos always make me happy! https://www.boyfriendtv.com/videos/376948/hot-massage--happy-ending/?tag=body%20builders,handjob,mature,blowjob,massage&withoutId=41337&_=1566819670474&ct=15--1566819669
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