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Everything posted by AdamSmith

  1. To all the peeps posting about the Facebook privacy change... I'm selling these "Voltage Testers" for $24.95.
  2. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-wZkVv9fGRFs/VKVlQqdH_KI/AAAAAAAAZSA/CNiJBX7Sqrs/s1600/obama-birthday-meme-53.jpg
  3. Ah! I don't know what those words mean.
  4. Have hired him several times as an escort, and every time had much the same very very excellent experience as described above by dutchal.
  5. Just retrieved from the fading memory that old crack that Dutch is German spoken with a potato lodged in your mouth.
  6. The Awful German Language Mark Twain https://www.cs.utah.edu/~gback/awfgrmlg.html
  7. My ex-husband is a Cajun who taught me a lot about language pick-up. Of course he was fluent in French, also had one year of Catholic high school Latin, so when we took a week's vacation in Italy, after a day he was speaking a passable pidgin Italian. And watching him, I realized I could do it too. Just from the semester of Dante in facing-page translation. Yesterday I wrote here that I can't understand it spoken to me, but I can speak it very childishly. And of course the effort of doing that is much appreciated.
  8. Also interestingly here in NC on the Coastal Plain (eastern third of the state) especially close to the coast there are pockets of amazingly preserved Elizabethan English pronunciation which was after all the root of the Southern accent.
  9. I can drive 30 minutes into the country outside Raleigh (where I grew up!) and not understand one word.
  10. That reminds that essentially I learned Italian from the Sinclair facing-page Dante. Italian (at my pidgin level) was so much easier than any other language to acquire.
  11. This reminds me of something sort of relevant : the English language has about three times as many words in it as French or (I think) German. Because of the threefold sources Anglo, Saxon and Norman. So we have the Anglo words for meat on the hoof (the oppressed Anglos after 1066 And All That tending the flocks) and the Norman words for meat cooked and served up. Etc. And the Saxon invasions and so on.
  12. Wasn't it 'Schreveningin' with the 'r' essential? I did a bunch of consulting in Nederland in the '80s and that was how they said it. I think.
  13. Really? I can read Italian fairly easily just from French etc but can't understand it spoken at all. Always & ever worth this: Per me si va ne la città dolente, per me si va ne l’etterno dolore, per me si va tra la perduta gente. Giustizia mosse il mio alto fattore: fecemi la divina podestate, la somma sapienza e ‘l primo amore. Dinanzi a me non fuor cose create se non etterne, e io etterno duro. Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate.
  14. From many visits to Paris I thought my French was abominable. I can't understand them. Then I visited (a) southern France and (b) Martinique, and discovered I could understand them and converse fine. Useful lesson.
  15. http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0535/6917/products/consultingdemotivator_grande.jpeg?v=1416776147
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